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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Cultural Institutions and Policies

Cultural Institutions and Policies
First term
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: English

If the student is enrolled for the English track then classes for that subject will be taught in the same language.

Teaching staff

Appointments before class by writing to 


Cultural policy is used to promote accountability and protect different forms of culture, including cultural goods that society promotes or receives as a legacy from previous generations, and which are the cumulative result of artistic creation, values and beliefs that the community shares.

In the second half of the 20th century, with the development of the welfare state, a new social challenge emerged, to improve and give access to culture; this manifested itself in the development of policies for the promotion of the arts and the protection of cultural heritage. The debate since then has been to find reasons and limitations on public action in the field of culture (who should receive public assistance), and also what the most appropriate procedure for the allocation of public resources must be. More recently, the debate has broadened: first, the very activity of artists and cultural agents now often requires a technical, administrative outreach and a more sophisticated support structure. In recent years, the cultural sector has become much more diverse (a process stimulated in many cases by new information and communication technologies, the globalisation of markets for cultural products and especially the rise in entertainment products) and has become a more important sector within the whole economy and society. Therefore, cultural activity increasingly needs the support of an organisational structure, rather complex logistics, and the involvement of different public and private actors - but above all, it needs to be integrated in an ambitious and clear cultural policy to be effective.

At the same time, global trends are showing much more interest for cultural operators to develop cross-border approaches to culture –understanding the political, social and economic climate of international engagement is an important step towards effective international cultural action.

In this changing context, the aim of this course will focus on identifying the institutional and organisational framework determining cultural action, studying how the industry involves different public and private stakeholders and analysing the planning process through which cultural policies meet targets and result in projects, programmes and concrete actions.

Pre-course requirements

Those required for the Master. 


The course has the following objectives:

  • To become familiar with the basic concepts of cultural policies, instruments and agents involved.
  • To understand the diversity of policy models, instruments and agents.
  • To understand current debates about cultural policies.
  • To gain a deeper understanding of the wider design and implementation of cultural policies and institutions (economic, social and/or political purposes).
  • To be able to analyse, design and evaluate cultural policies.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB6 - To have and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity for the student to develop and/or apply original ideas, often in the context of research.
  • CB7 - Students should be able to apply their knowledge and ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments, within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
  • CB8 - Students should be able to integrate their knowledge and cope with the complexity of issuing judgements based on information that, though incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
  • CE3 - To identify, analyse, design, plan and assess cultural policies, and recognise the role of the agents who take part in cultural actions in a specific environment and the tools for planning such cultural policies.
  • CG1 - To analyse and interpret social and cultural environments to identify needs, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths.
  • CG2 - To lead, coordinate and form part of interdisciplinary work teams.
  • CG6 - To demonstrate an ability to be open and flexible with regards to cultural and social diversity.
  • CT1 - To design, direct, produce and assess cultural projects, programmes, strategies, policies or actions that involve a number of different numerous professional profiles, agents and institutions.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, the student is able to:

• Understand and describe the institutional and organizational framework in which cultural policies are developed. 

• Understand the nature, scope and interrelationships of the various actors involved in cultural activities. 

• Identify the various forms of management of cultural projects.

• Understand the fundamentals, methodology and application of planning techniques political and cultural projects. 

• Analyze and discuss strategic plans and processes of cultural planning.


Cultural institutions and policies: what they are for and what is their purpose
Cultural policy paradigms and evolution.
Dialogue between cultural policies and other policies.
Cultural policy and COVID.
Arts and cultural policy instruments and trends
National Cultural Ministries and Arts Councils.
Foreign Cultural Institutions – who and what for?
Transversal and inter-sectorial policies (culture and education, health, social services).
Sustainability - Environment, arts policy and events management.
Participatory cultural policies (third sector, community action).
New challenges for cultural policies and institutions
Cultural rights.
Freedom of expression.
Cultural participation.
Cultural needs.
Cultural policies in the public field
Cultural policies and agenda setting.
Cultural policy change.
Cultural actions of associations and private foundations
The role of associations and networks in the field of culture.
Private foundations supporting the arts and culture.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The general methodology of the course is a combination of conceptual presentations from lecturers and experts in the field accompanied by core reading assignments on specific areas to complement the concepts discussed in class.

Students will be set mini-assignments to collect and share case studies from their own countries. Enriching discussion in class with international examples to illustrate issues.

The course has a coordinator who teaches many of the sessions, but is complemented by additional specialists on different topics and practical sessions.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of this course consists of three parts:

1) Assignment 1_ represents 40% of the final grade.

2) Assignment 2_ represents 50% of the final grade.

3) Assessment of students contribution in class _ represents 10% of the final grade

Bibliography and resources

ANHEIER, Helmut K. and Yudishthir Raj Isar (2007) Conflicts and tensions. The Cultures and Globalization Series 1. SAGE Publications. London
BARBIERI, Nicolás (2012). Why does cultural policy change? Policy discourse and policy subsystem: a case study of the evolution of cultural policy in Catalonia. IJCP 18, 1, 13-30
BOLLO, Alessandro (2013) Report 3 – Measuring Museum Impacts. The Learning Museum Network Project
COUNCIL OF EUROPE (1997) In from the margins. A contribution to the debate on culture and development in Europe,  Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing.
DODD, D (2016) Globalization and Diversity -The_Health_Risks!  Download at:
DODD, D, M. Lyklemaand K. Dittrich van Weringh (2006) A cultural component as an integral part of the EU’s foreign policy? Amsterdam: Boekmanstudies
DODD, D and A. van Hemel (Eds.)(1999) Planning cultural tourism in Europe :  a presentation of theories and case studies. Amsterdam: Boekman Foundation / Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
EUNIC (2013) Culture and Conflict: Challenges for Europe’s Foriegn Policy. EUNIC’s yearbook 2012-2013.
EUNIC (2011) Europe’s Foriegn Cultural relations. EUNIC’s yearbook 2010-2011.  
European Union (2012) Report on Policies and good practices in the public arts and in cultural institutions to promote better access to and wider participation in culture.
European Union (2012) Report on How to strategically use the EU support programmes, including structural funds, to foster the potential of culture for local, regional and national development and the spill-over effects on the wider economy?
European Union (2010) Commission Report To The European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions On The Implementation Of The European Agenda For Culture.
FISHER, Rod (2007) a Cultural Dimension to the EU’s external policies from policy statements to practice and potential Boekmanstudies,Amsterdam.
FLORIDA, Richard (2004) The rise of the creative class and how it’s transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life. Basic Books. ISBN: 0465024769
FONDAZIONE FITZCARRALDO (2003) Cultural cooperation in Europe. What role for foundations?   I
FREEMUSE (2012) All That Is Banned Is Desired. Conference report by Robin Denselow World Conference on Artistic Freedom of Expression.
 HAWKES, Jon (2001) The fourth pillar of sustainability. Culture’s essential role in public planning. Melbourne: Cultural development network 
IFACCA (2016) D’Art 49: International Culture Networks:
IFACCA (2013) Introduction To Policy – Freedom Of Expression.
IFACCA  (2009) D'Art Report: The Independence of Government Arts Funding: A Review
D'Art Topics in Arts Policy no.9, July 2009
IFACCA (2004) D'Art Report: Artists International Mobility Programs D'Art Topics in Arts Policy no.17, December 2004.
IETM (2001) How networking Works. Published by Arts Council of Finland. 
INTERARTS FOUNDATION and the European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (EFAH) (2003) Report on the State of Cultural Cooperation in Europe, carried out on behalf of DG EAC.
JULIA’S BICYCLE and IFACCA (2014) The arts and environmental sustainability
KEA European Affairs (2006) The economy of culture
LANDRY, Charles(2000) The Creative City: a toolkit for urban innovators. Earthscan Publications Ltd. ISBN: 1853836133
LILLEY OBE, Anthony with Professor Paul Moore (2013) Counting What Counts: What Big Data can do for the Cultural Sector
MARTINELL, Alfons (coord.). Cultura y desarrollo, un compromiso para la libertad y el bienestar. Fundación Carolina -  Siglo XXI, 2010
MARTINELL, Alfons (2003) Nuevas competencias en la formación de gestores culturales ante el reto de la internacionalización
MATARASSO, François and Charles Landry (1999) Balancing act : twenty-one strategic dilemmas in cultural policy.  
MATARASSO, François (1997) Use or ornament? The social impact of participation in the arts  Stroud,UK : Comedia.
McMASTER, Brain (2008) Supporting excellence in the arts.
MERCER, Colin (2002) IN: Towards Cultural Citizenship: Tools for cultural policy and development
O'BRIEN, David (2019). The cultural policy puzzle. IPP 26, 2, 134-143.
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PRESKILL, Hallie and Tanya Beer (2012) Evaluating Social INNOVATION
ROSELLÓ, David y COLOMBO, Alba. Gestión cultural, estudios de caso. Ariel. Barcelona. 2008.
SACCO, Pier Luiggi (2020). Large Europen cities' post-pandemic recovery stretgies for the cultural and creative sectors. CIDOB.
SCHAFER, D. Paul. (2017), The Case for Culture  University of Ottawa Press
SCHAFER, D. Paul (2016) Feasting On Cultures To Solve Our Problems And Enrich Our Lives Download at:
SCHAFER, D. Paul. (2014), The Age of Culture University of Ottawa Press
SCHAFER, D. Paul (2008) Revolution or Renaissance: making the transition from an economic age to a cultural age  University of Ottawa Press
STAINES, Judith (2003) Network solutions for cultural cooperation in Europe
STRACHWITZ, Rupert Graf (2002) Philanthropy and Family Business First published in Families in Business, Vol. 1, Issue 5/ September 2002.
TIMS, Charlie and Shelagh Wright (2013) The Invisible Hand Art in the transition to another economy
UNESCO (2012) Measuring Cultural participation. 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics Handbook No. 2.
UNESCO WORLD REPORT 2 (2009) Investing in cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. Paris: UNESCO Publishing.
UNESCO - WORLD COMMISSION ON CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT (1996) Our creative diversity Paris: UNESCO Publishing.
UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY (2013) Report of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Farida Shaheed - The right to freedom of artistic expression and creativity -
VARBANOVA, Lidia (2016), Regional Support Systems For Arts Entrepreneurship Download at:
VARBANOVA, Lidia (2016), International Entrepreneurship in the Arts, Routledge
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WRIGHT, Shelagh, John Newbigin, John Kieffer et al.  After the Crunch.



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