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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Legal English

Legal English
Second semester
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff

Suzanne Córdova Martinez:

We can talk after class or you can send me an email to schedule a time to speak in person or on-line.


The aim of the subject Legal English is to give students the ability to carry out their professional duties diligently in English and in an Anglo cultural context.

This course aims to provide the student with the necessary tools to gain a command of the English language in the specific use of all professional activities carried out in the field of law and to:

• Have a good understanding of legal documents written in English.

• Master spoken English fluently using the vocabulary appropriate for court cases and negotiations

• Master the terminology of contracts, letters, legal requirements and other legal texts.

Pre-course requirements

B2 level of English.


Students will learn how to:

Manage knowledge, skills and competences, legal and meta-legal, of a strictly instrumental or auxiliary nature.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme


CP02--Students will be able to develop professional work in specialized and interdisciplinary teams.

CP03--Students will be able to interact appropriately with citizens, institutions and other professional people.

CP04--Students will respect the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values; using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.

HB12--Students will be able to use conflict resolution techniques appropriately and independently which are most relevant to each situation and context.

HB13--Students will be able to plan the organizational structure of the professional office based on the human resources that comprise it and the type of clients it addresses.

HB14--Students will be able to establish an economic and fiscal management protocol for the professional office, compliance and protection of occupational risks and personal data.

HB15--Students will be able to use the procedures, protocols, systems, and judicial applications required by acts of communication and cooperation with the Administration of Justice, with special attention to those of an electronic, computer, and telematic nature.

HB16--Students will be able to implement teamwork techniques aimed at achieving greater efficiency through access to information sources, knowledge of languages, knowledge management and the use of applied techniques and tools.

HB17--Students will be able to plan the organizational structure of the professional office based on the human resources that comprise it and the type of clients it addresses.

HB18--Students will be able to express themselves orally and in writing, in a manner appropriate to the context and the needs or special characteristics of each recipient.

  • CP02 - Students will be able to conduct professional work within specialised and interdisciplinary teams.
  • CP03 - Students will be able to interact appropriately with citizens, institutions and other professionals.
  • CP04 - The student will respect the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values inherent in a peaceful society of democratic values.
  • HB12 - Students will be able to use conflict resolution techniques most relevant to each situation and context properly and with their own independence of judgement.
  • HB13 - Students will be able to plan the organisational structure of the professional office according to the human resources that integrate it and the type of clients to which it is addressed.
  • HB14 - Students will be able to establish a protocol of economic and fiscal management, compliance and protection of occupational risks and personal data for the professional office.
  • HB15 - Students will be able to use the procedures, protocols, systems, and judicial applications, that communications and cooperation with the administration of justice requires, with special attention to those of electronic, computer and telematic nature.
  • HB16 - Students will be able to implement teamwork techniques aimed at achieving greater efficiency through access to information sources, knowledge of languages, knowledge management and management of applied techniques and tools.
  • HB17 - Students will be able to plan the organisational structure of the professional office according to human resources involved and the type of clients it serves.
  • HB18 - Students will be able to express themselves appropriately to the context and special needs or characteristics of each recipient orally and in writing.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will learn how to:

Manage knowledge, skills and competences, legal and meta-legal, of a strictly instrumental or auxiliary nature.


- Efficient written communication techniques in the law and legal professions.

- Legal English.

1. Common Law vs. Civil Law.

2. Vocabulary, reading and discussion of legal texts, contracts and case reports.

3. Litigation terminology and legal proceedings.

4. English specific to letters of legal advice, emails and legal requirements.

5. Accurate reading of cases and legal projects.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

In this subject, the skills of writing, reading, speaking and understanding are worked on with activities based on role play, videos and task-based learning.


The training activities that will be carried out for the mandatory subjects are:


Master class (CM): The teaching staff presents the most relevant theory of the subject to reinforce knowledge of the Degree and guarantee correct performance in other training activities.

Analysis of practical cases (ACP): Analysis and discussion of the legal classification of the facts, procedural alternatives that it allows, other alternatives for the composition of conflicting interests and preparing procedural writings linked to the matter.

Simulation of professional scenarios (SEP): Supervised recreation of all types of professional legal and procurement actions, written and oral, both in the field of legal advice and in the field of forensic activity. Students must prepare them in advance, based on assumptions and materials extracted from real cases.

Preparation of cases and/or simulations (PCS): Work prior to the in-person class. It can be done individually or in a group. It will allow you to participate in the discussion of the assumption or in carrying out the simulation, with adequate performance.

Autonomous work (TA): Students analyze, search for information or solve problems on their own, using the material provided to them, databases, bibliography and information collected in face-to-face classes and/or during the internship period. Necessary work in all modules, aimed at deepening and consolidating knowledge received and greater performance in the case method sessions or simulation of professional scenarios.

Directed individual study (EID): Work on individual acquisition of legal knowledge under the guidance, support and supervision of the teacher-tutor who resolves doubts and concerns and verifies the progress made by the students.

The teaching methodologies that will be used in compulsory subjects are the following:

Theoretical class (CT): Method with which teachers present the most substantial theoretical aspects of the subject with the purpose of reinforcing the knowledge acquired in the Degree and guaranteeing correct performance in other training activities.

Case method (MC): Allows student deliberation under the guidance and participation of teachers. It is about presenting a practical case in class in order to analyze and solve it. In some activities, the presentation of the case and its resolution are carried out in the same learning unit. However, it is usual for the case to be worked on previously by the students individually or in groups in order to take advantage of the performance of the face-to-face sessions appropriately. The activity is always guided by the teaching staff. Students are encouraged to put the acquired knowledge into practice, to have the opportunity to integrate new knowledge and face the complexity of real situations.

Method of simulation of professional scenarios (MSEP): It allows you to recreate all kinds of possible situations - extracted from real cases - of professional performance, in legal advice or in forensic practice, requiring the student to carry them out, after adequate preparation and supervision. himself, individually or collectively, before a teacher who accompanies the student during his performance and evaluates it.

Directed study sessions (SED): Method by which students acquire legal knowledge, individually, through study, led by a teacher-tutor, who resolves students' doubts and concerns and verifies progress. made by the students.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The students are evaluated in the following way:

Part 1. 60% of the final mark is continuous assessment,

Part 2. 40% of the final mark is an exam.

Part 1 consists of a series of tasks such as oral presentations, case study readings, and analysis of legal concepts.

Part 2 consists of an online exam with marks awarded in the following way:

Oral Exam: 20%

Reading:    5% 

Written part (questions):  10%

Listening:    5%

Total:         40%

The Oral Exam consists of a short viva on one of nine different law topics. Candidates are required to meet the minimum B2 European Common Framework level of English.  

Bibliography and resources

All materials can be found in our Moodle classroom platform.