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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psychoeducational Intervention in the Family Environment

Psychoeducational Intervention in the Family Environment
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Contact with students will be via email and after classes.


This subject aims to offer the student a global vision of psycho-educational intervention at school and family levels. Covers the preventive or therapeutic nature of the psychoeducational intervention and how to apply it to different areas and stages of the student's development in their learning process, both emotional and social. The subject will have two main blocks: psycho-pedagogical intervention in childhood and intervention in adolescence.

This subject aims to offer the student a global vision of the evolutionary development of oral and written language and what the main language, communication and speech disorders are, their characteristics and how to detect and guide them in the school and family environment.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended to have prior knowledge of Evolutionary Psychology and be familiar with the various learning disorders, as well as behavioral disorders that may appear at school.

Knowledge of Evolutionary Psychology is recommended.




  1. Support and provide the necessary resources to tutors, teachers, families and / or legal guardians so that they are able to responsibly take decisions in the personal, academic and professional fields that affect  the student.
  2. Promote and facilitate the involvement of families in the school and educational process of their children with needs.
  3. Facilitate the channels and contexts for the relationship between school and family.
  4. Understand the concept of attention to diversity and educational inclusion to work within a framework of “school for all”.
  5. Understand what the attention is at school level and what a psycho-pedagogue has to provide to advise and guide the teachers and families of a student with learning difficulties.
  6. Know the various specific needs of educational support.
  7. Acquire and master different strategies to achieve true attention to diversity and be familiar with the existing educational services.
  8. Learn about guidance techniques and teaching advice according to the educational and developmental stage of each student.
  9. Know and master different resources and techniques to give advice and guidance in the family environment.





  1. Know and master the evolutionary development in the acquisition of language and the acquisition of literacy.
  2. Know how to distinguish in the case study which behaviors are typical of each of the stages of language development and which require a specific study or intervention.
  3. Relate the processes of oral and written language acquisition.
  4. Know what care at the school level an educational psychologist should give to advise and guide teachers and families of children with learning difficulties in the areas of communication, oral and written language.
  5. Know and master the concepts related to the evaluation and diagnosis of communication, oral and written language from the field of Educational Psychology.
  6. Know the procedures, techniques and instruments of the evaluation and diagnosis of oral and written communication and language.
  7. Acquire skills to interpret a report made by other professionals (psychologists, educational psychologists, neuropsychologists, speech therapists...).
  8. Know, recognize and know how to discriminate between the main alterations of communication and oral and written language
  9. Learn to guide families as a preventive measure; giving guidelines for language stimulation that can be carried out in the family environment.
  10. Apply theoretical knowledge to practice, in order to find the most appropriate response to problems in the development of communication and oral and written language.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN01 - At the end of the Degree, the student will be able to describe psychological knowledge and developments in professional practice.
  • CN05 - At the end of the Degree, the student will be able to explain and identify the main stages of human development, their progression and identify the characteristic signs and symptoms of the most frequent psychological conditions in each stage of development.
  • CP06 - At the end of the Degree, the student will be able to develop psychological intervention strategies based on the context or service, taking into account the knowledge, skills, defence of arguments, problem solving and self-evaluation of psychology.
  • HB05 - At the end of the Degree the student will be able to apply theoretical knowledge of psychology to professional practice with simulation of real cases.

Learning outcomes of the subject

-          At the end of the subject, the student will be able to remember the different family typologies and psychoeducational guidelines necessary for intervention and guidance in families with children with neurodevelopmental difficulties.

-          At the end of the subject, the student will be able to indicate the evolutionary milestones of each stage of language development and the signs and symptoms of the most frequent language disorders.

-          At the end of the subject, students will be able to suggest intervention strategies based on scientific evidence, assisting families in solving psychological problems in simulated cases.

-          At the end of the subject, students will be able to identify the family typology, specific needs and evolutionary milestones in different simulated real cases.


 Psychoeducational intervention in the family sphere, the Infantile, Primary and Secondary stages:

1- Family.


2- Family and school.

3- Family with ASD children

4- Family with children Down syndrome

5- Family with children with eating disorders

6- Family with children with addictions to new technologies

7- Family with children with auditory and/or visual sensory disabilities

8-Evolution of language

8.1-Language disorders

8.2-Guidance for families with children with language difficulties

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Theory class (CT)

Autonomous Learning (AA)

Individual work (IT)

Personal academic tutoring (TAP)

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


A written exam will be carried out in which students must answer competency questions.

The final exam has a value of one (100%).

A grade of 5 or higher must be achieved in the exam to pass the subject.


Second call:

A grade of 5 or higher must be achieved in the exam to pass the subject.

If it is suspended in the second call, the subject must be repeated in its entirety.

Teacher: Olga Lozano (

Bibliography and resources

  • American Psychiatric Association, (2014). Guía de consulta de los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-V. American Pychiatric Publishing.
  • AAVV. (2018). Intervención Psicoeducativa en alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo. Editorial Tirant humanidades.
  • Bassedas, E. (2010). Intervención psicoeducativa y diagnóstico psicopedagógico. Paidós.
  • Cándido, J. Inglés Saura; Ruiz-Esteban C; Torregosa, M. (2019). Manual para psicólogos educativos. Teoría y práctica. Editorial Pirámide.
  • Castejón, J.L; González, C; Gilar, R; Miñano, P. Psicología de la Educación. Alicante. Editorial ECU.
  • De Catalunya, C.D.L. (2011). PRODISCAT: Protocol de detecció i actuació en la dislexia. Ambit educatiu (Protocol for detection and management of dyslexia. Educational scope). Barcelona: Departament d'Educació, Generalitat de Catalunya (Department of Education Catalan Government).
  • Escoriza, E. (1999). Dificultades de aprendizaje e intervención psicopedagógica. EUB.
  • Fiuza, Mª.J; Fernández, Mª.P. (2013). Dificultades de aprendizaje y trastornos del desarrollo: Manual didáctico. Editorial Pirámide.
  • Generalitat de Catalunya (2013). El TDAH: detecció i actuació en l'àmbit educatiu. Departament d'Ensenyament: Barcelona.
  • González, O. Familia y escuela, Escuela y familia. Alianza Educativa.
  • Herrero de Vega, M; Beyebach, M. (2018) Intervención escolar centrada en soluciones. Barcelona. Editorial Herder.
  • Holzschuger, C. (2012). Cómo organizar aulas inclusivas. Narcea Ediciones.
  • Hudson, D; (2017) Dificultades específicas de aprendizaje y otros trastornos. Serie Atención a la diversidad. Madrid. Editorial Narcea.
  • Marchesi, A; Palacios, J; Coll, C; (2017). Desarrollo Psicológico y Educación. Madrid: Editorial Alianza.
  • Miranda Casas, A. (2008). Evaluación e intervención psicoeducativa en dificultades del aprendizaje. Pirámide.
  • Planas Domingo, J.A. (mayo, 2010). Las funciones del orientador educativo- Revista UP, Madrid.
  • Pontecorvo, C. (2003). Manual de psicología de la educación. Editorial Popular
  • Santrock, John W. (2011). Psicología de la Educación. 4. Ed. Mc Graw Hill. Madrid.
  • Stainback, S. (2009). Aulas inclusivas: un nuevo modo de enfocar y vivir el «currículo». Narcea Ediciones.
  • Trianes, M.V y Gallardo, J.A (Coord.) (2004). Psicología de la educación y del desarrollo en contextos escolares. Madrid: Pirámide.
  • Wing, L. (1998), El autismo en niños y adultos: una guía para la familia. Paidós Psicología.
  • Woolfolf, A; (2010). Psicología Educativa. México. Editorial Pearson.
  • Leire Madueño, F., Vázquez de Sebastián, J. (2018) Manual práctico de patología del lenguaje. Evaluación e intervención en adultos y niños. Ed. UOC. 
  • Peña-Casanova. Manual de logopedia. Ed. Elsevier Masson. 
  • Albalá, M. J., Marrero, V. y Cappelli, G. (1996). Procesos fonológicos en dos niños de 2 a 6 años. En M. Pérez Pereira (Ed.), Estudios sobre la adquisición del castellano, catalán, euskera y gallego (pp. 87-102). Santiago de Compostela: Publicaciones de la USC.
  • Alberdi, C. M. (1993). Técnicas de lectura eficaz. Revista universitaria de formación del profesorado.
  • Aguado, G. (1995). El desarrollo del lenguaje de 0 a 3 años. Madrid: CEPE.
  • Ajuriaguerra (1977). La escritura del niño. Evolución de la escritura y sus dificultades. Ed. Laia. Barcelona.
  • Braslavsky (2005). Enseñar a entender lo que se lee: la alfabetización en la familia y la escuela. Fondo cultura económica de Argentina.
  • Bosch, L. (1983). Identificación de procesos fonológicos de simplificación en el habla infantil. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 3, 96-102.
  • Condemarín, M. y Chadwick, M. (1990). La enseñanza de la escritura. Bases teóricas y prácticas. Madrid: Visor-Aprendizaje.
  • Cortés, M. y Vila, I. (1991). Uso y función de las formas temporales en el habla infantil. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 53, 17-43.
  • Cuetos, F. (2009) Psicología de la escritura. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer.
  • Cuetos, F. (2008). Psicología de la lectura. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer.
  • Del Río, M. J. y Gracia, M. (1996). Una aproximación al análisis de los intercambios comunicativos y lingüísticos entre niños pequeños y adultos. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 75, 3-20.
  • Del Río, M.J., Torrens, V. (2006) Lenguaje y comunicación en trastornos del desarrollo. Madrid: Prentice Hall.
  • Galeote, M. A., Peraita, H. y Méndez, L. (1997). Programa de intervención en adquisición del léxico en niños de educación infantil. Madrid: UNED
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Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 14/01/2025 A12 10:00h