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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Cultural Foundations: Falling in Love, Love and Human Sexuality

Cultural Foundations: Falling in Love, Love and Human Sexuality
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff


Today we find ourselves in a cultural environment marked by profound economic and social changes. We are facing a "cultural and anthropological transformation that generates new languages and discards without discernment the paradigms that history has given us". These changes bring new opportunities, but also new challenges that must be faced in order to discern with the eyes of faith the direction of these transformations and to act accordingly.

One of the main areas that has been profoundly transformed is the understanding of sexuality and human affectivity. In a positive way, talking about sexuality is now a socially accepted practice that has facilitated new approaches to sexuality. However, this has been accompanied by a lack of education and information that has led to the adoption of reductionist models. Specifically, these are models that separate sexuality from 1) human love, 2) identity, and 3) human affectivity. These new models tend to emphasize only aspects related to sexual health, physicality, and the exercise of sexuality, without considering the richness and complexity of sexuality. When we understand the person as a whole and dignified being, separating sexuality from love, identity and affectivity changes the way we interact and relate to others.

Following the goal of the Interdisciplinary Center of Thought (CIP) to promote reflection on the mission of the University and the implications of its Christian identity, this course aims to teach about sexuality and human love, illuminating it with the richness and beauty of the transcendent anthropological gaze.

The course covers biological, physiological and psychological concepts related to human sexuality, such as falling in love and love, sexual intercourse and its dysfunctions, fertilization and implantation, family planning and infertility. The course also includes current issues in human sexuality such as affectivity education, the impact of adolescent sexuality, and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.


Pre-course requirements

There are no pre-requisites for this course

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN01 - Students will be able to analyse and interpret imaginary and iconic, symbolic and representational language in the context of humanistic disciplines.
  • CN02 - Students will be able to identify models and policies specific to different cultures and migratory groups, as well as their historical context.
  • CP05 - Students will be able to analyse socio-cultural, historical and artistic structures, from a respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, using language that avoids androcentricity and stereotypes.
  • HB01 - Students will be able to reflect on issues of a cultural, social, scientific or ethical nature by interpreting relevant data.
  • HB02 - Students will be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • HB06 - Students will be able to plan tasks and projects in an organised and structured manner.
  • HB08 - Students will be able to research different humanistic disciplines based on an analysis and comparison of relevant information.
  • HB11 - Students will be able to critically analyse cultural and artistic representations, based on an understanding of their historical context, in order to develop an intercultural perspective and a deeper understanding of the contemporary world.
  • HB13 - Students will be able to draw connections between data derived from observations and relevant theories, following data interpretation.
  • HB17 - Students will be able to use data collection tools with a high degree of independence, such as library catalogues, archival inventories, documentary sources, electronic references and other resources.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Have the ability to think critically and reflectively, and to investigate and adopt a scientific and ethical approach to human sexuality and affectivity.

To know how to apply theoretical knowledge of human fertility to practice.

To have acquired an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human sexual reality.

To be interested in social problems related to human sexuality and affectivity.


Module 1. Biology and health
Anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive system.
Menstrual cycle, fertility indicators, combined fertility and fertility window.
Beginning of human life.
Infertility and sterility and their psychological impact.

Module 2. Identity, affectivity and dynamism of the heart

Alphabet of affections: emotions and feelings
Affective dynamism
Attraction and falling in love
Friendship and mature love
Linking affectivity with sexuality

Module 3. Person as an encounter being.
Anthropology of human sexuality
Differences in the response of male and female sexuality.
The person as a being of masculine and feminine encounter
Encounter and relationship

Module 4. Dating and sexuality
Myths of romantic love
Dating and sexuality
Time and knowledge
Bonding and sexual understanding
The Value of Waiting and the New Virginity

Module 5. Current challenges
Affective wounds and toxic relationships
Intimate partner violence
Pornography and hypersexualization


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Training activity

  • Master Class 

    Case Method 

    Critical Reading 

    Preparation and realization of evaluable activities 

    Autonomous Study Work and exercises

  • Master Lesson 

    Case study approach and resolution 

    Self-study and personal work 

    Debate and discussion 

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1st round:

80% Final Exam

  • Written multiple-choice exam covering all theoretical and practical content of the course.
  • Multiple choice questions: 1 minute per question; 0.33 points deducted for each error.


20% Oral evaluation book

  • Oral evaluation on the book “I just want them to love me” (Micaela Menárguez)

*IMPORTANT: Attendance is mandatory and it is a necessary condition to attend 80% of the classes to be able to take the final exam. The subject will be approved with a minimum average of 5 taking into account all the evaluated parts (passed and failed). That is, to pass the subject, the average has to be approved. It is essential to pass the final exam with a 5 to be able to take the average. If this part is suspended, it must be recovered in the second call.


2nd round of exams:

In the exams of the second call, the grade of the continuous evaluation is maintained, therefore the student must pass the recovery exam with a minimum of 5 to be able to make an average.

Bibliography and resources

Basic bibliography for the subject:

De Irala, J. (2020). Un momento inolvidable. Juntos por primera vez.  2a ed. revisada y ampliada.  

Ceriotti, M. (2018). Erótica y Materna. Rialp

Ceriotti, M. (2019). Masculino. Rialp

AAVV, (2024). Reconocimiento Natural de la Fertilidad. Eunsa


Additional recommended books:

Chapman, G. (1992). Los 5 lenguajes del amor. Unilit

De Irala, J. (2020). Te quiero, por eso no quiero. El valor de la espera.

Noriega, J. (2022). Diccionario de sexo, amor y fecundidad. Didaskalos

Silva, J.M. (2018). Sexo: cuándo y por qué. La sexualidad al desnudo. Palabra

De Irala, J. (2019). Sedientos de misericordia. Los jóvenes, el amor y su sexualidad.

Villena, A. (2023). ¿POR qué NO? Cómo prevenir y ayudar en la adicción a la pornografía. Alienta.

Gutiérrez, J.(2021). La trampa del sexo Digital: Guía definitiva para prevenir y superar la adicción a la pornografía. Almazara.

López-Moratalla, N. (2007)., El primer viaje de la vida. Palabra. 

Chiclana, C. (2013). Atrapados en el sexo. El amargo placer de la hipersexualidad. Almuzara.

Gottman, J., Silver, N. (2010). Siete reglas de oro para vivir en pareja. Debolsillo.

Aysa, M. (2001). Sexo, un motivo para amar. Palabra.

Munilla, J.I.,  Pereda, B. (2015). Sexo con alma y cuerpo. Freshbook.

López- Moratalla, N. (2007). Cerebro de mujer y cerebro de varón. Rialp.

López-Guzmán, J. (2009). Cuando el hijo no llega. Manual para parejas infecundas. Formación Alcalá.

De Irala, J. (2023) Mírale a los ojos.