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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Research Methodology

Research Methodology
Second semester
Dessign tools and projects Physiotherapy Evidence based
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


Anna Ortega Martínez (


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Physiotherapy studies are aimed at the training of professionals in Physiotherapy, for which reason, the curriculum places great emphasis on the acquisition of skills and attitudes that serve as a guide for performing Physiotherapy intervention. Although traditionally the clinical practice of Physiotherapy is based on the opinion generated from clinical experience and basic research, today as discipline in the process of scientific basis, it is necessary to bring scientific evidence to clinical practice.

From a scientific perspective, Physiotherapy has been considered to offer a personalized service of high quality, the physical therapist should be able to interpret the scientific contributions that generate new prospects for intervention and research, and should be able to apply various scientific methodologies in building their knowledge. On the other hand, in response to the growing social demand for efficiency and effectiveness in health care, physical therapists must not only be able to translate the results of scientific research to professional practice, but should also actively and usefully intervene during the different stages of the processes of scientific research. The education in the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya is also directed, therefore, to provide the future physiotherapist with the skills needed to incorporate the practice of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy to professional practice and to be part of the scientific evolution of this discipline. That is why we have proposed the subject "Design and project tools in Physiotherapy based on evidence" with a significant weight within the curriculum path to be based on a methodological level as well as the final projects at the end of the degree program. The current subject, "Research Methodology", is the first subject matter in "Design and project tools in Physiotherapy based on evidence" that students will study in the Physiotherapy Degree at UIC.

Pre-course requirements

not applicable


  • Understand the concept of Evidence Based Physiotherapy
  • Understand the concept of research and research stages.
  • Know the basics of general epidemiology and the main types of designs of epidemiological studies.
  • Know the structure and approach of a research project.
  • Know the different types of scientific publications.
  • Know the structure of the original scientific articles and reviews.
  • Identify the information contained in each of the sections of the scientific article and its parallels with the phases of the research process.
  • Acquire sufficient knowledge and skills to complete a search of scientific papers in Physiotherapy.
  • Know fundamental bibliographic database search strategies.
  • Know the different sources of information where students can find scientific information on Physiotherapy
  • Obtain the basic criteria for a reading and critical evaluation of scientific papers in Physiotherapy.
  • Use the rules of style appropriately when drafting scientific and academic papers.
  • Familiarize themselves with the Vancouver styles and use bibliographic citation.
  • Understand and become familiar with the different tools of planning and development of a research project
  • Understand and become familiar with the different tools for editing scientific texts.
  • Introduce the new 2.0 internet tools in the knowledge management of scientific communities.
  • Know the different methods of registration of intellectual property associated with scientific creation.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 04 - To have computing skills within the field of study.
  • 05 - The ability to manage information.
  • 06 - To have comprehensive problem-solving skills.
  • 07 - Demonstrate decision-making skills.
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 14 - Demonstrate initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 28.1 - Capacity for oral and written communication in the native language.
  • 28.2 - Demonstrate Interpersonal skills.
  • 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 37 - Knowledge of ethics, legal and professional issues in physiotherapy practice.
  • 44 - Knowledge of research and assessment methodology that integrates theory and research in the design and implementation of effective physiotherapy.
  • 45 - Knowledge of problem-solving and critical thinking theories.
  • 55 - Capacity to incorporate scientific research and an evidence-based practice within the professional culture.

Learning outcomes of the subject


  • Understand key concepts related to Evidence Based Physiotherapy.
  • Complete in depth, synthesis assignments using specific database searches specific to Physiotherapy.
  • Have the behaviors and attitudes expect with respect to the professional code of ethics.
  • Use specific software tools and applications


  1. Evidence-based Physiotherapy.
  2. The research process.
  3. The researh project.
  4. Types of scientific publications
  5. Copyright and intellectual rights in scientific production.
    1. Copy left, creative commons, science commons and safe creative.
  6. Research broadcasting and publication.
  7. Critical reading in sciences.


  1. Scientific databases and EBP I
  2. Scientific databases and EBP II.
  3. Search strategies in scientific platforms.
  4. Bibliographic citation styles in Health Sciences.
  5. Content managers and bibliography I (RefWorks)
  6. Content managers and bibliography II (Mendeley)
  7. Oral expositions with PowerPoint support.
  8. Formal aspects in academic projects I.
  9. Formal aspects in academic projects II.
  10. Formal aspects in academic projectsIII (practice).
  11. Other UIC library resources.

Teaching and learning activities

In blended

Las clases teóricas se realizaran de forma on-line.

learning based upon problema-solving
oral presentation / master class
29.1 37 44 45 55 0.33
self-learning activities
learning based upon problema-solving
apprenticeship contract
case method
problem-solving exercises
01 02 04 05 06 07 10 14 15 29.1 44 55 0.3
learning based upon problema-solving
cooperative learning
case method
problem-solving exercises
01 02 04 05 06 07 09 10 14 15 28.1 28.2 29.1 30.1 37 44 55 0.48
learning based upon problema-solving
cooperative learning
01 02 05 06 07 09 14 15 28.1 28.2 29.1 30.1 55 0.36
student's independant work-study
02 05 10 14 15 29.1 1.53

Bibliography and resources

  • R. Alvarez. (1996) El método científico en las ciencias de la salud. Diaz de Santos.
  • Mario Tamayo (2004) El proceso de la investigación científica. Limusa S.A.
  • Argimon, J.M.ª / Jiménez, J. / Martín Zurro, A. / Vilardell, M. (2010) Publicación Científica Biomédica: cómo escribir y publicar un artículo de investigación. Elsevier

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 26/05/2021 10:00h
  • E2 30/06/2021 10:00h

Teaching and learning material