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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Structural Calculation I

Structural Calculation I
First semester
Technical Module
Structures 1
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Tuesday and/or Wednesday before or after class, by appointment at the following email addresses:

  • Dr. Pedro Casariego: 
  • Dr. Roger Señís:
  • Ravil Gizatulin:
  • Cristian Fernandez Sedas:


  • Mandatory Course corresponding to the Introductory Module.
  • 2nd Year, Bachelor's Degree in ARCHITECTURE
  • 1st Semester
  • 5 ECTS credits.
  • Responsible Professor: Dr. Pedro Casariego Vales
  • Professors: Dr. Pedro Casariego Vales, Dr. Roger Señís, Ravil Gizatulin, Cristian Fernández Sedas

The course "Structures I" focuses on the Strength of Materials, which studies the behavior of deformable solids using simplified models. The strength of a material is defined as its ability to withstand loads (applied forces) without breaking, acquiring permanent deformations, or deteriorating in any way.

The course is divided into two blocks:

In the first block, predominantly theoretical, mainly lectures are given interspersed with participatory classes where exercises are performed. The objective of this block is to present the basic concepts of Strength of Materials. 

This block is taught from week 1 to week 5 of the 1st semester.

In the second block, predominantly practical, students are introduced to structural analysis. Students apply the concepts learned in the first block to structural analysis.

This block is taught from weeks 6 to 10 of the first semester


Pre-course requirements

It is very important that the student has passed the Physics and Mathematics courses. A solid foundation in determining internal forces and mass geometry, which are taught in the previous year's Physics course, is fundamental for the proper development of the Structures I course. Likewise, the student must be proficient with relatively complex mathematical operations. It is highly discouraged to take the course without these clear understandings, and therefore, it is strongly advised not to enroll in Structures I without having passed these subjects.

In the 1st-year Physics course, the behavior of rigid bodies under balanced forces is studied. In Structures I, the student studies the behavior of deformable solids to verify their strength. It is important for the student to understand that the field of structures is a continuum throughout the degree program. It is not recommended to have pending subjects from other fields or those that partially or totally overlap with this course.



  • Understand the basics of Strength of Materials.
  • Analyze structures based on their geometry and the determination of internal forces.
  • Pre-dimension main structural elements of a building (column, beam, joist, and walls).
  • Design building structures based on architectural projects.
  • Approach building project design considering the applied loads.
  • Plan, estimate, and understand the dimensions of the main structural elements.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 12-T - Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban complexes and execute building structures
  • 15-T - Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban complexes and execute foundation solutions
  • 17 - Ability to apply building and technical standards
  • 24 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the mechanics of solids, continuous medium and soil as well as the plastic, elasticity and resistance properties of materials for structural works

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Ability to design, model, pre-dimension, and calculate structures based on the concepts of strength of materials.
  • Plan and draw structural plans.
  • Ability to reflect on the design of a project.




  • Topic 1: Introduction and General Concepts
    1. Strength of Materials. General Concepts.
    2. Internal Forces. Classification.
    3. Stress-Strain Diagram of a Material.
      • 3.1 Obtaining the Stress-Strain Diagram.
      • 3.2 Introduction to the Concepts of Stress and Strain.
      • 3.3 Interpretation of the Stress-Strain Diagram of Steel. Young's Modulus. Hooke's Law. Ductility. Brittleness. Plasticity.
      • 3.4 Interpretation of the Stress-Strain Diagram of Other Materials. Aluminum. Ceramics. Concrete. Wood. Assumptions of Strength of Materials. Stress-Strain Diagram Exercises.
    4. Principles of Strength of Materials.
    5. Exercises.
  • Topic 2: Mass Geometry
    1. Center of Gravity.
    2. Area.
    3. Static Moment.
    4. Moment of Inertia.
    5. Steiner's Theorem.
    6. Section Modulus.
    7. Polar Moment of Inertia.
    8. Radius of Gyration.
    9. Exercises.
  • Topic 3: Axial Force
    1. Definition of Axial Force.
    2. Stress Calculation.
    3. Deformation Calculation. Unit Deformation. Hooke's Law.
  • Topic 4: Pure Bending
    1. Definition of Bending. Neutral Fiber.
    2. Pure Bending.
    3. Stress Calculation. Navier's Hypothesis. Section Modulus. Handbook.
  • Topic 5: Non Uniform Bending
    1. Definition of Simple Bending.
    2. Normal Forces vs. Normal Stresses. Shear Forces vs. Shear Stresses.
    3. Shear Stress. Relationship Between Bending and Shear.
    4. Shear Stress Calculation. Jouravski - Colignon Expression. Cauchy's Law.
    5. Particular Cases of Shear Stress. Rectangular, Circular Section, Laminated Profile. Average Shear Stress.
    6. Bending Typologies Based on Span. Case Studies.
    7. Shear Typologies.
    8. Shear Stress Typologies.
    9. Simple and Pure Bending Exercises.
  • Topic 6: Combined Stresses
    1. Definition of Combined Bending.
    2. Case Studies of Combined Bending: Eccentric Axial, Oblique Load, Axial and Wind, Retaining Walls, Post-tensioning/Pre-tensioning of a Concrete Element.
    3. Stress Calculation.
    4. Neutral Axis Equation.
    5. Combined Bending Exercises.
  • Topic 7: Combined Stresses 3D
    1. Definition of Unsymmetric Bending.
    2. Case Studies of Unsymmetric Bending: Eccentric Load, Roof Purlins, Supports, etc.
    3. Stress Calculation.
    4. Neutral Axis Equation.
  • Topic 8: Torsion
    1. Definition of Torsional Stress.
    2. Case Studies of Torsional Stress. Torsional Moment Diagrams.
    3. Stress Calculation for Circular Sections.
    4. Deformation Calculation for Circular Sections. Torsional Angle.
    5. Uniform and Non-uniform Torsion.
    6. Sections vs. Torsion. Torsional Rigidity of a Section.
    7. Design of Torsion-Stressed Parts.
    8. Torsional Stress Exercises.


  • Basic Notes for the Calculation of Flat Structures
    • Summary of the necessary steps for the pre-dimensioning of the main structural elements of a structure.
    • Introduction to the Representation of Structural Plans.
    • Structural Project Development with Faculty Support.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Classes are held two days a week, Tuesday (2 hours) and Wednesday (3 hours), over a period of 10 weeks. Weeks 1 to 5 of the first semester correspond to Block 1. Weeks 10 to 15 correspond to Block 2.

Block 1: Weeks 1 to 5

The content of topics 1 to 8 will be covered. See the content section.

  • Tuesday: Primarily theoretical or lecture-based classes are conducted. Occasionally, a participatory class is interspersed to consolidate concepts.
  • Wednesday: Primarily participatory and fully practical classes are conducted. In these classes, students solve exercises with the professor or individually.

Block 2: Weeks 10 to 15

  • Tuesday: A participatory class where the usual process for the pre-dimensioning of flat structures is explained.
  • Wednesday: A practical class where the student performs individual and group practices. In the last 2 weeks, the student will design and pre-dimension a small structure.
Class exhibition
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,6
Class participation
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,6
Clase practice
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,6
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,6
Individual or group study
12-T 15-T 17 24 2,5

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


During the course, the following assessable practicals will be conducted:

  • Free Practicals: 5% of the final grade. You can ask the teacher questions, work with classmates, use notes, etc. The goal is for the student to tackle the exercises with support and solidify the fundamental concepts of the subject. Practicals are carried out in class and submitted at the end of the lesson. These practicals are conducted weekly.
  • Individual Practicals: 10% of the final grade. There will be 2 practicals throughout the course that the student will complete individually. They will be similar to an exam. Each practical has a weight of 5% of the final grade. Practicals are conducted in class and submitted at the end of the lesson.
  • Individual Assignment: 10% of the final grade. The student will individually develop a simple structure and pre-dimension it. This assignment will be submitted on the day of the final exam.

No practicals will be accepted after the deadline without a justified cause. Redoing the practicals to improve the grade will also not be allowed under any circumstances. Practicals are completed and submitted during class hours.


The student will take a theoretical exam scheduled according to the school calendar, with a weight of 75% of the final grade.


Based on the above, the subject includes the completion of 3 types of practicals and a theoretical exam.

  • Theoretical Exam: 75% of the final grade
  • Practicals: 25% of the final grade

A grade below 4 in the theoretical exam results in failing the subject. In this case, regardless of whether the average is equal to or above 5 out of 10, the student’s maximum grade in the subject will be 4.


Bibliography and resources

Compulsory bibliography:

Mecánica de estructuras. Libro 1. Resistencia de materiales. Miguel Cervera Ruiz y Elena Blanco Díaz. Ediciones UPC.

Mecánica de estructuras. Libro 2. Resistencia de materiales. Miguel Cervera Ruiz y Elena Blanco Díaz. Ediciones UPC.

Resistencia de Materiales. Timoshenko S. Editorial Espasa-Calpe, S.A.

Elementos de Resistencia de Materiales. Timoshenko S, Young, D.H. Editorial Limusa

Estructuras o por qué las cosas no se caen. J.E. Gordon.

Supplementary bibliography:

Estructuras para arquitectos. Salvadori, M, Heller, R. Editorial CP67

Razón y ser de los tipos estructurales. Eduardo Torroja Miret.

Calcul d´estructures. Introducció. Frances López Almansa y Jorge Urbano Salido. Edicions UPC.

Estática. William F. Riley y Leroy D. Sturges. Editorial Reverté, S.A.

Mecánica Vectorial para Ingenieros. Estática. Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr. Editorial McGraw-Hill.