Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Business Management
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
This course of Business Management aims to enable students to apply diverse decision making methods in different function areas of a company, understand economic consequences of management decisions, and see how the company is affected by its external environment.
Pre-course requirements
No pre-course requirements
- Identify main elements of a business company, as an economic agent
- Understand architecture of business costs and how to manage them effectively
- Study decision making strategies and their economic consequences
- Study strategies of dealing with risks and uncertainty
- Understand how to achieve breakeven and beyond
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- 12 - To be familiar with the main concepts and theories of economic and business philosophy.
- 13 - To be familiar with and understand the terms and processes of company management.
- 17 - To be familiar with the mathematical models used to describe financial phenomena.
- 20 - To make decisions on resource optimisation using mathematical tools.
- 27 - To be able to read and understand literature on economic and business issues.
- 31 - To develop the ability to identify and interpret numerical data.
- 32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.
- 34 - To develop the ability to predict situations and anticipate events, as well as be able to recognise and interpret an economic situation within a specific context.
- 35 - To analyse time series.
- 36 - To interpret quantitative and qualitative data and apply mathematical and statistical tools to business processes.
- 37 - To be able to apply managerial methods, tools and techniques.
- 38 - To be able to connect the main variables (both formal and informal) which influence human behaviour in an organisation.
- 39 - To acquire the ability to solve problems and make decisions based on relevant information, applying the appropriate methods and situating the problem within the organisation as a whole.
- 41 - To be able to descriptively summarise information.
- 42 - To be able to empirically analyse financial phenomena.
- 48 - To be able to identify the information needs in order to manage the main departments within organisations.
- 50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts, analyse and synthesise.
- 56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.
- 63 - To be able to analyse business related behaviour and decisions and evaluate them from an economic, social and ethical point of view.
- 65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.
Learning outcomes of the subject
- To be able to identify the various elements of a company, as an economical agent.
- To be able to identify different forms of organization of a company.
- To know and learn how to manage the different elements that make up the economical equilibrium of the company.
- To know how to interpret economical information in a company, in order to resolve problems related to business .
- To be able to learn to apply criteria in the decision making process both short and long term and value these processes from the point of view of the economy of the company.
- To be able to rigorously deal with the elements of uncertainty and risk that can be found in a compnay.
- To be able to evaluate the economical consequences of the decisions made from various areas within the company.
- 1. Decision making analysis
1.1. Decision making without uncertainties
1.2. Decision making with uncertainties
1.3. Expected value of perfect information
1.4. Expected value of sample information
- 2. Business models and their evolution
2.1. New business creation and entrepreneurship
2.2. Forms of ownership
2.3. Financing and investment
2.4. Organization structure
- 3. Introduction to function areas
3.1. Accounting
3.2. Operations management
3.3. Market research and Marketing
3.4. Management and Human Resources
- 4. Business company and its environment
4.1. Industry analysis (5 forces of Michael Porter)
4.2. Macro analysis of Business environment (PEST)
4.3. International business environment (CAGE)
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Two main types of procedure will be used during the course:
1.Presentation in class by lecturer of the theory corresponding to each theme.
2.Analysis and discussion of practical case studies for each theme.
To take advantage of the course students must come to class very well prepared.
lecture |
13 |
lecture |
36 |
lecture |
37 |
lecture |
38 |
in-class practical work (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) |
39 |
individual study |
13 |
individual study |
52 |
in-class practical work (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) |
54 |
small group seminars |
52 |
individual study |
55 |
solving problems in classroom |
50 |
in-class practical work (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) |
59 |
report presentations & discussions |
63 |
in-class practical work (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) |
67 |
magister class individual study solving problems at classroom | 13 |
magister class classroom practice (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) individual study solving problems at classroom | 36 |
magister class classroom practice (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) individual study solving problems at classroom | 37 |
magister class individual study report presentations & discussions solving problems at classroom | 38 |
classroom practice (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) report presentations & discussions solving problems at classroom | 39 |
individual study | 13 |
individual study | 52 |
classroom practice (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) report presentations & discussions solving problems at classroom | 54 |
small group seminars | 52 |
individual study report presentations & discussions | 55 |
solving problems at classroom | 50 |
classroom practice (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) | 59 |
report presentations & discussions solving problems at classroom small group seminars | 63 |
classroom practice (solving problems/videos/text comments/essays) solving problems at classroom | 67 |
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
Evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
- Class attendance attitude, and participation in the discussion of practical case studies, Reports on practical case studies (50%)
- The results of two examinations: mid-course (10%) and final (40%)
Bibliography and resources
- BALLARIN, E., et a., Planning and control systems, Ed Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao, 1986.
- BASTONS, M., Making decisions. The inevitable question? Success or failure?, Ed Ariel, Barcelona, 2004.
- BUENO CAMPOS, Eduardo. et al. Basic course in Business Economics. An organizational approach. Madrid: Ed Pyramid, 1996.
- GIL, MA, how to create and run a business. Concepts and instruments, ed. Esic, Madrid, 1993.
- IBORRA, M., (et a.) Fundamentals of business management. Thomson, Madrid, 2007.
- LINDLEY, DV, Principles of decision theory, Ed Vicens Vives, Barcelona, 1977.
- PEREZ LOPEZ, JA, Fundamentals of Management, ed. Rialp, Madrid, 1994.
- PORTER, M., Competitive Strategy. Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, ed. Cecsa, Mexico, 1980.
- RIBERA, J., et a., Production Techniques, Ed Plaza & Janes, Barcelona, 1990.
- Rosanas, J.M. et. a., Accounting. Alternatives accounting II, Ed Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao, 1986.
- Rosanas, JM, et a., Cost accounting for decision making, Ed Brouwr of Desclée, Bilbao, 1990.
Teaching and learning material
- Apuntes tema 1 Organización
- Cas A. Palanc
- Cas BCN Publicidad
- Cas Editnova
- Cas Electrónica
- Caso Eurocultura
- Caso European Insurance
- Cas Festival
- Galería Soler
- Cas Hamlet
- Museo de Arte
- Caso Painting
- Ejercicio Balance Armon
- Ejercicios Estructura de Costes
- Ejercicios de Inversiones