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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psychology I: Bases of Psychological Development (6-12 Years)

Psychology I: Bases of Psychological Development (6-12 Years)
First semester
Basic training
Learning and personality development
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

The tutoring schedule will be arranged according to the student's needs by previous appointment through e-mail (

 It is highly recommended to attend the assigned tutoring for the preparation of your presentation (it is advisable to be 80%-90% advanced in your work).


The sense of this subject lies in the need for the future teaching professional to know, on the one hand, the fundamentals of developmental psychology and, on the other hand, the psychology of education (how to learn and how to teach).

In this way, knowing the basic elements that condition the development of the student and the characteristics that this presents along the different evolutionary stages, requires a crucial knowledge for a better educational response in a horizon of maximum personalization of the teaching and learning processes.


  • To understand the psychological, evolutionary and personality characteristics of children 6-12 years old.
  • To characterize the different stages of development from a psycho-evolutionary point of view and to analyze their educational implications.
  • To reflect on the relationship between psychological development and education.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-07 - To promote cooperation and individual work and effort.
  • CEM-14 - To understand the learning processes relative to the 6-12 age period in the family, social and school contexts.
  • CEM-15 - To be familiar with the characteristics of these students, as well as of their motivational and social contexts.
  • CEM-16 - To master the knowledge required to understand the development of the personality of these students and identify dysfunctions.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Learning outcomes of the subject

1- Knows and classifies the psychological and personality characteristics in the period from 6 to 12 years old.

2- Knows how to find out the contextual circumstances of the students in order to explain the development of the personality and the different types of learning.

3- Identifies, analyzes and understands the psychological and personality knowledge of children from 6 to 12 years old and is able to relate them to the different teaching and learning processes, and knows how to relate them to the environment, being aware of their complexity.

4- Knows how to identify personality dysfunctions.

20- Possesses sufficient knowledge of behavioral psychology to analyze and understand his/her own behavior and that of others.


Introduction to developmental Psychology:

  • The Science of Human Development

  • Theories

  • The New Genetics

  • Prenatal Development and Birth

Development in the First Two Years, Early Childhood and Middle Childhood: 

  • Biosocial Development

  • Cognitive Development

  • Psychosocial Development

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lesson 1: The Beginnings (4 Sessions + 1 Exam Rehearsals)

Lesson 2: First Two Years (3 Sessions + 1 Exam Rehearsal)                                                      

Exam I (Lessons 1 & 2)

Lesson 3: Early Childhood (3 Sessions + 1 Exam Rehearsal)                                                      

Lesson 4: Middle childhood (3 Sessions + 1 Exam Rehearsal)  

Lesson 5: Adolescence & Adulthood (3 Sessions) 

Exam II (Lessons 3, 4 & 5)

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The student will be assessed individually (point 1, 2 & 3) and/or in groups (points 3, 4 & 5):   

  1. Exam I                                                              25%                                                              
  2. Exam II                                                             25%  
  3. Professional Development                                   25%*
  4. Exam rehearsals + sheet of answers                     5%*
  5. Data extraction from a scientific article                15%*       
  6. Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Sustainability        5%* 
1- Exam I & II -  It will be a multiple-choice exam (with a correct answer for each question like a driving license) and open answer questions. This contrasts with multiple response items in which more than one answer may be keyed as correct. If the exam is online, the format of the exam might be different. The average between both exams should be at least 5. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the exam(s) you failed in June (segona convocatòria). 

2- Professional development - A presentation of the chapters that should last about 1h 30 min or 2h 30 min. (45 min + 45 min) (1h 15 min. + 1h 15 min. if you are a group of three): you don’t need to explain all the content, but all the main ideas that you can communicate within the time given (this implies some rehearsal in advance). It is very important to bear in mind that you don’t have to present, but instead explain as if you were the teacher! These four aspects will be assessed: a) selection of content, b) structure of contents, c) teaching strategies (can your audience follow the lesson?), and d) Time management and fluency (is your discourse well-prepared or instead improvisation takes place affecting your time management?). 

3- Exam rehearsals + sheet of answers - You will have to prepare in pairs a multiple-choice exam with 20 items (10 items per student; e.g., 30 items if you are three students) and provide the sheet of answers justifying them (with a copy-paste of the paragraph/sentence where you can find the answers plus page of the book). You will send it by e-mail to the teacher in two separate files: one for the multiple-choice exam and the other for the sheet of answers. Important: even though you can split the work (10 items x student), the mark is one x team since it is a group activity, which means that you have to check and revise each other's work and not only the one you get responsible for.

4 - Data extraction from a scientific article - The objective of this exercise is to develop your ability to analyse and evaluate scientific articles in a critical and structured manner. You will have to read a scientific article selected from Moodle and extract the most relevant information in each of the indicated sections (abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, and reflection). This exercise will help you to improve your critical reading skills and understanding of the structure and content of a scientific article, preparing you for future academic and professional tasks in the field of research.

5 - Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Sustainability (CWS) - The deadline will be November 11th. This information should be included: title, theoretical framework, aims, method, results, discussion and references. In order to evaluate this work, I will consider the written product (the powerpoint presentation), the defense (oral part), the evaluators' assessment and your individual involvement in the project as part of the process so that not only the product is evaluated.

*English skills may be evaluated as well for the class exhibition and CWS presentation (the fluency component),and the exam rehearsals and CWS slides (the writing).

Bibliography and resources

  • Bibliografia basica
    • - Berger, K. S. (2018). The Developing Person: Through Childhood & Adolescence. 11th Edition. Macmillan.
    • -Palacios, J., Marchesi, A., i Coll, C. (2004). Desarrollo Psicológico y Educación (vol 1): Psicología Evolutiva. Alianza Editorial.

      -Stassen Berger, K. (2015). Psicología del desarrollo: infancia y adolescencia (9a edición). Editorial Panamericana.

    • Bibliografia complementaria 

      AMAR-TUILLIER, A. (2007). Trastornos psicológicos infantiles. Ed. Octaedro
  • Balaguer, M.C. Lectura estartègica dels problemes matemàticsa l'Educació Primària.TDX
  • COLL, C. y otros (1993). Desarrollo psicológico y educación (3 vols.) Madrid: Alianza
  • CÓRDOBA, A.I (2006). Psicologia del desarrollo en edad escolar. Ed. Pirámide
  • DEBESSE, M. (1989). Psicologia del niño. Ed. Buenos Aires: Nova.
  • ESCAMILLA, A. (2009). Las competencias en la programación de aula. Infantil y Primaria (3-12 años). Ed. Graó