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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Impact Investment

Impact Investment
Second semester
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Upon request


Impact Investment is an optative course of 3 ECTS. It consists of a series of theoretical classes, and practical sessions, as well as two round tables with the participation of the practitioners on the most urgent topics within the field of Impact Investment. The course widely applies case study methodology. Therefore, students, taking this course are expected to contribute to the classes through active and thoughtful participation.

Pre-course requirements

No special requirements


The primary objective of this course is to give profound understanding of the Impact Investment discipline. Impact investing seeks to generate social impact in addition to financial returns. This investment strategy is widely used to address critical social and environmental issues, such as climate change, sustainable economic development, social inclusion of vulnerable and marginalized groups. Because of its success in contributing to the solution of social and environmental issues it has attracted an increasing interest from policy-makers and societal stakeholders which in turn pushes conventional investors to introduce impact investing in their portfolios.
There are, however, issues that make this instrument somewhat tricky. For example, the measurement of the result is difficult: impact investing presupposes the creation of a social and/or environmental impact, which is difficult to calculate. Another issue is its limitations in terms of scalability. Very often, social issues are very local and require unique solutions. Thus, one idea that suited to solve an issue in one context, can be difficult to transfer in another context, which makes it difficult to scale it up. And finally, if in conventional investing the focus is a company’s output (product or service), in the case of impact investing it is the outcome and its impact on beneficiaries. All these issues make this investment mechanism more challenging and requiring special skills from the investors’ side to understand the nature of impact investing to reach the desirable social and/or environmental impact.
Therefore, the aim of this subject is to provide students with necessary knowledge and skills to be able to develop good impact investing strategies, minimize possible negative outcomes that might jeopardize the investor’s reputation, and maximize the desirable social and/or environmental impact.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 53 - To acquire the skills necessary to learn autonomously.
  • 56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.
  • 57 - To acquire skills which favour reading comprehension.
  • 60 - To acquire knowledge that promotes respect for other cultures and habits.
  • 63 - To be able to analyse business related behaviour and decisions and evaluate them from an economic, social and ethical point of view.
  • 64 - To be able to plan and organise one's work.
  • 65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.
  • 66 - To be able to retrieve and manage information.
  • 67 - To be able to express oneself in other languages.
  • 68 - To develop mechanisms that encourage sensitivity towards social welfare issues.

Learning outcomes of the subject

By the end of the course, students will be able to:
•    Understand, identify and analyse different impact investment tools;
•    Understand the challenges of the sector;
•    Handle the different measurement tools that help quantify the invest investing success at Spanish, European and global levels;
•    Identify how to apply mechanisms, such as Theory of Change, to ensure the achievement of desirable outcomes.


Topic 1. Introduction and Overview: definitions, origins, challenges.
•    Identification of a social need
•    The origins of impact investing
•    Social vs. financial return
Topic 2. Impact measurement and the Theory of Change
•    What is social impact and why to measure it?
•    Social impact indicators and measurement tools
•    Theory of change
Topic 3. Microfinancing
•    The concept of microcredit, statistics and evolution
•    Main actors of the microfinancing sector, both at international level and in Spain
•    Social impact of microfinancing
•    Challenges or the microfinancing sector
Topic 4. Social Crowdfunding
•    The concept of crowdfunding, statistics and evolution
•    Main actors of the crowdfunding sector
•    Different types of crowdfunding
Topic 5. Social Venture Capital
•    Tools of Social VC
•    Evolution of the Social VC sector
•    Main actors of the sector
•    Challenges of Social VCs

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures: 2-hour sessions with the whole group. The teacher presents the key theoretical concepts according to each topic.
Professional conferences: Sessions in which one or more specialists expose their experiences or projects to students.
Tutorials: Students can contact the teachers by email, check Moodle for their office hours or ask for an appointment.
Individual work: Personal study of the material provided by the course to assimilate the concepts and procedures covered during the classes. The objective of the individual work is an in-depth comprehension of and reflection on the contents of the course.
Group work/case studies and project-based learning: Includes work in groups of roughly 5 students to solve a case study or carry out a project linked to a challenge that will be proposed by a social entrepreneur.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

-          Class participation: 10%

-          Deliverables – case studies: 25%

-          Final project in groups of 3 to 5: 30%

-          Midterm (1/4) and Final exam (3/4): 40%

Bibliography and resources

Bastida R., and Mas-Machuca, M. (2020). Cració i gestió d’empreses socials. Teoria I casos pràctics resolts

Defourny, Jacques; Hulgard, Lars  & Pestoff, Victor (2014), Social Enterprise and the Third Sector. Changing European Landscapes in a Comparative Perspective. Routledge. London.

Mertens, S.(2010), La gestion des entreprises sociales, Edipro, Liège.

Yunus, Mohammad (2011)  Building Social Business: The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs Paperback.