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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
ESARQ Module
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

After each lecture in my office


Feel the suspense in the architecture! Architecture plays an important part in Alfred Hitchcock's films. Having worked as a set designer in the early twenties, Hitchcock continued to concern himself closely with the art direction of his films, where houses are often shown as oppressive places.

In the films of Alfred Hitchcock, architecture plays an important role. Having worked as a set designer in the early 1920s, Hitchcock remained intensely concerned with the art direction of his films. In addition, the ’master of suspense’ made some remarkable single-set films, such as Rope and Rear Window, that explicitly deal with the way the confines of the set relate to those of the architecture on screen. Spaces of confinement also turn up in the ’Gothic plot’ of films in which the house is presented as an uncanny labyrinth and a trap. Furthermore, it became a Hitchcock hallmark to use famous monuments as the location for a climactic scene. Last but not least, Hitchcock used architectural motifs such as stairs and windows, which are closely connected to Hitchcockian narrative structures (suspense) or typical Hitchcock themes (voyeurism).

The thread is provided by the sets for houses and interiors Hitchcock designed for such films as 'The Lodger' (1926), 'Rebecca' (1940), 'Rope' (1948), 'Psycho' (1960) and 'The Birds' (1963). The work of the 'master of suspense' is seen in a completely new way by means of film compilations, reconstructed plans and the spatial interventions.

Pre-course requirements

  1. Participation in class
  2. Aptitude to work in team
  3. Availability for personal interviews
  4. Relation capacity with the rest of the class
  5. Capacity for text comments
  6. Availability analysis and correction of the taken notes
  7. Conditions for oral exhibition of a work
  8. The excessive dependence on Internet is penalized


1. To owe and understand

To understand the reality

To know everything and your parts

Knowledge is not to have but to be

To share and to announce the truth

Study habit

To plan the work,

To programme calendar

To verify, to revise, to correct

2. To apply knowledge

Problems answer(solution)

To include and to annotate the threads

To be right

To multiply the working capacity and array


Problem solving

Sense of the opportunity and of the efficacy

Safety and confidence in the work

3. To assemble to interpret.

To judge

Set vision

To be right

To consider

To find the virtue

To share the vital decisions

Valor to discover lagoons

Sense of the prudence and of the adventurousness

To wait without extracting hasty conclusions

4. To communicate

Explanatory clarity

To go to the main thing without neglecting the secondary thing

To generate confidence

To speak skylight,

To be appended,

To transmit the innovation and the value of the tradition

To dose the information

Quality in the briefness

5. To be autonomous


Personal ripeness

To be able to consult without losing the tiemposaber to depend on others

To be wise persons without being autosufficient(self-sufficient)

To flee of the precipitation,

To exercise control on the reality

Personal and group safety

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme


1. The kernel of the targets of the new organization of the education is the competitions acquisition on the part of the students

2. It will have to do emphasis on the learning methods of the above mentioned competitions and on the procedures to evaluate them

3. The term(end) competition is used exclusively in your academic meaning, and not in your meaning of professional attribution

4. Competitions 1: combination of knowledge, skills (intellectual, manual, social, etc.), attitudes and values to solve problems or to intervene in matters.

4.1. To distinguish between the exception and the rule, the parts and everything, the periphery and the center

4.2. To increase simultaneity skills in the analysis and the synthesis before complex problems

4.3. To base the self-esteem on the self-knowledge

4.4. To discover talents. To create and to form teams. Not to become essential

4.5. To compare ideas. To recount what is learned to what is known

4.6. To discern targets. I cut, come up, long term

4.7. Proved(Turned out to be) Objetivar. To distinguish advance, achievement and success

5. Competitions 2: especificity of the acquired knowledge and your application to the grade of architecture (before every competition there is specified your numerical denomination relative to the Curriculum of the BOE):


  • 40 - Ability to express architectural criticism.
  • 48 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the general theories of form, composition and architectural typologies
  • 50 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the study methods for the processes of symbolization, practical functions and ergonomics.
  • 53 - To acquire adequate knowledge of architectural, urban development and landscaping traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climate, economic, social and ideological foundations
  • 54 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the aesthetics, theory and history of Fine Arts and Applied Arts.
  • 57 - To acquire adequate knowledge of urban sociology, theory, economy and history.
  • 66 - Ability to internalise architectural form.
  • 67 - Ability to understand and analyse architecture and the city in relation to philosophical and societal systems.
  • 77 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the analysis and theory of form and laws of visual perception.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The kernel of the targets of the subject will have been the competitions acquisition on the part of the students it will have to have done emphasis on the learning methods of the above mentioned competitions and on the procedures to evaluate it the term(end) competition will have been used exclusively in your academic meaning, and not in your meaning of professional attribution there will be understood like valid result of the education the sense of the expression "competitions" as combination of knowledge, skills (intellectual, manual, social, etc.), attitudes and values to solve problems or to intervene in matters.


ETHICS: Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Human Action


0. Preliminary Issues.


Why a subject like this in a degree like this, or why there are universities. Formation for professionals and for persons, or the idea of liberal education and the requirement of humanistic formation


1. Introduction: From Human Being to Human Action (or why knowing who I am


1.1. Human Being Nature and Human Being Dimensions or Faculties

1.2. Human Dimensions and Agency


2. What is Ethics all About?


2.1. Towards a comprehension of Ethics and Morality

2.2. The Ethical Question. Classical Ethics and Modern Ethics. Ethics of the Agent and Ethics of the Action. Different Ethical approaches. Ethical Eudamonism. Deontologism. Hedonism. Utilitarianism. Moral Relativism. Consequentialism. Emotivism.

2.3. Different Case Analysis. Why is ethics so important at all?


3. Moral Actions and its analysis.

3.1. Types of actions

3.2. Why do we act?

3.3. End of an action, circumstances of an action and object of an action

3.4. Case Study. Film analysis


4. Where the ethics begins: Human Freedom

4.1. Meaning of Freedom

4.2. Types of freedom

4.3. Freedom and Responsibility

4.4. Case study. Film analysis


5. Virtues

5.1. Virtue, operativity and Human Development

5.2. Different virtues. Moral and intellectual Virtues

5.3. Some Virtues

5.3.1. Learning how to act rightly: Practical Reasoning

5.3.2. Learning to preserve the good: Resilience

5.3.3. Learning the proper measure: self-mastery

5.3.4. Learning how to relate: friendship Love

5.4. Virtue Development, whole agent growth, and psychological maturity


6. Happiness

6.1. What is happiness?

6.2. Subjective Happiness and Objective Happiness

6.3. Models of happiness

6.4. Happiness, emotions and virtues

6.5. Happiness and the whole human life

6.6. Case Study. Film analysis


7. Ethics and Society

7.1. The common good (and individual interests)

7.2. Sustainability

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures on filmography

Oral presentations on paralels

Class exhibition
40 48 50 51 53 54 55 57 66 67 68 69 75 76 77 0,69
Clase practice
40 48 50 51 53 54 55 57 66 67 68 69 75 76 77 0,81
Individual or group study
40 48 50 51 53 54 55 57 66 67 68 69 75 76 77 1,5

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

90% written essay on a given topic related with a given topic of the syllabus (it will be explained in detail by the professor as well).

10% attendance and involvement in lectures.

Bibliography and resources

Anscombe, G. E. M., Human Life, Action and Ethics, St. Andrews studies in philosophy and public affairs, 2004

Geach, P. The Virtues, CUP Archive, 1977

Irwin, T. The Development of Ethics: A Historical and Critical Study, Oxford University Press, 2007

Lombo, J. A. and Russo, F., Philosophical Anthropology: An Introduction, Midwest Theological Forum, 2020

Lyons, W., Emotion, Cambridge University Press, 1980

McIntyre, A. After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007

McIntyre, A. Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues, Open Court Publishing, 1999

Solomon, R. C., The Passions, Anchor Press-Doubleday, Garden City, 1976

Polo, L., Ethics: A Modern Version of Its Classic Themes, Sinag-Tala, 2008

Teaching and learning material