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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Academic Writing Catalan/Spanish

Academic Writing Catalan/Spanish
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

CATALAN     Sonia Oliver

SPANISH     Mª José López

ENGLISH     Remígio Díaz 

BIO-GEO     Patricia Gil 


This subject is aimed at future secondary school teachers.

The general objective is to familiarise students with academic writing and its didactics: lexico-grammatical, discursive and rhetorical resources of the language; structure and characteristics of different academic texts; recommended methodologies and possible applications of technology.

Pre-course requirements

Level C1, according to CEFR, in the language of the speciality.


1. Master the lexical-grammatical, discursive and rhetorical resources of the language, specific to the different types of academic work.

2. Structure and produce academic texts according to the conventions of the different modalities (recession, paper, article, etc.).

3. Use the reference system (bibliographic, artistic and visual, cinematographic, videographic and other digital information media) in academic works following the reference systems and academic style sheets.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

CE16 Write academic papers using a rigorous methodology and establishing the parameters of appropriate critical interpretation for the effective transmission of ideas with sufficient evidence to corroborate the hypotheses expressed in accordance with academic conventions.

CT1 Critically analyse personal work and use the appropriate resources and strategies for professional improvement.

CT3 Show ethical and responsible behaviour as a citizen and as a professional.

CB6 Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.

CB9 Students are able to communicate their conclusions - and the knowledge and rationale underpinning them - to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

CG1 Formulate reflective and critical, responsible, ethical and respectful judgements about the various players in the educational process (family, school and society).

CG2 Analyse and synthesise information obtained from different environments in order to solve problems or conflict situations, to identify and define the significant elements that constitute a problem in order to solve it with criteria and effectively.

CG3 Integrate and collaborate actively in the achievement of common objectives with other people, areas and organisations.

CG4 Presenting ideas orally and in writing, adapting to different communicative styles and types of activities.

CG6 Knowing, integrating and using Information and Communication Technologies in different fields in an effective and responsible way.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Master the lexical-grammatical, discursive and rhetorical resources of the language, specific to the different types of academic work.

2.Structures and produces academic texts according to the conventions of the different modalities (recessional, paper, article, etc.).

3.Master the referencing system (bibliographic, artistic and visual, cinematographic, videographic and other digital information media) in academic works, following academic reference systems and style sheets.


1.Academic writing. Theoretical and methodological training

2.Tools and resources for working on writing skills in academic environments and the different types of texts.

Evaluation systems and criteria


The assessment of the course will be aimed at determining the extent to which the selected competences have been achieved.

The assessment of the course consists of different parts. All of them must be passed in order to pass the course.

The activity will only be considered completed if the students, once they have made their individual contribution, replicate the contribution of a classmate.

Formal aspects:

Academic papers must be submitted on time.
Academic writing must be structured and elaborated according to the conventions of the different textual modalities worked on (summary/abstract, academic article, etc).
students must:
- Express themselves correctly and appropriately in the different modalities, oral and written.
- Relate theory and practice to build teaching knowledge.
- Master the lexical-grammatical, discursive and theoretical resources of the language, typical of the different types of systematic work.
- Master the system of references (bibliographic, scientific, artistic and visual, cinematographic, videographic and other digital information media) in an academic work and following the reference systems and academic style sheets.






PT - Online submission of Works



PF - Participation in virtual forums and discussions







Bibliography and resources

Bargalló, C. M. (2005). Aprender ciencias a través del lenguaje. Educar, 33, 27-38.

Camps, A. (1994). L’ensenyament de la composició escrita. Barcelona: Barcanova.

Casanovas, M. y Campos, J. F. (2014). Integración de las TIC en la escritura académica: competencia informacional y hábitos de búsqueda. Hekademos: revista educativa digital, (16), 9-16.

Cassany, D. (1993). Reparar la escritura. Didáctica de la corrección de lo escrito. Barcelona: Graó.

Cassany, D. (1999). Construir la escritura. Barcelona: Paidós.

Cassany, D., LUNA, M., SANZ, G. (2019). Enseñar lengua. Barcelona: Graó.

Castelló, M., Bañales, G. y Vega, N. A. (2011). Leer múltiples documentos para escribir textos académicos en la universidad: o cómo aprender a leer y escribir en el lenguaje de las disciplinas. Pro-Posições, Campinas, 22(1), 97-114.

Centro de Recursos para la Escritura Académica del Tecnológico de Monterrey. CREA. (2012). Normas de citación de la información de otros.

Hymes, D. (1972). Competencia comunicativa. Editorial Pride and Holmes.

Martín, T. (2015). La escritura académica: pautas. Instituto Cervantes, 172-180.

Moreno, F. (2010). Cómo escribir textos académicos según normas internacionales: APA, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver e ICONTEC. Barranquilla: Ediciones Uninorte.

Nussbaum, L. (2003). De cómo aprender lenguas y contenidos curriculares actuando. Aula de Innovación Educativa, 129, pp. 20-23

Torres, J. L., Calla, K. M., Castañeda, E. S., Mory, W., y Pumacayo, I. I. (2020). Tecnología de la información y comunicación y las competencias comunicativas en estudiantes universitarios. Revista Espacios, 41(46), 281-297.