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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics
First semester
Technical Module
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: English

Teaching staff

Everyday after lectures


 The word "Deontology" means study of the obligations.

In the sector of the Building the correct definition of the functions and obligations of the diverse agents that intervene is especially important because the number of them is big and because they usually act with functional autonomy, integrated in different organizations or companies, with different interests, which must be organized possibly for the achievement of every building(edifice). The architect has to, the first obligation, know like the scope and the consistency of its own specific obligations.

The architect's qualifications is one of those who, in the Spanish juridical arranging, are protected especially and open the possibility of the exercise, in exclusivity, of a few functions of high social responsibility. The society supposes and has a right to trust that the technical - cultural array of the alumnus in architecture guarantees all the quality requisites that the buildings(edifices) need, bearing in mind that immense most of the persons develop in them good part of your life.

The protection of the activity edilicia on the part of the administrations bears an abundant normative regulation. So abundant that it becomes overwhelming and difficult to dominate. And nevertheless any of the most important obligations of the architects cannot become shut up in normative formulations. The society depends in many cases on the personal ethics of the architects.

The architect must know, also, the obligations of the rest of agents of the Building. To know what is up to him to do everyone is an immediate need for the architect, who occupies a position central and qualified inside this framework of organisms, companies and professionals that it ends up by producing a building(edifice), a quarter, a city and finally the scenery humanized (or dehumanized).

Pre-course requirements

  1. Participation in class
  2. Aptitude to work in team
  3. Availability for personal interviews
  4. Relation capacity with the rest of the class
  5. Capacity for text comments
  6. Availability analysis and correction of the taken notes
  7. Conditions for oral exhibition of a work
  8. The excessive dependence on Internet is penalized


To look at the "exterior" of the profession as for a point of view: you are out from within.

2. To learn to handle the necessary papers(documents) to manage well a work from the reception of the order up to the delivery and postoccupational evaluation.

3. To become conscious of the legal and penal liability of the architect.

4. To discover, as soon as possible, that does not spend(pass) anything for not managing to be Him(Her,You) Corbusier. The dignity(rank) of the profession also is beyond the properly creative act.

5. To solve problems immediately.

6. To know why "the end(purpose) does not justify the means".

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

- To realize the personal and social responsibility of the architect

- To discover the public dimension of the architect's profession

- Knowledge to what fonts to come(turn) before the problems appear. To go forward.

- To discover that "less" it is "more": the big thing is not viewed; the small thing can be "dangerous".

- To know that the responsibility, in a collective work, affects all, sometimes of unsuspected and sudden form. ç

- To value the "property" of the proper ideas and of the others, in a social frame that makes them possible.

Understood as specific skills from the acquired knowledge and your application to the grade of architecture (before every competition there is specified your numerical denomination relative to the Curriculum of the BOE):

  • 55 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the relationship between cultural patterns and the social responsibilities of the architect
  • 75 - To acquire adequate knowledge of ethical and socioeconomic responsibility in the architectural profession.

Learning outcomes of the subject

- To be able to be in a work without disgracing

- To learn of the chiefs of the contractors and of the builders.

- To do and to disappear; to manage not to have emulation of leading role but service spirit.

- To do architecture is to do company: to work with command(order) and sensibility.

- To be able to come(turn) to a font for every problem that you present. Not to improvise.



a. THE PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. General beginning (principles)


Deonthologic Norms of regulation of professional performance of the architects.

a. Application frame

b. Ways of exercising the profession

c. General obligations of the architect. Incompatibilities

d. Relations of the architect with: clients, contractors and industrialists, other professionals; between architects, with the School.

Estatuts of the COAC

a. General Rules

b. Aims, functions, organisation

c. Membership and habilitation

d. Other ways of membership to the COAC

e. Duties and rights of the architects

f. Government


1. Law arrangement(ordination) of the building

2. Technical code

3. Competitions builders

4. The Register Book at the field

5. The Building Book

6. Specifications

7. Labor risks

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

- Attendance to class

- Analysis of official documents

- Examination by means of a case

Bibliography and resources

Basic texts:

1. Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación. Ley 38/1999

2. Código Técnico de la Edificación. Parte I. Real Decreto 314/2006

3. Decreto 265/1971 por el que se regulan las facultades y competencias profesionales de los Arquitectos Técnicos.

4. Decreto de 16 de julio de 1935 del Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes. Regulación de atribuciones de la carrera de aparejador.

5. Reglamento de Normas deontológicas de actuación profesional de los arquitectos (1998) de la ASAMBLEA GENERAL DE JUNTAS DE GOBIERNO DE LOS COLEGIOS DE ARQUITECTOS.

6. Estatuts del COL•LEGI OFICIAL D'ARQUITECTES DE CATALUNYA. 1999, modifcat a 2007.

7. Reglamento de Deontologia Professional del COL•LEGI OFICIAL D'ARQUITECTES DE CATALUNYA. 2001, modificat a 2007

8. Pliego de Condiciones Generales de la Edificación Facultativas y Económicas. CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE COLEGIOS DE ARQUITECTOS DE ESPAÑA.


Complementary sources:

1. Código Civil (1889)

2. Codigo Penal (Ley 10/1995)

3. Llei de l'habitatge. Llei 24/1991

4. Ley 12/1986 Atribuciones de Arquitectos e Ingenieros Técnicos.

5. COL•LEGI OFICIAL D'ARQUITECTES DE CATALUNYA. Barem orientatiu d'honoraris

6. MOLTÓ GARCÍA, Juan Ignacio. Los agentes de la edificación (en la ley 38/1999) Editorial Moncorvo. S.A. Madrid, 2000

7. GARCÍA ERVITI, Federico. Compendio de arquitectura legal. Editorial Meirea/Celeste. Madrid. 2001

8. DEL ARCO TORRES, Miguel Ángel, y PONS GONZÁLEZ, Manuel. Derecho de la Contrucción. Editorial Comares. Granada. 2001.

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