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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Prácticas Académicas Externas

Prácticas Académicas Externas
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Appointments should be requested by email.


The Practicum aims to give the student the opportunity to enter the professional field and to put into practice the learning acquired in the various subjects studied for the Bachelor’s Degree. The main aim is to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a psychologist, to practice the profession independently while learning from models (psychologists and other health professionals), guided by the Academic Tutor, who is responsible for supporting and facilitating the learning process.

The work settings are as varied as the profession itself and include hospitals, private practice, companies and schools.

In addition to the Academic Tutor, each student is assigned a tutor in the work placement centre who will encourage self-evaluation and put forward actions to improve learning, further independence and an interest in continuous training. The students will be allocated to a number of well-reputed centres and will work with accredited professionals who will help to enrich and broaden their knowledge.

A proportion of the hours and the mark for the Practicum will be for the Social Rotation.


Se tiene que leer la guía del pracitucm que está colgada dentro de la asignatura. 

Pre-course requirements


The allocation of places will be carried out according to the following criteria:

- Having completed and passed the subject of Laboratorio de Apuestas I, II, III and having 90% of the credits approved in the first, second and third years of the Degree in Psychology.

- Students must have taken and passed these subjects to do each of the practicums:

  • Psychology of Education to do internships in education.
  • Psychology of Organizations to do internships in companies.
  • Child psychopathology and adult psychopathology for clinical practice. To carry out the practices in Care it is mandatory to have taken and passed the Palliative Care subject.

Students must take at least one optional (6 ECTS) linked to the practicum area of their choice. This criterion will not apply to those who are leaving Erasmus.

The distribution of places will take place in early September.

In the clinical and educational fields, the assignment will be made individually with the internship coordinator in strict order of academic record grade, taking into account the specificities of each internship center.

In the field of business, the assignment will be made through a selection process by each internship center.


1. To acquire theoretical and practical knowledge.

2. To acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to assist practitioners in different situations.

3. To deepen knowledge, skills and attitudes in specific areas of professional practice.

4. To develop therapeutic, relationship and communication skills when working with the patient/client/worker and other people involved.

5. To observe, identify and master the skills of an expert in the different psychological treatments and interventions.

6. To observe, become familiar with and exercise, under guidance, the different roles of the psychologist and the role of the different professionals within multidisciplinary teams.

7. To participate, under guidance and according to the demands of the work placement centre, in the required work.

8. To be familiar with the various resources and manage them responsibly.

9. To acquire specific therapeutic and technical skills depending on the unit or work placement centre assigned.

10. To know and apply the ethical principles and deontology of the profession.

11. To know and understand the importance of networking with the professionals involved in each case.

12. To know and respect the importance of the protection of the data of patients, customers, users or employees and the need to preserve their privacy.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. To become familiar with the professional reality of the psychologist in a specific applied field.

2. To apply the knowledge of psychology in a work environment, using programmes, activities and services in that field.

3. To collaborate with other professionals (from psychology and other areas), as well as make decisions and resolve conflicts.

4. To become integrated and work together in the team.

5. To establish a diagnosis where required.

6. To know the fundamentals of ethics and how to apply them to the professional context of the psychologist, understanding that psychology is a discipline in which all professional work must be carried out in such a way that it does not harm the dignity, freedom or life of others or oneself.



1. Processes of observation and contextualisation, both in relation to situations in the institution /work placement centre and the Psychological intervention.

2. Knowledge and analysis of observed data and basic documentation.

3. Acquisition of experience, integration of previously acquired knowledge and skills and their application in a real clinical, educational and business environment.

4. Experience in aspects of communication, especially in the psychologist-patient relationship and also in inter-professional relations and between levels of care.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Learning activities:

CP- Clinical practice.

AN- Autonomous work. Portfolio preparation.

SR- Social Rotation.

RJSR- Reflective Journal Social Rotation.

Teaching methodology:

● External work placements (EI)

● Personal Academic Tutoring (PAT)

● Autonomous Learning (AL) 

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

La evaluación de las prácticas de los alumnos se basa en 3 sistemas integrados entre sí, que ofrecen una imagen fiable y completa del aprendizaje del alumno. 

1º) Evaluación realizada por el tutor del centro de prácticas que acompaña al alumno durante el proceso de aprendizaje. Esta evaluación supone el 30% de la nota de prácticas. Esta nota, evidentemente, no es revisable.

2º) Elaboración y entrega de un Portfolio de Prácticas. Se facilitará un guión para la realización de este. Supondrá un 65% de la nota de las prácticas y la evaluación del mismo la realizará el tutor académico. 

3º) Cumplimiento de las 40 horas del rotatorio social. El certificado del centro que lo avale tiene que entregarse vía MOODLE en la fecha correspondiente. Tendrá un peso del 5% en la nota final. 

4º) Rellenar online la encuesta de satisfacción con las prácticas. Si se hacen prácticas en dos centros, es necesario rellenar una encuesta por cada centro. 

Para hacer la media hay que tener aprobados (5/10) la evaluación realizada por el tutor del centro de prácticas así como el Portfolio de prácticas, y haber entregado el certificado del rotatorio social.

Se restarán dos puntos de la nota final si no se entrega la documentación correspondiente en plazo. 

La no comunicación de una incidencia al tutor académico supondrá una bajada de 1 punto sobre la nota final. 

La no asistencia a las prácticas o el incumplimiento del horario o las reglas establecidas supondrá no poder aprobar el Practicum.