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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Business Management and Mediation

Business Management and Mediation
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Attention to students will be made by appointment by email with the teaching staff.



This subject aims to introduce the student to the business world in which they will develop their professional life. To do this, it facilitates the acquisition of basic knowledge about business organizations and their functioning, which allows the student to expand their vision from different perspectives: economic, legal, organizational and human, among others.

At the same time, within the human vision and more specifically interpersonal relationships within the business world, the student will acquire basic knowledge about Conflictology, Negotiation and Conflict Mediation.

The subject has a practical orientation, where, based on the essential theoretical concepts, we work with examples and cases where these become reality. Thus, the student, through an active role in this dynamic, anticipates the scenarios in which he will surely find himself in the development of his professional future, in addition to being able to learn thanks to the “Learning by doing” methodology in the acquisition of the skills. Negotiation and Mediation skills.

Pre-course requirements

Have completed the subject of Organizational Psychology.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CG02 - The ability to make critical and well-founded judgements and assessments as part of the decision-making process.
  • CG07 - The ability to adapt to the setting, task or context, handle new tasks and responsibilities and generate processes of change.
  • CG08 - The capacity to interpret the content and scope of the information received or requested, orally or in writing, and process it appropriately according to the nature of the matter at hand.
  • CG13 - The ability to use information and communication technologies for distinct purposes.
  • CT01 - The capacity to organise and plan.
  • CT02 - The capacity to solve problems.
  • CT03 - The capacity for analysis and synthesis.
  • CT04 - The capacity to work in a team
  • CT06 - The ability to develop interpersonal skills
  • CT09 - The ability to communicate adequately, both orally and in writing

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the subject, students are expected to know:

  • Identify the essential elements of a company and its governance.
  • Analyze the finances of a company in a general way.
  • Recognize the different forms of collaborative work and management within organizations.
  • Visualize the role of innovation and its strategies within companies.
  • Prepare, write and fill out certain documents necessary in labor relations.
  • Explain the role of the mediator and negotiator within an organization.
  • Describe the phases of a Mediation and Collaborative Negotiation process at the intra-organizational level.
  • Define the concept of conflict, explain the parts that make it up and the characteristics of an intra-organizational conflict.


  1. Introduction to business, organization and government
    • The concept of a company, objectives
    • Key features
    • Organizational and governance structures.

2. Finance Principles

    • Business models and profitability
    • Key elements for the financial management of a business
    • Know how to read the financial reports of an organization.

3. Collaborative work dynamics in the company

    • Keys to teamwork
    • Leadership styles.

4. Project management concepts

    • Introduction to project management methodology
    • The new agile methodologies.

5. Introduction to innovation

    • The concept of innovation, objectives and its importance in the current environment
    • Types of innovation
    • Tools for innovation.

6. Labor law principles

    • The employment relationship and its protagonists: the worker and the owner of the company
    • Labor market, employment policy and employment contract
    • Labor conflict: labor administration and social jurisdiction.

7. Nuclear knowledge about Conflictology.

    • The concept of conflict. The iceberg of conflict.
    • Why do we have conflicts? Maslow's pyramid.
    • Perception and conflict. Different perceptions as a source of conflict.

8. Conflict within organizations

    • The causes and consequences of this type of conflicts.
    • How to analyze and diagnose an intra-organizational conflict.

9. Emotion and conflict.

    • The concept of emotion.
    • The brain mechanism in conflict situations.
    • The types of emotions.
    • Emotional regulation techniques.
    • Third party emotional management techniques.

10. Communication techniques in Negotiation and Mediation.

    • The open questions.
    • The paraphrasing.
    • Active listening.

11. The Collaborative Negotiation process according to the Harvard school.

    • The concept of Collaborative Negotiation.
    • Characteristics and stages of the Harvard school model.
    • The 4 principles and 7 elements of the Harvard model.
    • How to apply the model to a real case of a conflict.

12. The intra-organizational Mediation process (Workplace Mediation).

    • Introduction of the concept of Mediation.
    • Scope of application, principles, role of the mediator and schools of Mediation.
    • Stages of Workplace Mediation.
    • Application of Workplace Mediation to a case of intra-organizational conflict.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The teaching methodology of the subject is active and focused on the student who is the protagonist of his learning process and development of skills.

Within this active methodology, different learning strategies will be used, such as: case studies, simulations, text readings, master class, oral presentations, reverse class, etc.

The subject requires both individual and autonomous work and team work from students. In addition to the continuous work required to prepare and take advantage of the different theoretical and practical sessions, students must work as a team.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1st call:

  • Group work, case studies, oral presentations, role plays, etc. These activities are for continuous evaluation and cannot be recovered on other dates 30%.
  • Written test at the end of the quarter: 70%. This test will consist of an exam of open questions on the knowledge taught throughout the subject + a practical case.

2nd call:

  • Written test of open questions on the knowledge taught throughout the subject + a practical case.

The evaluation will always respect the general regulations established in the Degree.

Important considerations:

  • A minimum grade of 5.0 will have to be obtained in the final exam to be able to average it with the rest of the grades.
  • The completion of practical activities is understood as continuous evaluation, and therefore NOT submitting them according to the established dates will imply the impossibility of having that part of the grade.
  • Plagiarism, copying or any other action that could be considered cheating will mean a zero in that evaluation section. Doing it in the exams will mean immediate failure of the subject.
  • In the second call it will not be possible to obtain the grade of "Honors", so the maximum grade will be "Excellent".

Bibliography and resources

  • Blank, Steve y Dorf, Bob, "El manual del propietario de la startup: la guía paso a paso para construir una gran empresa"
  • Carpenter, M. A. y Sanders, W. G., (2009). "Gestión Estratégica, conceptos y casos" (2ª edición). Upper Saddle River, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall
  • García Ninet, J.I (dir.) et al. “Derecho del Trabajo”, 10ª y 11ª ed., Cizur Menor: Thomson Aranzadi.
  • Kim, W. C. and Mauborgne, R. (2005). “Blue Ocean Strategy: “Cómo crear un espacio de mercado indiscutible y hacer que la competencia sea irrelevante”. Harvard Business Review Press
  • Osterwalder, A.; Pigneur, Y. (2011) Generación de modelos de negocio – Un manual para visionarios, revolucionarios y retadores. Ed. Deusto, Barcelona.
  • Pinson, Linda, "Anatomía de un plan de negocios: la guía paso a paso para construir un negocio y asegurar el futuro de su empresa”.
  • Farré Salvá, S. Gestión de conflictos: taller de mediación.Un enfoque socioafectivo. Ariel. 2004.
  • Redorta, J. Emoción y conflicto. Paidós, 2006.
  • Fisher, R.,Ury, W.y Patton, B. Obtenga el sí: el arte de negociar sin ceder. Gestión 2000, 1981.
  • Liddle, D. Managing conflict. KoganPage, 2017.
  • Doherty, N.y Guyler, M. The essential guide to workplace mediation & conflict resolution. KoganPage, 2008.
  • Lewicki, R.,Barry,B. y Saunders,D.Essentials of Negotiation. MacGrawHill, 2015.


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 13/01/2025 A04 11:00h