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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

English II

English II
First semester
ESARQ Module
English 2
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff

 By appointment


The English II course is a 4.5 ECTS credit course taught in the first semester to third-year students of the architecture degree. The teacher responsible for the course is Ann Swinnen.

The programme consists of teacher-led lessons that focus on consolidating grammar and specific lexis, as well as written and oral communication skills relevant for future architects. Autonomous learning  and the development of interpersonal skills are encouraged. Listening and reading comprehension skills are also addressed. The course aims to increase the autonomy of the learner with regard to using a foreign language in the field of architecture and design.

The different parts have been specifically designed to provide students with the necessary skills, knowledge and resources to communicate confidently and effectively in English in architecture-related contexts.

This course mainly aims to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to properly communicate in the field of architecture in various professional situations. The scope of the course is multi-cultural and international.

Pre-course requirements

Preferred minimum global level is that of B2 before the start of the course.


The aim of the teacher-led classes is for the students to develop communication techniques for professional situations in the field of architecture.  

The students will develop interpersonal skills and the ability to work with others in English in architecture-related contexts. 

Self-study is encouraged for students to develop autonomy with respect to preparing written and oral projects in different situations through drafting and rehearsing, carrying out individual and group work related to a variety of themes within the field of architecture. 

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Linguistic competencies in English:

Based on the use of competencies in the degree programme, students will be able to:

1. (70) understand the main ideas in complex texts in English,both on specific and abstract topics, as well as in technical discussions related to the professional and specialised field of architecture

2. (71) express oneself in English with a certain degree of fluency and spontaneity, interacting with native speakers in an natural way, without causing strain on either part

3. (72) write clear and detailed texts in English on a variety of themes, mainly on architecture and to express points of view in English stating the advantages and disadvantages of different options


Clase practice 70 71 72 0,71
Class participation 70 71 0,47
Clase practice 70 71 72 0,47
Individual or group study 70 71 72 0,47
Tutorials 70 71 72 2,37

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will be able:

1. (70) To understand the main ideas in complex texts in English

2. (70) To carry out technical discussions in English

3. (71) To express oneself reasonably fluently in English

4. (72) To write about a variety of themes related to architecture in English

5. (72) To express points of view on a variety of themes in English


Communication skills:

Students will learn to perform in the following situations: different kinds of  group presentations, debates on controversial topics in the field of architecture, cross-cultural communication skills.

Language knowledge:

Students will learn/ consolidate specialist vocabulary and language structures

Course content:

The course consists of 2 modules:

  • Module 1 A: Buildings & materials/ Module 1 B: Design
  • Module 2: Sustainability in architecture               

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Students will become actively engaged in the process of preparing for the professional world by presenting their proposals and projects  to fellow architect students. The course includes group presentations on several architecture projects, as well as a debate in which sharing ideas and effective debating techniques and skills are encouraged.

Emphasis will also be given to self-study, and this will form an essential part of the course, equipping and motivating students for the life-long learning of English.

Clase practice 70 71 72 0,71
Class participation 70 71 0,47
Clase practice 70 71 72 0,47
Individual or group study 70 71 72 0,47
Tutorials 70 71 72 2,37

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person



% final mark 

Learning outcomes

Mid-term exam



(70) Understand the main ideas in complex texts, both on specific or abstract topics in English, as well as participate in technical discussions in the professional field of architecture

(72) Produce clear, detailed text in English in a wide range of topics, especially on architecture and express a point of view in English on an issue stating the advantages and disadvantages of various options

Glossary Technical vocabulary (3)



Panel discussion (1)




(71) Speak to native speakers of English with a certain degree of fluency and spontaneity and without strain for the speakers


Group projects (2)




(71) Speak to native speakers of English with a certain degree of fluency and spontaneity and without strain for the speakers

(72) Produce clear, detailed text in English in a wide range of topics, especially on architecture and express a point of view in English on an issue stating the advantages and disadvantages of various options


Final exam



(70) Understand the main ideas in complex texts, both on specific or abstract topics in English, as well as participate in technical discussions in the professional field of architecture

(72) Produce clear, detailed text in English in a wide range of topics, especially on architecture and express a point of view in English on an issue stating the advantages and disadvantages of various options

Given the nature of the course, students are reminded that attendance and participation in class and continuous evaluation are fundamental to pass the course.

- Students who have not attended 80% of the subject in the first sitting do not have the right to take the final exam in that same sitting.

- Students with a final mark between 4 and 5 in the first sitting only have the right in the second sitting to make up the material that was failed or not handed in.

- Students with a mark that is less than a 4 in the first sitting will have to make up 100% of the subject in the second sitting by producing and defending a dossier before a tribunal and taking a final exam.

- In all situations and in both sittings students must show a B2 level in English to pass the subject.

Bibliography and resources


-Ching, Francis D. K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, 1997.

-Maclean James H. and Scott, John S. The Penguin Dictionary of Building: 1995

-Putman R. E. and Carlson G. E. Diccionario de Arquitectura Construcción y   Obras Públicas: Paraninfo, 1999.

-Venturi, Robert. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. MOMA papers: New York, 1966.


Class-based materials will be provided by the teacher.

Intranet and internet based materials for self study:

Distance Learning Programme (intranet forum)

Student English File Resources (bcn) (intranet forum)