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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Structural Calculation III

Structural Calculation III
Second semester
Technical Module
Structures 3
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: English

Teaching staff

Any queries or concerns students may have can be discussed on Tuesdays between 12.00 and 13.00, but always subject to a prior appointment. To contact the professor, send an email to:


The existence of major architectural works is largely due to the viability of their construction. From this perspective, the structure is a key factor.

The Structures 3 course will explore in greater depth a structural material that is widely used in Spain and all over the world: reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete structures have been part of our surroundings for about a century. Knowledge of reinforced concrete is an absolutely essential part of an architect’s training to enable him or her to plan projects with all the safety and security that a structural work should provide. This year the syllabus has been adapted to the new current regulations "Código Estructural".

The other major topics in this course are soil mechanics, foundations and earth retaining structures. To a greater or lesser extent, all buildings come into contact at some point with the land. The need to provide adequate support for structures in the ground on which they stand means it is essential to have the necessary knowledge of soil mechanics and how these elements allow us to transfer both vertical and horizontal loads to the ground.

Pre-course requirements

Knowledge acquired in Mathematics, Physics, Structures 1 and 2, which will complement the knowledge acquired on this course. Some of this knowledge, such as the determination of forces and stresses, is essential to be able to follow the course.


The objective of this fourth-year assignment is for students to be able to design, pre-dimension and dimension, logically and consistently, the reinforced concrete structures of their projects and the appropriate earth retaining structures and foundations in each case.

Students should be able to look at a building project from a global perspective, without at any time forgetting its structural aspects, amongst other things.

Similarly, the objective of this course is to transmit an overview of the main concepts, components and structural calculation processes that will serve as a solid basis for facilitating more in-depth exploration of specific subjects in the future.

To provide theoretical knowledge related to real professional practice and apply this knowledge in resolving practical assignments, encouraging the active participation of students.

To demystify the design and analysis of structures as an exclusively mathematical process. This should be understood as a rational process with multiple options that is closely related to architectural planning which, in turn, provides a solution. The end result is influenced by architectural aspects of optimization, execution economics, regulations and standards, environmental impacts laws, etc.

Manual numerical resolution, this being understood as helping to achieve a better conceptual understanding and approach to the planning of the structure.

Numerical resolution by computer, this being understood as a tool for regular use, including its advantages and disadvantages.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 12-T - Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban complexes and execute building structures
  • 15-T - Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban complexes and execute foundation solutions
  • 17 - Ability to apply building and technical standards
  • 24 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the mechanics of solids, continuous medium and soil as well as the plastic, elasticity and resistance properties of materials for structural works

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students who pass the course will be capable of planning, dimensioning, supervising and managing formalized works using reinforced concrete in building, from excavation of the land and the earth retaining measures through to the formalization of the structure. Students will be able to understand the behaviour of the material: reinforced concrete as a structural element. This knowledge extends to the manufacture and on-site installation of the structure to enable students to supervise and manage any process associated with this material.


The contents of the course are as follows:

General calculation rules. Structural safety, calculation rules, combined actions, Ultimate Limit States and Service Limit States.

Reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures. Concrete as a material: durability, exposure classes, claddings, mechanical properties, layout of reinforcements, anchorings, overlaps.

Ultimate Limit States: bending, bending compression, shearing, punching shear, gradient, twisting, instability, equilibrium, and connecting rods and braces.

Service Limit States: cracking, distortion and vibrations.

Structural typologies: structural elements, floor slabs, beams, supports, slabs and plates, walls, sheets, foundation components and prefabricated structures.

Planning and building reinforced concrete structures. Structural drawing, execution and control of reinforced concrete works.

Soil mechanics. Composition and behaviour of the land; granular terrain and cohesive terrain. Load-bearing capacity, stability and aggressiveness of soils. Active and passive soil pressure.

Earth retaining elements. Stability to landslips, to tipping, determination of forces and dimensioning. Types of retaining elements.

Foundation elements. Acceptable loading, stability, calculations and dimensioning. Superficial foundations and deep foundations.

Teaching and learning activities

In blended


The theory classes make up the contents of the course and will follow the subjects outlined above. Students will be provided with full documentation of class notes as well as additional documents to support the course. This part of the course will be done exclusively virtually.


Problems will be created and resolved in class as a complement to the theoretical concepts that have been taught. Students will be given assignments that have already been solved so they can practice solving them themselves. This part of the course will be held both in person and virtually.

Practical coursework:

During the course there will be a series of practical sessions for developing the design and analysis of the structure, preferably in reinforced concrete, corresponding to the student’s project in the fourth Projects course. This practical work will take place partly during the tutorial sessions with the course professors and complemented by students’ work outside the regular class times. This part of the course will be carried out exclusively in person. 

Class exhibition
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,75
Class participation
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,75
Clase practice
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,75
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,75
Individual or group study
12-T 15-T 17 24 3

Evaluation systems and criteria

In blended

Students will be evaluated as follows:

  • Class attendance
  • The grade for their practical work with reinforced concrete
  • The grade for the course examination (theory and practical)

The exam result will count for 50% of the final grade while the other 50% will be divided equally (25%) between class attendance and the practical coursework grade. The latter two will only be taken into consideration when the examination grade is higher than 3.50.

To pass this subject in both the first and second examinations it is mandatory to submit all the practical assignments given during the course.

Bibliography and resources

TORROJA MIRET, Eduardo. “Razón y ser de los tipos estructurales”. C.S.I.C. Madrid, 1.991

 A. García Meseguer, F. Morán Cabré, J. C. Arroyo Portero.“Jiménez Montoya Hormigón Armado (15ª edición)”, Editorial Gustavo Gili

 CALAVERA RUIZ, José. “Proyecto y cálculo de estructuras de hormigón”, Intemac, 2ª edición.

 CALAVERA RUIZ, José. “Cálculo de estructuras de cimentación”, Intemac, 4ª edición.

 CALAVERA RUIZ, José. “Muros de contención y muros de sótano”, Intemac, 3ª edición.

 RODRÍGUEZ ORTIZ, José María. “Curso aplicado de Cimentaciones”. Madrid: COAM., 1986

 JIMENEZ SALAS, Jose A. “Geotecnia y Cimientos, Tomo I. Propiedades de los Suelos y de las Rocas”, 2ª Ed. Editorial Rueda, 1975

 JIMENEZ SALAS, Jose A. “Geotecnia y Cimientos, Tomo II. Mecánica del Suelo y de las Rocas”, 2ª Ed. Editorial Rueda, 1981

 JIMENEZ SALAS, Jose A. “Geotecnia y Cimientos, Tomo III. Cimentaciones, Excavaciones y aplicaciones de la Geotecnia” (2 tomos), 2ª Ed. Editorial Rueda, 1980

 CTE, “Código Técnico de la Edificación”

 EHE-08, “Instrucción de hormigón estructural”

 Eurocódigo 2, “Proyecto de estructuras de hormigón”, UNE ENV 1992

Teaching and learning material