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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Forensic and Legal Medicine

Forensic and Legal Medicine
Second semester
Medicina social, habilidades de comunicación e iniciación a la investigación
Medicina legal y forense
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Students may ask lecturers questions at the end of each class. For enquiries outside of class time, students must make an appointment by email:


Dra. Esperanza Gómez Durán

Dr. Carles Martin Fumadó:


Legal and Forensic Medicine encompasses both forensic expertise at courts, providing advice to the Justice System, and medico-legal issues management in health-care services.

It includes broad knowledge in medicine, ethics and law essential to perform expert reports at courts and to give forensic and medico-legal technical advice.

Training in Legal and Forensic Medicine provides the basic knowledge and practical skills for the identification, analysis and resolution of medical-legal issues that usually arise in the legal and health-care field.


1. To learn about both scientific and social importance of Legal and Forensic Medicine.

2. Provide medical and legal knowledge essential to the practice of medicine and the practical skills to practice according to them.

3. Introduce students to the basic concepts and contents of Forensic Medicine.

4. Encourage critical thinking and analytical skills in theoretical and practical problems of Legal and Forensic Medicine.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - Recognise the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered professional skills.
  • 02 - Understand the importance of central principles, in particular of professional confidentiality for the benefit of patients, society and the profession.
  • 03 - Know how to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice and understand the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 04 - Develop professional practice with respect for patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
  • 06 - Develop professional practice with other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills.
  • 07 - Understand and recognise normal structure and function of the human body at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ and systemetic levels, at different stages of life and in both sexes.
  • 08 - Recognize the basis of normal human behavior and its disorders.
  • 09 - Understand and recognize the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of disease on the structure and function of the human body.
  • 10 - To understand and recognise the agents and risk factors which determine health status, and learn how they determine the symptoms and natural development of acute or chronic diseases in individuals and populations.
  • 11 - Understand and recognize the effects of growth, development and aging on the individual and their social environment.
  • 12 - Understanding the foundations for action, the indications and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, based on available scientific evidence.
  • 13 - Obtain and develop a clinical history that contains all relevant information.
  • 14 - Perform a physical examination and a mental assessment.
  • 15 - Ability to formulate an initial diagnosis and establish a rationalised diagnostic strategy.
  • 16 - Recognize and deal with situations that put life in immediate danger and those that require immediate attention.
  • 17 - Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying principles based on the best information possible and safe clinical practice..
  • 22 - To write and maintain medical records and other medical documents which can be understood by third parties and are adapted to the protocols and information that is required.
  • 23 - Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing with patients, family members, media and other professionals.
  • 25 - Recognize the determinants of public health; genetic and sex-dependent lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural determinants.
  • 26 - Assume role in the prevention and protection from diseases, injuries or accidents and maintenance and promotion of health, both individual and at the community level.
  • 27 - Recognize role in multidisciplinary teams, assuming leadership when appropriate, for the delivery of health care, such as interventions for health promotion.
  • 29 - Understand national and international health organisations, and the environments and conditions of the different health care systems.
  • 30 - To acquire basic knowledge of the National Healthcare System and general healthcare legislation.
  • 31 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health care information.
  • 36 - Be able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information for problem solving using the scientific method.
  • CB-3 - To know how to evaluate and select the appropriate scientific theories and precise methodologies required by their field of study to make judgements based on incomplete or limited information. Where necessary and appropriate, this includes a reflection on the ethical and social responsibility linked to the solution suggested in each case.
  • CB-7 - To be able to take responsibility for their own professional development and specialisation in one or more fields of study.
  • CTS-1 - To know the principles of leadership and decision making in ordinary situations or in conflicts with and between various ethical, legal and professional elements.
  • CTS-3 - To promote and ensure respect for human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination as well as the values of democracy and a culture of peace.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student has acquired the basic knowledge about the practice of forensic medicine and its interaction with the medical health care.

The student has acquired the knowledge to ensure respect for the legislative framework in the exercise of the medical profession.

The student has acquired the basic legal knowledge to the most basic performance in the Justice System.

The students manages correctly the medico-legal issues involved in problem-solving tasks.


  1. By subjects
  2. See Moodle

Teaching and learning activities

In person

1. Lectures.

2. Case method.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

There will be no midterm exam.

Continuous assessment + "participation and professionalism" + theoretical examination.

Theoretical final exam: multiple choice MIR format (80% of grade).

Continuous assessment (15% of grade) + Participation and Professionalism (5% of grade)- includes brief test at class and home-work. Assistance will be included when registered.

Assistance to método del caso can be registered but it can only be assessed if the students assits to the proper group (método del caso). Changes are only possible with the previous acord between students of different groups. Properly accredited and justified absences must be notified in advance and will be assessed individually.

Continuous assessment and participation and professionalism, are only applicable if the score on the final exam is at least 5 out of 10. 

On the second call, the notes will be saved for ongoing evaluation, but you lose the stake-professionalism score (maximum possible score 9.5). On the second call the exam will be oral.

Students than make use of this second call are excluded from honors option.

Honors will be achieve by best students. If doubful, a work on issues of interest chosen by the teacher can be required.

Bibliography and resources

This is material for consultation (material of study will be available at Moodle)


GISBERT-CALABUIG: Medicina Legal y Toxicología.  Masson, 2004, 6ª edición.

CASAS: Manual de Medicina Legal y Forense. Colex, 2000.


KNIGTH: Forensic Pathology. Arnold, 2004, 3ª Edición.

SPITZ: Medicolegal Investigation Of Death: Guidelines For The Application Of Pathology To Crime Investigation. Charles C. Thomas, 2006, 4ª edición.

DI MAIO: Manual de patología forense. Díaz de Santos, 2003.


GIL HERNÁNDEZ: Tratado de Medicina del Trabajo. Masson, 2005.

BOROBIA: Valoración del daño corporal. Legislación, metodología y prueba pericial médica. Masson, 2006.



Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 22/05/2023 18:00h