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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

General Procedures in Physical Therapy Intervention 2

General Procedures in Physical Therapy Intervention 2
First semester
General procedures in physiotherapy
General procedures in Physiotherapy 2
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, French

Teaching staff

Attention will first make an appointment via email to the following professors:

Professor titular: 

Professor titular: 

Gary Lau



Jahn Manchola


General Procedures in Physiotherapy 2 aims to provide different methods of knowledge to the students on areas such as Electrothermal, magnet therapy, vibrotherapy, phototherapy, laser therapy and biofeedback with a focus on the student to manipulate the different devices safely and within reasonable parameters of utilization.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites are required.


  • Give training to students in theoretical and practical application of the various devices used in electrotherapy and deep thermotherapy, different application techniques to use while reflecting and choosing the most appropriate parameters regarding the pathology to be treated.
  • Understand what physiological responses are produced and what interactions they can have on the individual during their rehabilitation process.
  • Provide theoretical and practical learning of the main techniques in Electrothermaltherapy that will give students the ability to choose between different therapeutic physical agents, depending on the clinical case and its appropriate approach.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme



  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 06 - To have comprehensive problem-solving skills.
  • 07 - Demonstrate decision-making skills.
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 14 - Demonstrate initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 42 - Knowledge of main physiotherapeutic procedures: kinesitherapy, massage, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, ergotherapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, climatotherapy, thalassotherapy, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, vibrotherapy, phototherapy, pressotherapy and subtypes of other physical treatments.
  • 49 - Ability to design a physiotherapy treatment plan.
  • 50.1 - Ability to establish and implement physical therapy in treatments provided by all other medical and surgical specialties whenever it is deemed necessary.
  • 50.4 - Ability to design and apply different electrotherapy modalities, thermotherapy and cryotherapy, phototherapy, ultrasound therapy, vibrotherapy, magnet therapy, ergotherapy and pressotherapy.
  • 50.9 - Ability to prevent and avoid risk when applying treatment.

Learning outcomes of the subject


  • Understand theoretical and physiological basis of massage therapy.
  • Understand the theoretical foundations and the physiological basis that demonstrate the therapeutic effects of the following procedures in Physiotherapy: thermotherapy, electrotherapy, vibrotherapy, magnet therapy, phototherapy, laser therapy and biofeedback.
  • Apply therapeutic procedures related to thermotherapy, electrotherapy, vibrotherapy, laser therapy and biofeedback.
  • Design procedures and formulate intervention objectives relating to the procedures described, based on the presentation of clinical cases.
  • Understand the importance of patient adherence to therapeutic intervention and the need to encourage their participation in the development of objectives and recovery process.
  • Maintain an attitude of motivation and improvement in their learning process.



Topic 1. General concepts of electrophysiology and electrothermotherapy
Topic 2. Low frequency currents
Topic 3. Approach to Pain and Physical-Therapeutic Agents
Topic 4. Medium frequency currents
Unit 5. Muscle strengthening through the application of electric currents (Electro Neuromuscular Stimulation)
Unit 6. High frequency currents. Deep thermotherapy
Topic 7. Ultrasound
Unit 8 and 9. Diathermy: Radiofrequency-TECAR (Capacitive and Resistive Transfer) and Microwave
Unit 10. Shock Waves.
Unit 11. Laser therapy. Phototherapy. Magnetotherapy Biofeedback and Vibrotherapy, Short Wave.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

This is principally a face-to-face course; lessons are held in the classrooms of the University where theoretical and practical seminars are conducted. The methodology used will be lectures, case method studies and resolution of exercises and problems proposed in class.

In semi-attendance distance learning, the student should individually complete the independent study activities using the independent study and assessment room of the University; the methodology used will be their learning contract with the purpose of developing skills in individual study.

Non-presential students should develop an independent form of study for the course.

self-learning activities
student's independant work-study
theoretical and practical workshops
cooperative learning
oral presentation / master class
case method
problem-solving exercises
01 02 06 07 09 10 14 15 29.1 30.1 42 49 50.1 50.4 50.9 6 ECTS

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Theoretical blog (30%):

The qualification will correspond with the evaluation by means of written tests related to the treated contents (Final Exam). In this block the written tests will consist of a part of type where the incorrect option of answer.

Practical Blog (70%):

- 10% participacion clase y asistencia - 10% exposicion articulo clase - 10% exposicion caso clase - 40% examen oral+practica


These 2 theoretical and practical blocks must be approved separately (Note 5). The final grade of the subject of PGIF II will be the average of the 2 blocks counting as already mentioned in the previous section (30 % Theory and 70% Practice).

For students suspended in the 1st call that must be submitted to the 2nd call, the evaluation will be of the corresponding block that has either the theoretical or the practical block suspended.

If in the 2nd call one of the 2 blocks (theoretical or practical) or both blocks is not passed, the student must complete the entire subject (theoretical block + practical block) in the next academic year.

The system of qualifications will be used in accordance with current legislation. Currently, according to RD 1,125 / 2003 of September 5.

0-4.9 Suspensions.

5.0-6.9 Approved.

7.0-8.9 Notable.

9,0-10 Excellent.


The mention of "Honor Matrícula" will be able to be granted to the students who have obtained a qualification equal or superior to 9.0. Their number may not exceed 5% of students enrolled in a subject in the corresponding academic year, unless the number of students enrolled is less than 20, in which case a single Honor Matriculation can be granted.

Assistance regulations

Physiotherapy degree subjects that present theoretical-practical contents have as their main objective the acquisition and development of procedures and technical skills related directly to the practical practice of the profession. This is the reason that determines the structure of these classes, in small groups with the direct and continuous supervision of the teacher of the subject. Therefore, attendance at seminars is considered essential and necessary to ensure the acquisition of these competencies. On the basis of the aforementioned, the lack of assistance can only be produced in exceptional cases, motivated by major causes and, in any circumstance, if they exceed 30% of the training load, they will oblige the student to present Be examined in the second call. The consequences derived from failure to comply with this regulation can have very negative effects directly related to the enrollment process (overlaps and / or academic incompatibilities), and with the corresponding temporary forecast for the completion of the Degree studies.

Bibliography and resources

SUBJECT 2: SEMINAR TP (Electrothermal)


  • Plaja,J .Analgesia por medios físicos. Ed Mc Graw-Hill. Interamericana, 1ª edició, octubre 2002.
  • R.V.den Adel & R.H.J.Luykx.Electroterapia de baja y media frecuencia. Publicaciones de Enraf-Nonius, 1ª edición 1991.
  • Hoogland.R.Terapia Ultrasónica. Publicaciones de Enraf-Nonius, 1ª edición octubre 1994.
  • Zauner Gutman, A. Recientes avances en Fisioterapia. Barcelona.Editorial Jims. 1993.
  • Seguridad y Salud frente a Emisiones Electromagnéticas.Monografias de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo realizado por la dirección de Seguridad e Higiene de Asepeyo ( Mútua de Accidentes del trabajo y enfermedades profesionales de la Seguridad Social nº 151.) Edición Julio 2002..
  • Joseph Khan. Principios y práctica de la electroterapia. Ed. Jims. 1991.
  • Martinez Morillo, M. Pastor Vega, J.M., Sendra Portero, F. Manual de Medicina Física. Ed. Harcourt Brace. 1998.
  • Cristina Aramburu de Vega, Emilio Muñoz Diaz, Celedonia Igual Camacho;Electroterapia, Termoterapia, e Hidroterapia. Madrid, Ed. Sintesis. 1998.
  • Christian-F.Roques. Pratique de l' Électrotherapie. Ed. Springer, 1997.
  • Cd-Rom 1: Comprendre pour pratiquer l'électrothérapie antalgique.Autor: Jean Paul Carcy. Fisioterapeuta, Professor de l'escola universitària de fisioteràpia de Toulousse. Edicions kinemedia ( ). Any 2003-2004.
  • Cd-Rom 2: Comprendre pour pratiquer l'électro-stimulation. Idem que el Cd-Rom 1.
  • Dr. Zauner Gutmann. Electroterapia Moderna (Impulsoterapia Exponencial). Editorial Rauter S.A.
  • Pombo Fernandez, M. La electroestimulación, entrenamiento y periodización (aplicación práctica al futbol y 45 deportes). Ed Paidotribo. 2004
  • Huter-Becker,A.Schewe, H. Heipertz, W. Terapia Fisica: termoterapia, mecanoterapia, electroterapia, U.S., fototerapia. 1ª edición, año 2005, Ed. Paidotribo.

Additional Resources

  • Schmid, F. Aplicación de corrientes estimulantes. Ed. Jims.1987.
  • Rodríguez Martín, J M. Electroterapia de Baja y Media Frecuencia. Mandala Ediciones, 1994.
  • Rodriguez Martín, J M. Electroterapia en Fisioterapia. Ed. Médica Panamericana. Mayo del 2000.
  • Gonzalez Mas, R. Rehabilitación médica. Ed. Masson S.A. 1997.
  • Crepon, F.Electrophysiothérapie et Réeducation Fonctionnelle. Ed.Frison Roche, 1996.
  • Therapeutic heat and cold. Edited by Justus F. Lehman (Rehabilitation medicine library). Copyright 1990: Williams and Wilkins.
  • Dumoulin, J et G Electrothérapie de Bisschop.Paris. Ed. Maloine. 1987.
  • Boschetti, JP: Electroestimulación. Teoría y Práctica y Metodología del entrenamiento. Ed Paidotribo. Barcelona 2002
  • Cameron, M. Physical Agents in Rehabilitation. Philadelphia. Saunders 1999.
  • Kitchen,S; Baizin S. Clayton's Electrotherapy 10 E. Philadelphia: Saunders Company 1998.
  • Bélanger, A-Y; Evidence Based Guide to Therapeutic Physical Agents Ed. Lippincott, 2003.
  • Maya J-Albornoz, M.Estimulación Eléctrica Transcutánea y Neuromuscular.Ed.Elsevier,1ª Edición Abril 2010.
  • Watson,T;Electroterapia.Práctica  basada en la  evidencia.Ed.Elsevier,12ª Edición Mayo 2009.
  • Cameron, M;Agentes Fisicos en RHB,de  la  investigación a  la  práctica.Ed .Elsevier,3ª edición, Abril 2009.
  • Robinson A;Clinical Electrophysiology and Electrophysiological Testing.Ed.Lippincott,3ªEdición ,Noviembre 2000.
  • Vrbova,G;Application of  Muscle/ Nerve Stimulation in Health and Disease.Ed.Springer,1ª Edición Junio 2008.
  • Fox,J;Practical Electrotherapy,Ed.Churchill Livingstone,Edición 1ª,Junio 2007.
  • Seco Calvo,J.A;Fisica  Aplicada en Fisioterapia,Ed Autor-Editorial,1ª Edición Octubre 2004.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 24/01/2022 11:00h
  • E2 01/07/2022 10:00h

Teaching and learning material