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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Formación clínica humana
Salud mental I: Psicología
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Students may ask lecturers questions at the end of each class. For enquiries outside of class time, students must make an appointment by email:

Begoña Díaz:

Ferran Mestres:

Iris Crespo:

Melinda González:

Claudia López:

Joima Panisello:

María Gámiz:

Gemma Prat Vigué:

Isabella Meneghel:


The subject of Psychology seeks to contribute to the training of medical content that deal with the structure of the human psyche and its possible psychopathology. It is necessary if it is to provide comprehensive and quality care, keep in mind that the patient not only has a disease, but also is a sick person. If not properly know how a person can react to various life situations we can not conduct a comprehensive health care both clinical and human. The course aims to not only help others know how they are, but also learn more about yourself, a fundamental step to care for others. Therefore, the course aims for students to acquire basic knowledge and accurate on personal, social and cultural rights of man and of the major disorders of the psyche and its management by the physician. This course aims to not only help to meet the other, but also deepen over oneself.

Pre-course requirements

It does not proceed


  1. The main objective of the course is to help students acquire the basic knowledge that forms the basis of human behaviour and achieve a greater understanding of the human being as a whole.
  2. Initiate students in the terminology and knowledge areas of Psychology.
  3. To know the basic structure of the human personality and the elements that contribute to its formation. Distinguish between normal and pathological traits of personality.
  4. To know the developmental stages of psychological development of man from birth to death.
  5. To analyse social aspects that influence both on healthy and sick behaviour.
  6. To know the psychological manifestations, behavioural bases and major psychological functions and capabilities of humans both under normal conditions as in disease situation.
  7. To apply in clinical practice, knowledge and appropriate psychological techniques that help improve the professional relationship with the patient, family and the working team.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 08 - Recognize the basis of normal human behavior and its disorders.
  • 11 - Understand and recognize the effects of growth, development and aging on the individual and their social environment.
  • 21 - Listen carefully, obtain and synthesize relevant information about the problems affecting the patient and understand the contents of this information.
  • 24 - Establish good interpersonal communication skills that enables efficient and empathetic communication with patients, relatives, media and other professionals.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • To know the normal mental functions and its disorders.
  • To know the basic structure of the human personality and the elements that contribute to its formation.
  • To know the developmental stages of psychological development of humans.
  • To analyse and evaluate the social aspects that influence on healthy and sick behaviour.
  • To know the appropriate psychological techniques in order to establish an appropriate relationship with the patient, the family and the multidisciplinary team you are working with.
  • To know the psychological healing process, psychotherapeutic bases of general and specific types of psychotherapy.
  • To identify abnormal behaviour in a patient.
  • To assess psychological and psychopathological characteristics of an individual.
  • To perform and write a complete psychopathological examination
  • To use basic therapeutic communication techniques with the patient or family.
  • To know the different therapeutic strategies to control the anxiety and stress.


This course is divided in two thematic blocks:

- Block I: Fundamentals of Psychology

  • Unit 1: Psychological functions
  • Unit 2: Psychopathology
  • Unit 3: Neuropsychology
  • Unit 4: Personality
  • Unit 5: Developmental psychology

- Bloc II: Psychology in clinical practice

  • Unit 6: Current trends in psychotherapy
  • Unit 7: Positive Psychology
  • Unit 8: Health promotion
  • Unit 9: Group psychology and leadership
  • Unit 10: The psychological experience of illness
  • Unit 11: Psychological aspects of the curative process

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures will alternate with practical methodology classes in where small groups will work with case methodology, practical exercises, presentations and role-playing.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1. Final exam*: 80% of the final grade 

2. Psychopathology work: 20% of the final grade

*Methods of the case: It is an essential requirement to attend a minimum of 10 methods of the case to be able to take the final exam.

The grade of the Psychopathology paper is applied in future calls; at the student's request, it can be retaken in successive courses with the condition of attending the methods of the Psychopathology case. Attendance to a minimum of 10 case methods is not required in future calls if the student fulfilled this requirement in the previous call.

Bibliography and resources

References to consult:

  • LÓPEZ IBOR JJ, ORTIZ ALONSO T, LÓPEZ-IBOR ALCOCER MI. Lecciones de Psicología Médica. Masson. Barcelona,1999.
  • MESA CID P, RODRIGUEZ TESTAL JF. Manual de Psicopatología General. Pirámide. Madrid, 2007.
  • NIETO MUNUERA J. Psicología para Ciencias de la Salud. McGraw-Hill Interamericana: Madrid, 2004
  • ORTEGA MONASTERIO L. Lecciones de Psicología Médica. Pomoociones y Publicaciones Universitarias. Barcelona, 1993.
  • RIDRUEJO ALONSO P, Medina León A, Rubio Sánchez JL. Psicología Médica. McGraw-Hill. Madrid, 1996.
  • SEVA A. Psicología Médica. INO Reproducciones. Madrid, 1994
  • VALLEJO RUILOBA J. Introducción a la psicopatología y a la psiquiatría. Elversier Masson. Barcelona, 2011.
  • BUCETA JM, BUENO AM. Tratamiento psicológico de hábitos y enfermedades. Pirámide. Madrid, 2000.
  • COSTA CABANILLAS M, LÓPEZ MÉNDEZ E. Educación para la salud. Pirámide.Madrid, 2008.
  • FUENTENEBRO DE DIEGO F, VÁZQUEZ VALVERDE C. Psicología Médica, Piscopatología y Psiquiatría I. McGraw-Hill. Madrid, 1990.
  • GIL F, ALCOBER CM. Introducción a la psicología de grupos. Pirámide Madrid, 1999.
  • GIL ROALES-NIETO J. Psicología de la Salud. Pirámide. Madrid, 2004.
  • MYERS DG. Psicología. Panamericana. Madrird, 1999.
  • PALACIOA J. Desarrollo Psicológico y Educación: Psicología Evolutiva. Alianza. Madrid, 1999.
  • PAPALIA-OLDS D. Piscología. McGraw-Hill. México, 2000.
  • POLAINO LORENTE A, CABANYES TRUFFINO J. DEL POZO A. Fundamentos de Psicología de la personalidad. Rialp. Madrid, 2003.
  • SHAW ME. Dinámica de grupos: psicología de la conducta de los pequeños grupos. Herder. Barcelona, 1995.
  • SMITH E, MACKIE DM. Psicología Social. Médica Panameriacana. Madrid, 1997.
  • BAÑOS RM, PERPIÑÁ C. Exploración Psicopatológica. Síntesis. Madrid,2004.
  • FRANKL, V.E El hombre en busca de sentido 18ª ed. Herder. Barcelona 1979
  • DE LAS HERAS, J. Conócete mejor. Espasa Práctico 4ª ed. Madrid 1998.
  • SARRAIS, F. Aprendiendo a vivir: el descanso. EUNSA Pamplona, 2011.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 15/06/2023 11:30h