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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psychology II: Cognitive Processes and School Learning

Psychology II: Cognitive Processes and School Learning
Second semester
Basic training
Educational and learning processes and personality development (0-6 years)
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

For having an appointment, teachers would like to have a previous mail. However after class (13.30) you can ask us whatever you need.


The course in Cognitive Processes and Learning School aims to develop basic skills related to understanding how knowledge is acquired and how the school can influence the acquisition. So there will be a study of different learning theories that have most influenced the current conception of teaching and learning processes.

Apart from this first objective, it is also intended that students acquire the skills of classroom management from the content being taught, and skills related to teacher training as analytical and reflective.


- reach the especific competencies of this subject.

- understand and comunicate the contents of the subject

- contextualize the contents in the real scholl life

- develope learning contexts close to the children features

- Adquire diferent skills to regulate own learnging process

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

CEM-1 understand educational processes and also learning processes, between 0 and 6 years old, in all contexts: family, society and scholl.

CEM-4 Recognize identity of this period and its cognitive, psychomotor, comunicative, social and afective features.

CET-4 Organizational responsability. reach knowledge and skills enough to create a good learning context: organizate, ordered and entered, doing it in a sistematic and professional way.

CET-6 Colaboration with the professional environment of scholl:  Reach knowledge and skills enough to stablish relationship with people and institutions working to reach children wellness or working in professional environment of scholl.

CET-7 promote own responsabily concerning own professional development: analize, reflect and develope points of view about profession and his/her competence as a teacher. know how to explain them and know how to actualizate himself/herself.

CG-1 Integrate TIC in learning activities, in learning management and in professional development.

CG-2 Comunicate clearly and in a right way with learning language, catalan and spanish, also speaking than writing (level C1), (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas)

CG-5 Know elements to develope analitic though, diferent proficiency level. deveolpe this competency as much as posible 


Learning outcomes of the subject

2. Identifying, analysing and understanding the teaching-learning processes of students in the 0-6 age period and learning how to relate them to the context while being aware of their complexity.

 4. Recognizing the cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective features of students in the 0-6 age period and learning how to identify potential deficits and giftedness.

7. Designing teaching-learning and play activities that are adapted to the students’ needs and encourage independent learning while incorporating the use of information and communication technologies.

8. Evaluating activities and their effectiveness and, if necessary, adapting them to an entire group or to each child individually in order to promote diversity.

9. Managing the childhood-education classroom by organizing it in different ways and by using different teaching aids and materials that support objectives related to teaching activities.

11. Becoming familiar at a practical level with systems for monitoring students and strategies for monitoring one’s own work as a teacher and making it accessible to others.

12. Offering information about the students to parents and other concerned parties, and making appropriate use of this information.

13. Participating constructively in different kinds of consultations with people and institutions outside the school, and collaborating with other professionals.


1. Cognitive Development: Individual and psychosocial components of learning
2. Educational Psychology: historical
3. Cognitive Psychology
4. Psychological theories of learning
5. Creating dialogic knowledge. Peer interaction and adult
6. Multiple Intelligences

Teaching and learning activities

In person

CEM-1 Understanding educational and learning processes in the period 0-6, in the family, social and school context.

-Study Cases (EC)

 -Resolution Exercises and problems (REP)

-Seminaris-Workshops (S-T)


CEM-4 recognize the identity of the stage and characteristics cognitive, psychomotor, social, communicative and emotional.

-Master class (LM)

 -Study Cases (EC)

 -Learning Oriented to projects (AOP)

 -Contracte Learning (CA)

Classes theoretical (CT)

-individual study (ITI)




CET-4 Organizational Responsibility: Pose knowledge and organizational skills sufficient to create a pleasant working environment in their classes: organized, orderly and focused on all aspects of himself and his colleagues and above all, with their students. And get it in a professional and systematic.

-Resolution Exercises and problems (REP)


-Learning Oriented to projects (AOP)

- Practical class (COP)


- External practics (EP)


CET-6 Collaboration with the professional environment of the school: Pose the knowledge and skills sufficient to establish good cooperation with individuals and institucionsdedicades child welfare or belonging to the enthroned professional school .

Case study (EC)


-Learning Oriented to projects (AOP)

-External practics (EP)


-Study And group work (TSG)



CET-7 promotes responsibility in what concerns their professional development: analyze, reflect and develop their views on the profession and competence as a teacher, to know them and know how to explain how to set up .

-Independent learning contract (CA)

 -Study Cases (EC)

 -Learning Oriented to projects (AOP)



- individual study and work (ETI)


CG-1. Integrating the technologies of information and communication activities of teaching aprenentatfe in enenyament management and professional development.

- Independent learning Contract (CA)

 -Study Cases (EC)

 -Learning Oriented to projects (AOP)

-Mentoring (T)


-individual study and work(ETI)


CG-2 Communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction: Catalan and Castilian froma of oral and written according to level C1 according to the Common European Framework for Languages referènciaper.

-Master class (LM)

 - Independent learning Contract (CA)

 -Resolution Exercises and problems (REP)

 Studying cases (EC)

 -learning Oriented to Projects (AOP)

theorical Classes (CT)

 -Seminars-Workshops (S-T)

  practical class (COP)

 -mentoring (T)

 -Study And group work (TSG)



CG-5 Understand the elements of analytical thinking, different levels of mastery and competence to develop this maximum

-Study Cases (EC)

 -Resolution Exercises and problems (REP)

 -Learning Oriented to projects (AOP)

 -LEARNING Contrat (CA)

-Seminars-Workshops (S-T)

 -Study And individual work (ITI)



Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of the subject will take into account progress throughout the academic period. The records that will enable this evaluation will be drawn from the various ongoing evaluation activities, which will be of a varied nature. Specifically, the subject will be assessed on the basis of systematic reflections on individual development and learning, competent participation in academic tutorials and the completion of individual assessment tests. Other situations from which data will be extracted are the observation and assessment of participation in the classroom and self-evaluation. Training activities must be distinguished from assessment activities.

To achieve as much objectivity as possible in the assessment, the student will be asked to maintain consistency between the individual assessment notes and the group assessment notes. If this consistency does not exist, the individual grade obtained in the classroom will always be prioritized as the final grade. This is because we think that the competence in group work is unique and that the rest of the competences that the student must achieve are individual.

On the other hand, when any of the skills required in this teaching guide is not demonstrated to have been achieved in the first call, it will have to be recovered in the second call. For this reason, a suspension will appear in the academic file in the first call. When this competence has been recovered, the final mark of the 2nd call will be recalculated, taking into account all the other marks achieved by the student in the continuous assessment.


In line with the social responsibility that comes with the function of teachers, it is necessary to specify two more conditions in the evaluation of this subject. First of all, mention that the attitudes that the teaching staff consider to be academic irresponsibility may lead to not achieving a pass in the subject, to enter into complete contradiction with the profile of the teacher, as indicated by the 5th general objective of the subject. Secondly, and in accordance with General Competence 2 on correctness in oral and written expression in the vehicular language, the current spelling criteria for deducting points in the evaluation tests are the following:

    • -0.1 handwritten assignments or exams, -0.3 computer-written assignments or exams. -2 point limit. (works with a maximum of 7 pages)
    • -0.1 handwritten assignments or exams, -0.1 computer-written assignments or exams. Limit -2 points. (works from 7 pages)
    • The discount limit is 2 points maximum.

If, from the beginning, an excess of spelling mistakes or improper writing is noticed during the revision of a work, the work will be returned for the student to correct and hand it in again after a week . In this case, you will receive a pass at most. We think that these considerations will be of great help to improve the quality of the future work as teachers and the current academic work.

It is also important to mention that this subject has two distinct parts. The Psychology of Learning part develops 7 credits and represents 80% of the final grade and the Social Psychology part represents 2 credits and the remaining 20%. Despite the fact that the general evaluation criteria are those contained in this teaching guide, each of the teachers of the two parts will specify those specific aspects that they consider appropriate for their part.

The following grid shows what learning outcomes are expected of the students and with which system they will be assessed. The qualification will be based on the common scale of the Faculty of Education.

Systematic reflections on individual development and learning: 15%
Continuous assessment tests (15%) and integrative test (30%): Total 45%. If the integrative test is suspended, it is necessary to go to the 2nd call.

Structured interview: 30%

Degree of participation, behavior in the classroom: 10%

To pass the subject you must complete all continuous assessment activities.


Learning outcomes

evaluation system

Identifies, analyzes and understands the processes of teaching and learning / alum of 0-6 years and knows how to relate them to the environment, raising awareness of its complexity (2)

- tests


-Structured interview

- selfevaluation

Recognizes cognitive characteristics, psychomotor, social, communicative and affective own students from 0 to 6 years and knows its possible to identify deficit or sobredotació (4)

- tests


-Structured interview

- selfevaluation

Designs teaching and learning activities and play, adapted to the needs of students that foster independent learning, integrating the use of information technology and communication (7)


 -Registre Behaviors and observations

Assess the activities and their effectiveness and, if necessary, adapts the whole group or each student specifically to encourage attention to diversity (8)


 -Registre Behaviors and observations

Manages the kindergarten classroom using different forms of organization, teaching aids and educational materials that support the goals related with  learning activities (9)






Knows, practiclly the systems for monitoring academic performance  of students with strategies to keeps track of your work as a lecturer, to be accessible (11)

-Registration of Behaviors and observations

 -structured interiew


Offers to parents and to other stakeholders, information on students and uses the information that appropriately he obtains (12)

-structured interiew



Participates constructively in consultations with different types of people and institutions outside collaborating with other professionals (13)

-Degree of participation


-structured interiew



Learning Psychology (Carme Balaguer):

- Continuous assessment tests (15%) and integrative test (30%) : Total 45 %. If the test is aborted inclusive should go to 2nd call . Reflections : 15%  - Structured interview : 30 %  -Extent of participation , behavior in the classroom : 10%  To pass the course is necessary to carry out all activities of continuous assessment .


Bibliography and resources

Balaguer, M.C. Lectura estartègica dels problemes matemàtics a l'Educació Primària.TDX

Coll, C. (coord.) (2008). Psicologia de la Instrucció.UOC

Brunner, J.S. (1984). Acción, pensamiento y lenguaje. Alianza Editorial

Bruner, J. (1997). La Educación puerta de la cultura. Machado Libros

Coll, C., Palacios, J. i Marchesi, A. (2008). Desarrollo psicológico y educación II. Psicologia de la Educación. Alianza

Coll, C., Martín, E., Mauri, T., Miras, M., Onrubia, J., Solé, I. i Zabalza, A. (1999). El constructivismo en el aula. GRAO

Gagné, E.D. (1991). La psicología cognitiva del aprendizaje escolar. Visor

Gardner, H. (1995). Inteligencias múltiples. Paidós.

González Pérez, J. i Criado del Pozo, M.J. (2004). Psicologia de la educación para una enseñanza práctica. Editorial CCS

Lave, Jean, & Wenger, Etienne (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Cambridge University Press.

Piaget, J. (1965). The child’s construction of number. Norton.

Pozo, I. i Monereo, C. (Coord.) (2000). El aprendizaje estratégico. Santillana

Puente Ferreras, A. (2005). Cognición y Aprendizaje. Funsamentos Psicológicos. Pirámide

Tuffanelli, L. (2010). Comprender. ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo funciona. Narcea

Vigotski, L.S. (1979). El desarrollo de los procesos psicológicos superiores. Crítica.

Vigotski, L.S. (1995). Pensamiento y leguaje. Paidós

Wells, G. (2001). Indagación dialógica. Hacia una teoria y una práctica socioculturales de la educación (pp. 237-270). Paidós

Woolfolk, A.; Hugues, M. y Walkup, V. (2008). Psychology in Education. Pearson

Pozo Municio, I. (2000). Aprendices y maestros (4ª ed.). Alianza.


Interacció entre iguals i adults (Psicologia social) (Jaume Camps)

Allport, G. W. (1979). The Nature of Prejudice. Cambridge: Perseus Books. (1a edició de 1954)

Aronson, E. (2000). El animal social (8a edició). Alianza.

Biscarri, J., Samper, L. i Sanuy, J. (1985). Socialització infantil i dinàmica del grup-classe. Dilagro.

Córdoba, A.I. et al. (coords) (2006). Psicología del desarrollo en la edad escolar. Pirámide.

Gerrig, R.J. i Zimbardo, P.G. (2005). Psicología y vida. Pearson.

Harris, J. R. (1998). The Nurture Assumption. The Free Press. 

Hartup, W. W. (1998a). The company they keep: Friendships and their developmental significance. In A. Campbell, & S. Muncer (Eds.), The social child. The Psychology Press.

López, F. et al. (2003). Desarrollo afectivo y social. Pirámide.

Maccoby, E. E. (2003). The Two Sexes. Growing up Apart, Coming Together. Harvard University Press.

Marín, M. (1998). Psicología social de los procesos educativos. Algaida.

Páez, D. et al. (coord.). (2004). Psicología social, cultura y educación. Pearson Educación. 

Parsons, T. (1976). La clase como sistema social: algunas de sus funciones en la sociedad americana. A Gras, A. (Ed.). Sociología de la educación. Textos fundamentales (pp. 53-60). Narcea.   file:///C:/Users/usuari/Downloads/Unidad2aParsons.pdf

Ruiz Martín, H. (2021). ¿Cómo aprendemos? Graó. (veure Capítol 3.4.)

Steele, C. M. (1997). A Threat in the Air. How Stereotyper Shape Intellectual Identity and Performance. American Psychologist, 52(6), 613-629.

Thorne, B. (1993). Gerder Play: Girls and Boys in School. Rutgers University Press.

Turner, J. C. (1987). Rediscovering the Social Group. A Self-Categorization Theory. Basil Blackwell.

Teaching and learning material