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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


Given the increasing specialization of their field, health professionals need to have the resources and skills to avoid fragmentary or partial views of the patient. To achieve this goal, the subject of Anthropology offers students a comprehensive and coherent development of the idea of the human being that facilitates the recognition of the plurality of their dimensions (physical, mental, social and spiritual) and an appropriate way to integrate them.

Concepts such as health, illness, pain or suffering require, to be properly understood, a global view of the human being which must take into account its vulnerability and its dignity. The subject of Anthropology will give students a profound and rigorous reflection on the nature of the human being, its possibilities and limits, a reflection that the practice of a health profession inevitably requires.

Finally, the subject of Anthropology will provide the students with a better understanding of the necessary coordination between the technical and the human dimension of their profession. The understanding of such coordination will serve to overcome the limitations of a purely technical response to disease and illness and will also contribute to improving the humanistic aspects of the professional skills of the students, meeting in this way society’s demands.

Pre-course requirements

Not required.


To analyze critically and relexively the different interpretations of human being that are dominant in our socio-cultural system.

To obtain a global vision of the human person, as a complex and pluridimensional reality.

To provide conceptual tools to analyze and to evaluate the different issues relating to human existence in the contemporary world, emphazising especially those aspects relevant to health practitioners.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. To be able to identify and criticize any fragmented vision of human being.

2. To be able to apply the principle of human dignity to the different situations related to ther professional practice.

3. To have acquired a global and comprehensive understanding of health and illness.

4. To have acquired a broad range of concepts of the structure of human being especially related to corporeality, afectivity, freedom, sociability and vulnerability.


Chapter 0. Anthropology and Health Sciences

Chapter 1. Sapiens. Knowledge and Life

Chapter 2. Human Being and Cosmos

Chapter 3. The Development of Human Being through Culture

Chapter 4. The Problem of Freedom

Chapter 5. Human Embodiment

Chapter 6. Affective Dimension: Emotions and Passions

Chapter 7. The Therapeutical Use of Speech

Chapter 8. Human Relations

Chapter 9. Respect and Dignity of the Human Person

Chapter 10. The Vulnerability of the Person: Pain and Suffering

Chapter 11. The Experience of Illness

Chapter 12. The Human Being facing Death

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Theoretical and practical classes.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

- Partial Exam: 10%

- Final exam: 90% (passing this test is essential to pass the subject)



Bibliography and resources

- Amengual, G., Antropología Filosófica, BAC, Madrid, 2007. - Boixareu, R. M. (coord.), De l'antropologia filosòfica a l'antropologia de la salut, Càtedra Ramon Llull, Blanquerna, Barcelona, 2003 - Torralba i Roselló, F., Antropología del cuidar, Fundación Mapfre Medicina, Barcelona, 1998.
- Vicente Arregui, J. y Choza, J., Filosofía del hombre. Una antropología de la intimidad, ICF-UNAV, Rialp, Madrid, 1995.
- Yepes Stork, R., Fundamentos de antropología, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1997.

- Anrubia, E. (ed.), La fragilidad de los hombres. La enfermedad, la filosofía y la muerte, Eds. Cristiandad, Madrid, 2008.
- Anrubia, E. (ed.), Filosofías del dolor y la muerte, Ed. Comares, Granada, 2007.
- Escribano, X. (ed.), Territoris humans de la salut. Societat, cultura i valors en el món sanitari, Ed. Dux, Barcelona, 2008.
- Roqué, M. V. (ed.), El sentido del vivir en el morir, Thomson-Reuters Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2013


-  Alsina, J., Los orígenes helénicos de la medicina occidental,  Barcelona: Labor, 1992.
-  Andorno, R., Bioética y dignidad de la persona, Tecnos, Madrid, 1998.
- Buber, M., ¿Qué es el hombre?, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Madrid, 1986.
- Choza, J., Humanismo de la ancianidad; en Los otros humanismos, Pamplona: Eunsa, 1994.
- Gadamer, H. G., El estado oculto de la salud, Gedisa, Barcelona, 2001.
- Gehlen, A., El hombre. Su naturaleza y su lugar en el mundo, Sígueme, Salamanca, 1987.
- González García, M. (comp.), Filosofía y dolor; Madrid: Tecnos, 2006.
- Hennezel, Marie de, La mort íntima, Columna, Barcelona, 2000.
- Jaspers, K., La práctica médica en la era tecnológica; Barcelona: Gedisa, 2003.
- Jonas, H., Técnica, medicina y ética, Paidós, Barcelona, 1997.
- Jünger, E., Sobre el dolor, Tusquets, Barcelona, 2003.
- Laín-Entralgo, Pedro, La relación médico-enfermo, Revista de Occidente, Madrid, 1964.
- Laín-Entralgo, P., El arte de la curación por la palabra en la antigüedad clásica, Barcelona: Anthropos
- Landsberg, P. L., Ensayo sobre la experiencia de la muerte, Ed. Caparrós, Madrid, 1995.
- Ortega y Gasset, J., Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos; Madrid: Alianza, 2000
- Pellegrino, E. D. i Thomasma, D.A., A philosophical basis of Medical Practice. Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions, New York, Oxford University Press, 1981.
- Nussbaum, La terapia del deseo, Paidós, Barcelona, 2003.
- Roqué, Mª. V., Médico y paciente. El lado humano de la medicina, Ed. Dux, Barcelona, 2007.
- Russo, G., Il medico. Identità e ruoli nella società di oggi, Edizioni Internazionali, Roma, 2004
- Scheler, M., Muerte y supervivencia, Ed. Encuentro, Madrid, 2001.
- Scheler, M., El puesto del hombre en el cosmos, Revista de Occidente, Madrid, 1936.
- Torralba, F., Filosofía de la Medicina, Institut Borja de Bioètica. Fundación Mapfre Medicina, Madrid, 2001.
- Vicente Arregui, J., El horror de morir; Barcelona, Tibidabo, 1992.

- Bauby, J.-D., La escafandra y la mariposa, Ed. Planeta, Barcelona, 2008.
- Pérez de Laborda, M. et alia, ¿Quiénes somos? Cuestiones en torno al ser humano. Ed. Eunsa, Pamplona, 2018.
- Sacks, O., L'home que va confondre la seva dona amb un barret, Ed. Proa, Barcelona, 2001.
- Szczeklik, A., Catarsis, Sobre el poder curativo de la naturaleza y el arte, Acantilado, Barcelona, 2010.
- Szczeklik, A., Core. Sobre enfermos, enfermedades y la búsqueda del alma de la medicina, Acantilado, Barcelona, 2012.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 22/05/2025 A12 10:00h