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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Career Guindance Seminar

Career Guindance Seminar
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


The Professional Orientation Seminar (SOP) is designed to provide the student with knowledge and tools for their first approach to the professional environment. From a practical perspective, this module is incorporated into the Master's calendar at the beginning of the program. In this way, students have sufficient information and knowledge so that they can face recruiting processes throughout the academic year with the aim of joining internships in the month of June. This module is instrumental and essential to take the external internship on the 2nd and 3rd semester.


The Professional Career Seminar (SOP) is part of the subject module called SOFT SKILLS whose essential purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to deepen their training through the acquisition of communication, social and professional skills that complement the technical skills necessary for a more successful performance of the profession.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CP02 - Students will be able to conduct professional work within specialised and interdisciplinary teams.
  • CP03 - Students will be able to interact appropriately with citizens, institutions and other professionals.
  • CP04 - The student will respect the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values inherent in a peaceful society of democratic values.
  • HB12 - Students will be able to use conflict resolution techniques most relevant to each situation and context properly and with their own independence of judgement.
  • HB13 - Students will be able to plan the organisational structure of the professional office according to the human resources that integrate it and the type of clients to which it is addressed.
  • HB14 - Students will be able to establish a protocol of economic and fiscal management, compliance and protection of occupational risks and personal data for the professional office.
  • HB15 - Students will be able to use the procedures, protocols, systems, and judicial applications, that communications and cooperation with the administration of justice requires, with special attention to those of electronic, computer and telematic nature.
  • HB16 - Students will be able to implement teamwork techniques aimed at achieving greater efficiency through access to information sources, knowledge of languages, knowledge management and management of applied techniques and tools.
  • HB17 - Students will be able to plan the organisational structure of the professional office according to human resources involved and the type of clients it serves.
  • HB18 - Students will be able to express themselves appropriately to the context and special needs or characteristics of each recipient orally and in writing.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student will be able to:

Integrate knowledge, skills and competencies, legal and meta juridical, strictly instrumental or auxiliary.


The professional career seminar is divided into two different parts:


1.- Recruiting process.

Sessions focused on knowing, working on and improving the approach to recruiting processes through practical tools, role play sessions, learning about the recruiting approach from professional firms, HR experts, networking, etc.

Career Forum session.


2.- Self-knowledge, Leadership and Coaching.

Sessions focused on student self-knowledge, mission, values, competencies, skills, etc. through the guidance and support of a coach through group and/or individual sessions; and transferred to the professional field, leadership and teamwork.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The training activities that will be carried out for the compulsory subjects are:

  • Lecture (CM): The faculty expounds the most relevant theory of the subject to reinforce knowledge of the bachelor’s degree and ensure a correct performance in other training activities.
  • Case preparation and/or simulations (PCS): Prior to the face-to-face class. Carried out individually or in groups. It will allow the student to participate appropriately in the discussion of the assumption or in the performance of the simulation.


The teaching methodologies to be used in compulsory subjects are as follows:

  • Theory class (CT): Method with which the faculty provides the most substantial theoretical aspects of the subject to reinforce the knowledge already acquired in the undergraduate degree and ensure a correct performance in the other training activities.
  • Simulation of professional situations (MSEP): The recreation of all kinds of possible situations taken from real cases of professional performance, in legal advice or in forensic practice. After adequate preparation and supervision the student is required to carry out the exercise themselves, individually or collectively, before a teacher who will accompany them during the exercise and then evaluate it.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation systems used are:


  • Simulation of professional situations (RSEP): Students must demonstrate their ability to carry out professional written and oral legal activity, both in the field of legal advice and in forensic practice, and they will be evaluated according to the legal technical rigour and the quality of their simulated professional intervention
  The evaluation is continuous, with a weighting of 80% for attendance and 20% for participation.