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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

By appointment. Please contact your teacher to arrrange an appointment: Dr. Aleix Bonfill  ( 


The subject of Antropology helps foster a complete and coherent idea of the human person. In this way, it is possible to acquire an insight into the many facets of human beings: physical, mental, social and spiritual, as well as their succesful integration with each other. Students are also offered the essential learning which a university can provide, enabling them to cope with the main challenges and problems they may encounter in their future professional lives, being these of a human character. 


This course has three main objectives: 

1. To acquire a habit of critical reflection, which can be applied to various areas of present and future activity. 

2. To think about the human person, his multiple dimensions, and his social nature. 

3. To learn how to generate a good disposition toward study, work and life.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB2 - Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have the competences that are demonstrated through the creation and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their field of study.
  • CB3 - Students must have the ability to bring together and interpret significant data (normally within their area of study) and to issue judgements that include a reflection on important issues that are social, scientific or ethical in nature.
  • CB4 - Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CE8 - To hold a dialogue based on critical thinking on ideas connected to the main dimensions of the human being
  • CG2 - To promote the values that are specific to a peaceful culture, thus contributing to democratic coexistence, respect for human rights and fundamental principles such as equality and non-discrimination.
  • CG4 - To resolve problems based on initiative, be good at decision-making, creativity, critical reasoning and communication, as well as the transmission of knowledge, skills and prowess in the field of Bioengineering
  • CT2 - The ability to link welfare with globalisation and sustainability; to acquire the ability to use skills, technology, the economy and sustainability in a balanced and compatible manner.
  • CT3 - To know how to communicate learning results to other people both verbally and in writing, and well as thought processes and decision-making; to participate in debates in each particular specialist areas.
  • CT4 - To be able to work as a member of an interdisciplinary team, whether as a member or by management tasks, with the aim of contributing to undertaking projects based on pragmatism and a feeling of responsibility, taking on commitment while bearing the resources available in mind.
  • CT5 - To use information sources in a reliable manner. To manage the acquisition, structuring, analysis and visualisation of data and information in your specialist area and critically evaluate the results of this management.
  • CT6 - To detect gaps in your own knowledge and overcome this through critical reflection and choosing better actions to broaden your knowledge.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the subject, students will be able to: 

Demostrate a reasoned knowledege of the human being and his/her main traits. 

Understand and comment texts with antropological implications. 

Write their thoughts based on the ideas studied in a clear way. 

Exchange ideas connected with antropology in a critical and autocritical manner. 


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Clasroom-based lectures are of two types: 

 1. Theory classes: lectures imparted by the teacher, the aim of which is to convey knowledge to the students and to stimulate the process of reflection. 

  2. Practical classes: the students in the classroom setting are required to analyse and comment on texts and multimedia resources, which guide the practical reflection of the theoretical concepts. 

The proportion of the course which each of these two activities take place is as follows: theory classes (50%) and practical classes (50%). 

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The structuring of the course into theoretical and practical sessions involves the evaluation of the knowledge and skills acquired in a differentiated yet complementary manner. Three main sections will be evaluated: theory (50%), practical exercise (25%), and attendance and participation (25%). For the three parts of the evaluation to be averaged to obtain the final grade for the course, it will be necessary for the grades of each part to be independently passed. 

The content of the theoretical sessions will be evaluated through a midterm exam (15%) and a final exam covering all the content (35%), both written. These exams will consider the ability to relate the content of the different topics transversally, as well as the development of independent thinking (50% of the total course grade). 

During the course, there will be text commentaries related to the content, which, along with class participation, will complete the participation grade (25%) in the practical sessions. Unjustified absence from six sessions will directly result in a No Show (0) for this part. 

Finally, the evaluation will be completed with a written exercise done at home and orally defended before the professor (25%). 

Important considerations: 

- Plagiarism, copying, or any other action that can be considered cheating will result in a zero for that evaluation section. Doing so in the exams will result in an immediate fail of the course. 

- In the second exam session, it will not be possible to obtain the grade of "Honors," with the highest grade being "Excellent." The extraordinary evaluation will consist of an exam (75%) and the submission and defense of the practical exercise (25%). 

- No changes will be accepted in the calendar, exam dates, or evaluation system. 

- Exchange students (Erasmus and others) or repeat students will be subject to the same conditions as the rest of the students. 

Bibliography and resources

General bibliography

- Amengual, G., Antropología Filosófica, BAC, Madrid, 2007. 

- Buber, M., ¿Qué es el hombre?, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Madrid, 1986. 

- Cassirer, E., Antropología filosófica, México, FCE, 2012 .

- Choza, J., Manual de antropologia filosófica, Sevilla, Thémata 2016. 

- San Martín Sala, J., Antropología Filosófica I. De la antropología científica a la filosófica, Madrid, UNED, 2015. 

- San Martín Sala, J., Antropología Filosófica II. Vida humana, persona, cultura, Madrid, UNED, 2015. 


Mandatory readings

ANTÍGONA, en: Sófocles, Tragedias, Madrid, Austral Editorial, 2011. 

- Ortega y Gasset, J., Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos, Madrid, Alianza, 2000. 


Optional reading

- Frankl, V., El hombre en busca de sentido, Barcelona, Herder editorial 2021.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 21/05/2025 P2A03 10:00h