Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Care for Staff and Caregivers
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
This course presents the basic fundamentals of psychological care for family members, caregivers and professionals in the field of palliative care. The objective is for the student to acquire knowledge, competencies and therapeutic resources that will allow him/her to evaluate and address the psychological and spiritual needs of the affective environment of the patient with advanced disease and of the professionals who attend to his/her needs. The student will also learn tools for the prevention of specific stress factors in professionals and self-care techniques.
Pre-course requirements
- Incorporate techniques to assess and intervene in the psychological and spiritual needs of the affective environment of the sick person.
- To facilitate the acquisition of basic therapeutic skills for end-of-life accompaniment of caregivers of people with advanced diseases.
- To promote the acquisition of self-care skills in health professionals and in formal and non-formal caregivers.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN01 - Acquire advanced and specific knowledge in symptom control (physical and emotional) and in communication and patient and family care.
- CP01 - Work in a self-directed or autonomous manner in PC teams, formed by peers, specialists or not, and other professionals, respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values; using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
- CP05 - Work individually and in teams, assuming responsibilities, within the area of PC.
- CP09 - pply solutions to problems that may arise when carrying out tasks in the field of PCs.
Learning outcomes of the subject
- Incorporate techniques and skills to meet the support needs of the interdisciplinary team.
- To recognize the importance of self-care in both health professionals and caregivers.
- Incorporate therapeutic skills and techniques to meet the psychological and spiritual needs of the affective environment of the sick person.
1. Family and affective environment
1.1. Family and disease process
1.2. Psychological symptoms
2. Professional environment
2.1. Burn out: factors
2.2. Compassion fatigue
2.3. Compassion satisfaction
2.4. Empathy/ Ecpathy
2.5. Professional self-care
Teaching and learning activities
The methodologies to be used in this course will be:
- Synchronous classes
- Asynchronous lectures
- Reading of articles
- Participation in forums
- Individual activities of reflection and resolution of clinical cases.
Evaluation systems and criteria
This master's degree is based on continuous evaluation.
1. Asynchronous activities (will account for 70% of the total grade of the course):
- Delivery of written tests in the form of reports, reflective or analytical papers
- Delivery of the resolution of cases (written or through a video) where the student will explain how to solve the case.
- Performance of exercises
- Analysis of texts, audiovisual material
- Participation in discussion forums
2. Synchronous activities (will represent 30% of the total grade of the course):
Attendance and participation in at least 50% of the individual and group tutorials will be required in order to obtain the score corresponding to the synchronous activities.
- Face-to-face discussion activities with the tutor.
- Individual and group tutorials.
In the case of students from different time zones, the time will be agreed in advance so that they can adapt. In any case, no student will be allowed to participate after 10:00 p.m. of his/her time zone.
Bibliography and resources
Cortés-Funes, F., Bueno, J. P., Narváez, A., García-Valverde, A., & Guerrero-Gutiérrez, L. (2013). Funcionamiento familiar y adaptación psicológica en oncología. Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón), 9(2-3). https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_psic.2013.v9.n2-3.40901
Benito, E., Rivera, P. R., Monje, J. P. Y., & Specos, M. (2020). Presencia, autoconciencia y autocuidado de los profesionales que trabajan con el sufrimiento. Apuntes de Bioética, 3(1), 72-88.