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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Dentistry Materials

Dentistry Materials
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

If the student is enrolled for the English track then classes for that subject will be taught in the same language.

Teaching staff

Dates and times will be arranged by e-mail:

 Dra. María Arregui:


The study of the physico-chemical and behavioural characteristics of existing materials for dentistry use will provide the base for the clinical application of the concepts learnt during the degree programme.

It is a rapidly-changing field of knowledge, resulting from the constant research for better materials. We believe students should have in-depth knowledge of all their characteristics to reach an adequate clinical criterion for each situation.

Pre-course requirements



Those required for the bachelor’s degree programme.



  1. To describe the basic physico-chemical principles on which the study of dentistry materials is based.
  2. To learn about the behaviour of biomaterials for dentistry use.
  3. To describe the different phases of the scientific method.
  4. To apply the scientific method to a problematic issue of dentistry materials.
  5. To define and appropriately use the terminology of dentistry materials.
  6. To understand articles published in journals specialising in dentistry materials, while interpreting them critically and applying what is learnt to new situations.
  7. To train the student in selecting and manipulating the different materials for dentistry use.
  8. To provide the student with the necessary preparation for effectively using current information sources.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 07 - Promoting new knowledge and techniques being acquired through autonomous learning, as well as the motivation to achieve quality.
  • 11 - Understanding the basic biomedical science Dentistry is based on in order to ensure that adequate dental healthcare is provided.
  • 13 - Understanding and recognising the science behind the essential bio-materials involved in dental practice as well as immediately managing potential allergies to these.
  • 19 - Being aware of scientific methods and having the critical ability to evaluate established knowledge and innovative information. Being able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information in order to resolve problems, in accordance with scientific methods.
  • 35 - Knowing the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and the antiseptics necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice
  • 42 - Handling, distinguishing and selecting the tools and materials that are suitable for dentistry
  • 43 - Having knowledge of dental biomaterial: in terms of handling, properties, instructions, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity and eliminating residues as well as their environmental impact
  • 44 - Knowing about and being able to use the basic tools and equipment for dental practice

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 2.06 - Develop appropriate research questions
  • 2.08 - Know how to read scientific literature critically and recognize its parts
  • 2.09 - Designing a research protocol
  • 2.12 - Use of specific IT tools
  • 2.13 - Know the general handling of materials and dental instruments
  • 2.14 - Know dental biomaterials, from handling and properties to toxicity and environmental impact
  • 2.15 - Know and use basic instrumentation and equipment for the dental practice
  • 2.16 - Make a correct alginate impression silicone.
  • 2.17 - Make a plaster cast
  • 2.18 - Manipulate correctly recording materials and make individual trays to take impressions of edentulous patients.
  • 2.21 - Handle properly adhesives and etching techniques for composite fillings
  • 2.22 - Perform a composite seal properly and how to manipulate the material and technique
  • 2.23 - Use different types of dental cements, whether provisional or definitive in the cases indicated appropriately
  • 2.26 - Make a provisional of acrylic resin and as and learn how these materials should be handled in the right way
  • 2.39 - Perform an absolute isolation of the operative field



Introduction to dentistry materials. Physical, thermal and rheological properties of dentistry materials.

Biocompatibility in dentistry.

Impression materials and taking records: general characteristics and classification.

Reversible and irreversible hydrocolloids.


Classification and indications of elastomers.

Zinc oxide eugenol impression materials.

Metals in dentistry.

Polymers in dentistry.

Adhesives and adhesion techniques.

Composites and light-curing units.

Acrylic resins.

General characteristics and classification of dental cements or luting agents.

Temporal and definitive cements.

Optical properties of cosmetic prosthetic materials.

Dental ceramics.


Taking alginate impressions and plaster casts.

Taking digital impressions.

Taking addition silicone impressions and condensation and plaster casts.

Preparation of individual digital trays and polysulfide and zinc oxide paste impressions.

Plaster model formwork.

Cavities preparation and adhesion system techniques.

Cavities preparation and composite restorations and temporal restoration materials.

Prosthesis preparation and provisional crowns.

Preparation of provisional crowns and luting.

Teaching and learning activities

In person


Theory classes will have a duration of one hour and 45 minutes and will expand on the above mentioned topics, structured in the following manner:

  • Introduction.
  • Objectives.
  • Contents.
  • Directed basic bibliography.

The idea is teach in an instructive and informative manner with a critical and shared approach to the subject, inviting students to think about and deal with problems with a critical eye.   Objectives of the master classes: To properly plan the different topic areas. To provide an appropriate structure for each theoretical class for the different sections. To complete a shared “teaching-learning” project. To improve note taking with a reflective approach after processing information. To encourage students to compare notes with classmates and with other sources of bibliographical information.


These sessions are always related to the lecture given earlier in the day, so that when students start laboratory work, they have knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the subject.

Before the practice, students should look at the daily practice description in Moodle and answer a quiz to see if they have understood the description.

Practice groups M1 and M2 will practice on Wednesday mornings from 10am to 2pm. Group A will do the practice on Thursday afternoon from 15.00h to 19.00h. There will be no change of practice groups, because M1 and M2 do exactly the same timetable, and with group A change the language.

General objectives of the practical sessions:

  • To develop the ability to observe.
  • To obtain a certain level of manual skill.
  • To become familiar with and understand the different materials used for dental purposes.


In Moodle, a quiz will be posted on the topics related to the lectures. It is a quiz per given topic and finished. If one week a topic is not finished the quiz will be done the following week.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation will be continuous, through objective examinations, assessing several aspects related to the achievement of set targets, on both a theoretical and practical level.

Evaluation will be as follows:

  • Theoretical exam: 40%.
  • Practical sessions: 40%.
    • Ongoing assessment: 60% of total practical grade.
    • Practical Exam 1: 20%.
    • Practical Exam 2: 20%
  • Quizzes: 20%.
  To pass the course it is essential to have all the blocks passed (Exams (theory and practice), practices and quizzes). No Honors will be granted if you do not achieve an average grade higher than 9.


The passing mark for the theoretical exam is 50% of the correct answers.


Practical sessions shall be assessed continuously pursuant to the assessment criteria set forth in the practical session guide given to students at the beginning of the semester. Lecturers shall assess the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attendance and attitude.

Additionally, students shall sit two practical exams: at the mid-way point and at the end of the semester.


The quizzes will be 20% of the final grade, it is mandatory to answer them. It will be a way of seeing the progression in the assimilation of the theoretical contents on a weekly basis, is the continuous assessment of theory.


As for the other theoretical exam of the subject, the June exam  the passing mark will be 50%, with an average calculated with the other course marks (quizzes and practical sessions).

Bibliography and resources

  • O'Brien WJ. Dental Materials and their Selection, 4th Edition. Quintessence Publishing.
  • Eliades G, Eliades T, Brantley WA, Watts DC. Dental Materials in vivo: Aging and related Phenomena. Quintessence Publishing.
  • Schmalz G, Arenholt-Bindslev. Biocompatibility of Dental Materials. Springer.
  • Powers JM, Wataha J. Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation. Mosby.
  • Summit JB. Fundamental Operative Dentistry, 3rd Edition. Quintessence Publishing.
  • Macchi. Materiales Dentales. Editorial Panamericana.
  • Vega del Barrio JM. Materiales en Odontología. Ediciones Avances.