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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Biology of Caregiving

Biology of Caregiving
First semester
Health Sciences Module
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: English

Teaching staff

Arrange a visit with teachers via email.


The Biology Care course contains three main parts. The first part is dedicated to the knowledge of the organization of the eukaryotic animal cell and its major processes of the transformation of energy and synthesis of organic molecules. This study is absolutely necessary to understand the normal function of the human organism and thus know the mechanisms and the molecular and cellular basis of many diseases.

Another group of issues concern the study of microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria. This study is necessary to understand the etiology of infectious diseases, prevention methods and clinical analysis of biological samples.

Finally, the third part focuses on the nutritional needs of healthy people and health problems throughout the life cycle, and how to promote and reinforce the correct eating behaviors, identify nutrients and foods within these healthy eating habits, recognize the most prevalent nutritional problems and select the appropriate dietary recommendations.


Pre-course requirements

Previous knowledge of high school level biology.


The Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has agreed that it is compulsory for all students taking a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, when participating in online classes, to turn on their camera and remain visible to lecturers and professors at all times.


The objectives of the course coincide with the degree; however, it is focused on the molecular and cellular aspects as well as the nutrition of the person:

  1. Learn how to assess and evaluate situations of persons at the level of molecular, cellular and nutritional needs, including their ability promote, restore, and maintain an ideal level of health.
  2. Interpret and apply nursing activities to medical practice, taking into account the clinical and nutritional information in order to promote, restore and maintain the optimal level of health.
  3. Select and incorporate knowledge of nursing and other health disciplines at the molecular, cellular and nutritional level, as well as be able to formulate appropriate nursing judgments.
  4. Learn, analyze and apply the research results in the fields of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Dietetics, in the practice of nursing.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 14. G - Establish mechanisms for evaluation, taking into account scientific, technical and quality standards.
  • 15. B - Work with the team of professionals as a basic unit in which uni or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary professionals and other staff of health care are organized.
  • 19. B - Ability to make decisions based on critical thinking and reflective practice.
  • 22. G - Use and management of information and research
  • 25. E - Knowledge of the field of study
  • 29. B - Know the scientific terminology in another language (English).
  • 6. E - Base nursing care on scientific evidence and available resources.
  • 9. E - Promote healthy lifestyles, self-care, as well as the maintenance of therapeutic and preventive behaviors.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course students should:

  • Know the structural and metabolic basis of eukaryotic cells and microorganisms.
  • Know the interactions between humans and microorganisms, and the role of these as etiologic agents of infectious diseases.
  • Know the biological and chemical bases of the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.
  • Know the chemical composition of foods.
  • Know the dietary and nutritional needs of different pathological situations.
  • Be familiar with the scientific method and promote reasoning and discussion of problems.
  • Know primary sources of information.
  • Have curiosity about the world that surrounds him.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

The contents of the course will be addressed using different methodologies:

  • Lecture: this session is addressed to the entire course. We will study the theorical contents of the subject.
  • Critical reading:  we will analyse the more recent bibliography relative to the theorical contents.
  • Cooperative learning: we will make practical exercices of calculation and diagnosis in groups and the results will be discussed in class.
  • Practical sessions: we will make 4 hours of practical  microbiology. Small groups.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1) Students in first call:

  • Mid term exam 20%
  • Final exam: 80% 

Teachers reserve 5% of the mark to be granted on subjective items such as: involvement, participation, respect for basic standards, etc.


2) Students in second call: 

    • Mid term exam 20%
    • Final exam: 80% 

 The grade for the lab practices will be saved for further calls.


3) Students in following calls:

- Students repeating the subject will be able to choose whether to do the mid term or move the mark percentage to the final examn  


General considerations about the assessment system:  



To obtain the final grade, the average between all the qualifications will be done only if a grade equal to or greater than 4 is obtained in the final exam.

The course is passed if, in adition to the previous statement, the average grade e is qual to or greater than 5.To decide to give an Honours mark, candidates will be given special consideration for their participation and involvement in the different methodologies of the subject, as well as respect for the subject’s basic standards. Honors mark will not be given in the second sitting.



The exam will be face-to-face in the classroom and in hardware format, both in the 1st and 2nd sitting.

The exams will be test-type and marked as follows: 1 point for each correct answer, - 0.25 points for every wrong answer. Non - marked options will not have an impact in the grade.

The final exam will include the contents of all courses (Biology, Microbiology and Nutrition).



Attendance to practice sessions is compulsory. Not atending these sessions will produce the fail of the subject.

Attendance to the theoretical classes will not be controlled, but in order to correctly follow the study of the subject it is recommended to attend the maximum possible number of sessions.



The improper use of electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets or laptops may result in expulsion from the class. The recording and dissemination of either students or teachers during the different lessons is regarded as improper use, as well as the use of these devices for recreational and non-educational purposes.


Bibliography and resources

Basic Biology: 

Biology (Freeman)

Editorial Addison-Wesley


Alberts, B., et al.
Editorial Médica Panamericana. Madrid, 2011.

2.- PRINCIPIOS DE BIOQUIMICA (Lehninger, 5ª edición)
Nelson, D. L., Cox, M. M.
Ediciones Omega. Barcelona, 2009.

Madigan, M. T., et al.
Pearson Educación. Madrid, 2009.

Kuklinski, C.
Editorial OMEGA       

Planas, M.
Ediciones MOZO.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 10/01/2024 08:00h
  • R1 26/01/2024 14:00h
  • E2 02/07/2024 08:00h
  • R2 12/07/2024 10:00h