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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Preventive Dentistry 1

Preventive Dentistry 1
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

If the student is enrolled for the English track then classes for that subject will be taught in the same language.

Teaching staff

Students who want to talk to teachers can stay after class or via email

* Coordinator: Lda. Luana Álvarez (

Practice teachers and seminars: contact by mail for consultations. Ldo. Victor Gil (




Knowledge in preventive and community dentistry is increasingly necessary for the practice of dentistry at a care level.


Preventive dentistry studies the different methods for promoting oral health and preventing bucodental diseases, both at the individual and collective levels.

Pre-course requirements

There are no incompatibilities between this subject and other subjects.



To know 

  • how to make a medical history in dentistry.
  • the principles of prevention and health.
  • the fundamentals of oral bacterial plaque and its control methods.
  • the epidemiology and prevntion of periodontal disease.
  • the epidemiology and prevention of dental caries.
  • the diagnosis of dental caries and its different methods.
  • the fundamentals of fluoride, its indications in the prevention of dental caries.
  • the etiological factors and the histopathology of dental caries.
  • the risk of caries and its treatments.
  • the different methods of caries diagnosis.
  • the methods of prevention of dental trauma.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 17 - Understanding and recognising the principles of ergonomics and safety at work (including the control of cross infection, radiation protection and occupational and biological diseases).
  • 20 - Obtaining and creating a medical record containing all the relevant information.
  • 21 - Knowing how to undertake a full dental exam, including the necessary X-ray and complementary exploratory tests, as well as obtaining suitable clinical references.
  • 22 - Having the ability to make an initial diagnostic judgement and establish a reasonable diagnostic strategy, as well as being competent in recognising situations that require urgent dental treatment.
  • 23 - Establishing a diagnosis, prognosis and suitable treatment planning for all the different clinical areas of Dentistry, being competent in terms of the diagnosis, prognosis and writing up the dental care plan for patients who require special care, including medically compromised patients (such as diabetics, those with hypertension, a depressed immune system or are anticoagulated, etc) and patients with disabilities.
  • 26 - Knowing how to plan and undertake multidisciplinary, sequential and comprehensive dental treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and for patients who require special care.
  • 27 - Outlining and proposing suitable preventative measures for each clinical situation.
  • 28 - Acquiring clinical experience under suitable supervision.
  • 29 - Recognising the underlying causes of dental health in the population, whether genetic, lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological or cultural.
  • 30 - Recognising the role of the dentist in actions to prevent and protect against oral diseases, as well as the maintenance and promotion of good health, both at an individual level and a community level.
  • 31 - Knowing about the National Healthcare System, as well as the basic aspects of healthcare legislation, clinical management and the correct use of healthcare resources, and understanding the importance of the role of the dentist in the field of Primary Healthcare
  • 35 - Knowing the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and the antiseptics necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice
  • 36 - Knowing the danger of ionising radiation and its impact on biological tissue, as well as the legislation that regulates its use. Knowing how to manage dental radiodiagnostic facilities
  • 37 - Undertaking the x-rays that are necessary in dental practice, interpreting the images obtained and learning about other important image-based diagnosis techniques
  • 38 - Being aware of clinical and laboratory-based procedures and diagnostic tests, knowing their reliability and diagnostic viability and being competent in interpreting the results
  • 40 - Identifying the main reason for the consultation and the history of the current disease. Creating a general medical record and a clinical record which accurately reflect the patient's notes
  • 44 - Knowing about and being able to use the basic tools and equipment for dental practice
  • 45 - Applying the principles of ergonomics to dentistry work, both at an individual level and a work-group level where appropriate, also in terms of the principles of the prevention of work-related accidents in dental practice
  • 46 - Providing a comprehensive approach to oral care and applying principles to promote good oral health and the prevention of oral and dental diseases
  • 47 - Educating and motivating patients in the area of oral and dental diseases, controlling pathogenic oral habits,
  • 48 - Being aware of the effects of tobacco on oral health and participating in measures which help patients who want to give up their smoking habit. Also, knowing about the complex interaction between the environmental, social and behavioural factors related to oral and general health
  • 49 - Knowing the procedures to carry out an oral healthcare diagnosis in the community and how to interpret the results
  • 50 - Knowing the repercussions demographic and epidemiological trends have in terms of dental practice
  • 51 - Knowing about the organisation and provision of oral healthcare in the community, both private and public, as well as general healthcare and the role of the dentist in these fields
  • 52 - Creating and carrying out oral healthcare programmes and knowing about the inter-institutional and inter-professional coordination that is required to do so
  • 55 - Recognising that the patient is the centre of attention and that all the interaction, including the prevention, diagnosis, planning and carrying out of the treatment and maintenance, and must support their best interests, always avoiding any type of discrimination and respecting confidentiality
  • 63 - Having knowledge of human nutrition, particularly the connection between nutritional habits or diet with the maintenance of good health and the prevention of oral and dental diseases
  • 66 - Taking and interpreting x-rays and other image-based procedures that are important in dental practice
  • 67 - Creating diagnostic models, setting them up and taking inter-occlusal registrations
  • 81 - Evaluating and treating patients with caries or other dental non-carious pathologies and being able to use all the material required for restoring the shape, function and aesthetics of the tooth in patients of all ages

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 2.27 - Explore the salivary glands
  • 2.28 - Perform measurement saliva test in chewing and rest
  • 2.29 - Perform test buffer effect of saliva
  • 2.30 - Perform the measuring test levels of Mutans streptococci and lactobacilli in saliva (CRT bacteria test)
  • 2.31 - Perform the test staining plate and calculate the index Oleary
  • 2.32 - Make a control and mechanical removal of plaque
  • 2.33 - Delete dental calculation with ultrasounds
  • 2.34 - Perform radiographs for the correct diagnosis of caries
  • 2.35 - Make the diagnosis using the Diagnodent device
  • 2.36 - Make diagnostic tests to determine the risk of caries
  • 2.37 - Advertise preventive treatment based on caries risk
  • 2.38 - Perform a topical fluoridation in clinic
  • 2.39 - Perform an absolute isolation of the operative field
  • 2.40 - Execute the techniques for cracks sealing in patients
  • 2.41 - Perform data collection test of the patient to determine the cariogenic diet
  • 2.42 - Advertise dietary habits based on the risk of disease that the patient presents
  • 2.43 - Perform an oral and facial scan to detect cancer lesions
  • 2.44 - Make a mouth guard for radiotherapy treatment in the orofacial area
  • 2.45 - Make a protector for sport



Theoretical programme


Unit 1. The clinical history in dentistry

Unit 2. Principles of prevention and health

Unit 3. Bacterial plaque 

Unit 4. Mechanical control of oral bacterial plaque

Unit 5. Study and microbiology of the oral cavity 

Unit 6. Dental calculus, professional control and prophylaxis

Unit 7. Periodontal disease: epidemiology

Unit 8. Periodontal disease: prevention

Unit 9. Epidemiology and hystopathology of dental decay

Unit 10. Methods for the diagnosis of dental decay

Unit 11.  Fundamentals, types and action mechanism of fluoride

Unit 12. Presentations and indications of fluoride

Unit 13. Toxicity of fluoride: dental fluorosis.

Unit 14. Toothpastes: presentations, types and indications

Unit 15. CAO, CAOD indices

Unit 16. Bacterial plaque and tooth decay – methods of elimination

Unit 17. Diet, saliva and tooth decay

Unit 18: Risk factors and determinants

Unit 19: Risk and treatment of tooth decay

Unit 20: Dental traumatisms and prevention

Unit 21: Oral protectors

Unit 22: Fossae and fissure sealants

Practice program:

Practice 1. Clinical History

Practice 2. Rubber dam (absolute) isolation and sealing of pits and fissures

Practice 3. Diagnosis

Practice 4. Plate index. Tartrectomy

Practice 5. Sports mouthguard

Practice 6. Cariogram

Practice 7. Practical exam


To pass the practical exam it is necessary to obtain 50% of the mark.

To obtain maximum grade with honors, the average grade of the 2 parts must be higher than 9.



Teaching and learning activities

In person

The evaluation will be continuous through objective tests, assessing the different aspects related to the achievement of the proposed objectives.

The specific evaluation of the student will be as follows:

-Theoretical exam 60%

-Preclinical practices 40%

Theoric exam:

Multiple choice test.

To pass the theoretical exam, 50% of the grade must be obtained.

The student, to pass the course, must pass each and every one of the sections (test and practices) with a 50%.


Practical evaluation:

The practices are MANDATORY attendance. Absence is only admitted to ONE practice (excused or not). The following absences will be scored with a grade of 0/10 and will be averaged with the rest of the practice grades.

Each practice has a score (continuous evaluation by the teacher). The acquisition of knowledge, skills, assistance and attitude are evaluated.

Before starting the practice, written or moodle tests may be carried out to assess the student's knowledge about the practice.

The student must report to practice in the appropriate uniform and protective equipment. * Due to Biosafety regulations for practices, they must come in full uniform (white coat, long pants, closed shoes, protective glasses, hair tied back).

The student must deliver at the end of the practice the formats, results and models made (they will be evaluated).

Observation: the student who does not pass the practices will not have the option to take the theoretical exam.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation will be continuous, through objective examinations, assessing several aspects related to the achievement of set targets.

Specifically, evaluation of each student will be as follows:

 -Theoretical examination        60%

 -Preclinical practical sessions 40%

Theoretical examination:

Multiple choice test questions.

To pass the theoretical exam, 50% of the grade must be obtained.

The student, to pass the subject, must pass each and every one of the sections (test and practice).

Assessment practices :
  • Practices are mandatory attendance .
  • Only be justified miss a single practice. 
  • Each practice has a score (there will be a continuous assessment by the teacher).
  • The acquisition of knowledge, skills, assistance and attitude is evaluated.
  • Before starting practice may make written or moodle test to assess students' knowledge about the practice.
  • The student must present a uniform practice and proper protective equipment .
  • The student must submit at the end of practice formats , results and made models ( will be tested )
  • Note: not exceeding the student practical option will not appear in the theoretical examination .
* By Biosafety standards for practices should go in full uniform ( white coat, long pants , closed shoes , goggles , hair pulled ) .

Bibliography and resources

CUENCA, E; BACA, P. Odontología Preventiva y Comunitaria. Ed.Elsevier & Masson. 4ª Edición, 2013.

JENICEK M., CLEROUX R.: Epidemiología, principios técnicas y aplicaciones. Salvat 1988

RIOBOO, R: Odontología Preventiva y Odontología Comunitaria. Avances médico-dentales, 2002.