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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Communication and Psychology

Communication and Psychology
Second semester
Introduction to dentistry
Communication and Psicology
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

If the student is enrolled for the English track then classes for that subject will be taught in the same language.

Teaching staff

Booking an appointment by e-mail: 

Joan Enric Bonastre: 

Andrea Lastra:



The need to include a subject on Communiction and Psychology within the content of the Dentistry Degree is justified by the "element" with which dentists will constantly work in their practice: people. In order to provide a comprehensive and quality care it is necessary to keep in mind that the patient not only has a physical dysfunction but also is a person in need. If the functioning of the person is not known it cannot be reached the patient care on a truly human level. 


This subjects aims not only helping to know how others are but also learn more about oneself, which constitutes the first and fundamental step to take care of others. Therefore, the main objective is to acquire basic but accurate knowledge on personal, social and cultural human being and to discover in Psychology an aid in the field of health and rehabilitation.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites


  1. To acquire the basic knowledge that form the basis of human behavior, so to be able to recognize normal mental functions, and achieve a greater understanding of the human being as a whole.
  2. To introduce terminology and knowledge areas characteristic of Psychology.
  3. To know the basic structure of the human personality and the elements that contribute to its formation. Distinguish between normal and abnormal traits of personality.
  4. To identify the stages of human psychological development from birth to death.
  5. To analyze some social aspects that influence on the healthy and sick behavior.
  6. To know the psychological aspects of the disease process and the importance of the health professional in this field, which will determine the relationship with the patient, family and multidisciplinary team with which the professional works.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 04 - Understanding and recognising the social and psychological aspects that are relevant in terms of treating patients.
  • 05 - Knowing how to apply the correct principles to control anxiety and stress in oneself, in patients and in other memebers of the dentistry team.
  • 10 - Knowing and being able to identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence in order to train students in the prevention, early detection of, care for and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.
  • 41 - Being aware of the behavioural and communication sciences which facilitate dental practice
  • 55 - Recognising that the patient is the centre of attention and that all the interaction, including the prevention, diagnosis, planning and carrying out of the treatment and maintenance, and must support their best interests, always avoiding any type of discrimination and respecting confidentiality

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 2.01 - Know the basic structure of the human personality and the elements that contribute to their training. Distinguish between normal and abnormal psychological traits
  • 2.02 - Identify the developmental stages of psychological development of human s from birth to death
  • 2.03 - Analyze social aspects that influence in the behavior of healthy and sick person
  • 2.04 - Know the behavioral sciences and communication that facilitate dental practice
  • 2.05 - Apply the principles of controlling oneself anxiety and stress, over patients and other members of the dental team


1. Introduction to the human psyche. History of Psychology. Psychic functions: awareness, attention, sensation, perception, learning, memory, language, thought, intelligence, emotions, motivation, desire, instincts and tendencies.

2. Psychopathology of the human psyche.

3. Psychology of personality: personality concept. Personality structure. Dynamics of personality. Classification. Personality disorders.

4. Developmental Psychology: Physical, social, psychological and spiritual development in childhood, puberty, adolescence, adulthood and old age.

5. Social Psychology: Communication.

6. Applied psychology: The health professional relationship-patient. Stress. Pain. Placebo effect. The mental health professional.

7: Psychiatry: Anxiety disorders. Mood disorders. Eating disorders. Psychotic disorders. Addictions.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Theoretical classes in master class format will be combined with practical classes in divided groups. Case methods, practical exercises, oral presentations and role-playings will be done.

Therorical class

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Midterm exam: 35% of the final grade (passing this exam avoids the material included in the midterm featuring in the final)

Final exam: 35% of the final grade (failing the midterm will entail retaking the midterm along with the final)

You must score a 5 in the midterm and in the final to pass the course. 


Case Methods: 30 % of the final grade


Second sitting, the whole exam will be carried out regardless of the part you haven't passed. 

Bibliography and resources


·   Mesa Cid P, Rodríguez Testal L JF. Manual de Psicopatología General. Pirámide. Madrid, 2007.

·  Nieto Munuera J. Psicología para Ciencias de la Salud. McGraw-Hill Interamericana: Madrid, 2004

·    Ridruejo Alonso P, Medina León A, Rubio Sánchez JL. Psicología Médica. McGraw-Hill. Madrid, 1996.

·   Seva A. Psicología Médica INO Reproducciones. Madrid. 1994. Vallejo Riuloba J. "Introducción a la Psicopatología y a la Psiquiatría". Barcelona, Masson, 1998.