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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

History and Philosophy of Medicine

History and Philosophy of Medicine
Second semester
Medicina social, habilidades de comunicación e iniciación a la investigación
Filosofía e historia de la Medicina
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

An appointment by e-mail

Dra. Laura Gomez:

Profesor: Dr. J. Corcó :


The History of Medicine is the story of the fundamental problems doctors, in which he critically examines the successive solutions to all the same in the past, analyzes the genesis and development of the forms in which they currently present themselves.

Depending Pedro Lain Entralgo (1978), the History of Medicine and the dignity of the medical ethics, since it will teach who and how to acquire and apply them to today knowledge that constitute the basis of its flaws.

In the medical world of today has a social function in development, info to view them not only owes epidemiological aspects, clinical and therapeutic dedicate not only to heal individuals, but that also owes info to view these traits in family, social and economics that unbalance with disease producer or disease.

The Philosophy of science methodology shares with it, the theory of knowledge, although the theory of knowledge is occupied by the edge of possibility and conditions of all knowledge.

This unfulfilled trafficking exercises them show the influence that socio-cultural factors and historical knowledge and the practice of medicine. It is studying the distribution of health and of disease in the different society. Moreover, permitting to identify the origin of the terms and doctors handle the scientific literature.

Pre-course requirements

There are not previous requirements.


1. Explain the nature historical, social and cultural of the concepts of health and disease.

2. Procedure analyzes the constitutions of them know that studies to be state of human health and disease.

3. Describe the historical development of the health care services, its organization and different models them of health care.

4. Analyze the problems associated with the practice of medicine and relate them to the institutions that are regulated. Appreciate them and the existence of different appearances of motives Professional healthcare.

5. Understand the importance and the limitations of science in thought study, the prevention and treatment of the disease.

6. Info to view the evolution of medicine in these different historical contexts.

7. Know the evolution of the interprofessional relationship in the history of medicine.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Have, the professional activity, one critically, creatively and with constructive skepticism-oriented research.

  • 01 - Recognise the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered professional skills.
  • 06 - Develop professional practice with other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills.
  • 23 - Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing with patients, family members, media and other professionals.
  • 31 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health care information.
  • 32 - Know how to use information and communication technology in clinical, therapeutic, preventive health care and research.
  • 34 - Ability for critical thinking, creativity and constructive skeptisim with a focus on research within professional practice.
  • CTP-3 - To develop critical thinking and reasoning as well as self-assessment skills.

Learning outcomes of the subject

After completing the course the student should be able to:

  • Enumerate basic knowledge of History of Medicine.
  • Identify features of the history of health and disease.
  • Describe the evolution of the knowledge through history.
  • Argue the importance of experimental investigation research to determine progress in medicine.
  • Analyze the evolution of the interprofessional relationship in medical practice throughout history.


Module "History"

Subject-matter 1: Health, disease and medical practice from prehistory until the appearance of modern science

Subject-matter 2: Health, disease and medical practice from modern science until our days

Subject-matter 3: The medical profession in the story along

Subject-matter 4: Discoveries doctors to Europeans along the History

Module "Philosophy"

Subject-matter 1: The philosophy of science. The scientific conception of the world.

Subject-matter 2: The critical attitude in science.

Subject-matter 3: The scientific revolutions.

Subject-matter 4: Science and society. The dimensions of scientific activity.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Master Classes The master class is the scenario in which a teacher transmits knowledge in a classroom to the entire group of students. The format, however, permitting the introduction of activities in groups reduced inside the classroom and Development Strategies that promote active participation of the students.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

• History of Medicine: 80% of the final grade

Continuous evaluation:

- Class attendance and participation: 20%

- Mini-exams: 80% (taken in person in the classroom and during school hours)

-Group work and oral presentation (Optional)

Final Exam Exempted (By agreeing with the class on a continuous evaluation method).

Exceptionally, with prior agreement with the person responsible for the subject and at the beginning of the course, a final exam can be taken with the contents of the History of Medicine module.

• Philosophy: 20% of the final grade

Continuous evaluation:

- Philosophy Module Test: during the Philosophy class schedule

A must exceed two separate modules to implement the % corresponding

Bibliography and resources

Artigas, M., El desafío de la racionalidad, Eunsa, Pamplona 2003.

Artigas, M., Filosofía de la ciencia, Eunsa, Pamplona 1999.

Bachelard, G. La formation de l'esprit scientifique, 7 ed., Paris, 1970.

Calbet i Camarasa, Escudé i Aixelà, Història de la Medicina, PPU. Sa, Barcelona, 2009.

Canguilhem G. Introduction à l'histoire de Sciences, 2 vol., Paris, 1970.

Echeverría, J., Introducción a la metodología de la ciencia, Ed. Cátedra, Madrid 1999.

Gargantilla P. Breve Historia de la Medicina. Del Chaman a la gripe A, Ediciones Nowtilus, SL, 2011

Guerra F. Historia de la Medicina, Ediciones Capitel, Barcelona, 2007.

Laín Entralgo P. La historia clínica, Madrid, 1998.

Lopez Piñero, J. M. La medicina en la historia. Madrid, La esfera de los libros, 2003

Sánchez González, Miguel Ángel. Historia de la medicina y humanidades médicas, Ediciones Elsevier, SL, 2012.

Teaching and learning material