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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Architectural Drawing

Architectural Drawing
First semester
Propedeutic Introductory Module
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Professors will be available to Graphic Expression students subject to a prior appointment agreed by email. 


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

To draw is, in itself, to plan in the deepest sense of the concept. Learning to draw is learning to plan.

We understand ‘graphic expression’ from two perspectives:

1. The positive, analytical and projective dimension of all graphic representations: any discipline and profession aimed at raising the awareness of vision and enriching the sense of form, rhythm and abstraction.

2. The importance of managing and mastering it in order to develop projective skills: a necessary tool for the practice of architecture.

The teaching of Graphic Expression immediately suggests the idea of a workshop. You learn to draw by drawing: the trial and error method will be fundamental for students to make progress on this course.

The course places a particular emphasis on educating the eye and the ability to analyse reality, whether it be cultural, physical, subjectively or synoptically (form, elements, meaning).

Drawing in its creative, analytical and projective dimension.

Pre-course requirements

Basic knowledge of mathematics, geometry and technical and artistic drawing.


The objective of the Graphic Expression course is to provide students with a general grounding in ARCHITECTURAL TECHNICAL DRAWING, enabling them to deal with the graphic representation of the theoretical concepts that they will be given during courses such as Information Technology, Projects, Construction, etc.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 03 - To acquire adequate knowledge of spatial representation systems applied to architecture and urbanism .
  • 04 - To acquire knowledge and apply it to the analysis and theory of form and the laws of visual perception in architecture and urbainism.
  • 05 - To acquire adequate knowlege of metric and projective geometry applied to architecture and urbanism.
  • 06 - To acquire adequate knowledge of graphic surveying techniques in all stages, from sketching to scientific restitution.
  • 1-T - Ability to apply graphic procedures to the representation of spaces and objects.
  • 2-T - Ability to conceive and represent the visual attributes of objects and master the proportions and techniques of drawing, including digital forms

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, students should be able to understand and represent reality using the tools of the architect:

  • the sketch, as a tool for analysis and knowledge,
  • orthographic projection and flat plans that explore in depth the general rationalization of the representation,
  • the drawing in its interpretive dimension, through the scale


This is an essentially practical course. It is undertaken in two weekly sessions of 3.5 hours each, during which the theoretical content of the course will be covered:

Presentation: Order, symmetry, rhythm and repetition, hierarchy.

Scale and proportion: useful scales, systems of proportion, orders, anthropomorphic measurements, the module.

The sketch: mapping and planning, general coordinates, materials and textures.

The orthographic projection: planes, elevations, sections, limits, shadows, materials

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The classes will be mainly practical but interspersed with short theoretical sessions that will be steadily incorporated into the proposed assignments.

Four practical assignments will be given during the semester, gradually increasing from lesser to greater difficulty, each completed using only using a black marker pen on A3 paper and always in freehand without the help of set squares or drawing instruments.

Some relevant examples will be studied in class from contemporary architecture which will form the basis of discussions about the theoretical, symbolic, cultural and interpretive aspects of graphic architectural representation.

Class exhibition
03 04 05 06 10 1-T 2-T 1
Class participation
03 04 05 06 11 1-T 2-T 1,5
Clase practice
03 04 05 06 10 1-T 2-T 1
03 04 05 06 10 1-T 2-T 1
Individual or group study
03 04 05 06 10 1-T 2-T 4,5

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

As this is an essentially practical course, assessment will be continuous, constant and progressive. It is assumed that the student will experience an ascending learning curve and so the assignments should improve incrementally in terms of quality, precision and presentation.

The course has two examinations: January (ordinary) and June (extraordinary) that consist of completing an assignment similar to those undertaken during the course, adapted to a three-hour timescale.

However, if the course has been followed and completed in a satisfactory manner, the student may be given a pass in this subject without having to take the abovementioned examination.

To achieve a pass based on coursework alone (without an exam) the following requirements must be met:

1. Compulsory attendance and participation in a minimum of 80% of the classes.

2. Coursework to be submitted within the deadlines established by the teaching staff.

3. Assignments to be completed with marker pen (not pencil).

4. Every sheet should include, in the bottom right hand corner, the following information: name and first surname of the student, assignment and course subject.

5. No more than one failed assignment for the entire duration of the course.

January examination (ordinary): 3-hour examination to be taken in class on a subject to be decided by the course’s teaching staff.

June examination (extraordinary): 3-hour examination to be taken in class. For the extraordinary examination, students should bring with them a portfolio containing repeats of the assignments for which they received the lowest marks during the course, as well as drawings from other similar assignments (projects, construction, etc.). 

The evaluation will be divided as follows: 65% examination; 35% portfolio.

Evaluation criteria:

Every assignment must fulfil certain minimal quality requirements, established within the following parameters:

- the connection between reality and what is represented

- the use of textures and materials

- insertion of codes (projection title: section, floor, etc.) and coordinates

- the clarity and precision of the worksheet

Bibliography and resources

NEUFERT, Ernst. El arte de proyectar en arquitectura. 15ª edición (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2012)

CHING, Francis D.K. Design drawing (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011)

MONEO, Rafael, CORTÉS, Juan Antonio. Comentarios sobre dibujos de 20 arquitectos actuales (Barcelona: ETSAB, 1976)

You can download the book in this link:

EDWARDS, Betty. Aprender a dibujar (Madrid: Hermann Blume, 1984)

You can download the book in this link: