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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

General Surgical Pathology 2

General Surgical Pathology 2
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

If the student is enrolled for the English track then classes for that subject will be taught in the same language.

Teaching staff

After classes

At any other time, having set a date and time with the student via email.




General Medical-Surgical Pathology 2 of the first cycle of Degree in Dentistry is part of the core subjects of the programme and aims to explain all medical and surgical pathologies that dentists must know and study during university studies.

It is a mistake to consider Dentistry as a degree based solely on the study of the oral cavity; as in many cases the dentist will require broader medical knowledge in order to provide a global and integrated perspective of patients and their associated pathologies.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites



Study of medical pathology by organ systems and their oral impact .

Respiratory system

Cardiovascular System

Endocrine and metabolic

Digestive system

Central and Peripheral Nervous System

Infectious disease

Study of surgical pathology and oral impact:

Basic principles of traumatology

Otolaryngology and its relationship with the oral apparatus

Ophthalmology and its relationship with the oral apparatus

Dermatology. Skin pain. Skin injuries.

Principles of general and digestive surgery

Study and initial treatment of medical and surgical emergencies in situations related to the dentist and daily practice.


Interpretation of the main analytical results. Normal and pathological. Evaluation of clinical cases.

Elementary principles of the suture. Using suture instruments. Suture Practices

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Acquisition of scientific basis of dentistry, professional values, ethical behaviour and appropriate clinical skills.

Acquisition of knowledge of the overall medical-surgical pathology, which should form the basis for achieving and subsequently being able to apply appropriate capabilities to diagnose, predict and plan for dental treatments

These competencies will be achieved through a series of methodologies based on: lectures, clinical session seminars and lab practices

  • 14 - To understand the general processes of the disease, including infection, swelling, alterations to the immune system, decay, neoplasm, and metabolic and genetic disorders
  • 15 - To be familiar with the general pathological characteristics of the diseases and disorders affecting the organ systems, specifically those with implications for the oral cavity
  • 16 - To understand the fundamentals of the action, indications and efficacy of the drugs and other therapeutic interventions, and know their contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and interactions with other organs, based on the scientific evidence available
  • 17 - To understand and appreciate the principles of ergonomics and safety at work (including the control of cross-infections, radiologic protection and occupational and biological diseases)
  • 18 - To learn, critically assess and know how to use the sources of clinical and biomedical information in order to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and health information
  • 19 - To understand the scientific method and acquire the critical capacity for assessing established knowledge and new information. To be able to formulate hypotheses, to collect and critically assess the information for solving problems by following the scientific method
  • 20 - To obtain and prepare a clinical record that contains all of the relevant information
  • 57 - To know the general processes of falling ill, getting better and healing, which include infection, swelling, haemorrhaging and clotting, scarring, trauma and changes to the immune system, decay, neoplasm, metabolic disorders and genetic disorders
  • 58 - To know the general pathologic characteristics of diseases and disorders affecting organ systems
  • 59 - To know the oral manifestations of systemic diseases

  • 08 - Knowing how to share information with other healthcare professionals and how to work as part of a team.
  • 14 - Being aware of the general processes of the illness, including infection, inflammation, alterations in the immune system, degeneration, neoplasm, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders.
  • 18 - Being aware of, critically evaluating and knowing how to use sources of clinical and biomedical infomation in order to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and healthcare-related information.
  • 20 - Obtaining and creating a medical record containing all the relevant information.
  • 35 - Knowing the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and the antiseptics necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice
  • 38 - Being aware of clinical and laboratory-based procedures and diagnostic tests, knowing their reliability and diagnostic viability and being competent in interpreting the results
  • 39 - Recognising oral normality and pathology, as well as the evaluation of semiological data
  • 58 - Knowing the general pathological characteristics of the illnesses and disorders that affect organic systems
  • 61 - Knowing the pharmacological grounding for the various anaesthetic techniques, both local and general, as well as the role of sedation and general anaesthesia in terms of managing dental patients
  • 62 - Conocer y manejar las emergencias y urgencias médicas más frecuentes en la práctica odontológica y en las técnicas de reanimación cardiorrespiratoria básica
  • 63 - Having knowledge of human nutrition, particularly the connection between nutritional habits or diet with the maintenance of good health and the prevention of oral and dental diseases
  • 73 - Applying loco-regional anaesthetic techniques

Learning outcomes of the subject

Having acquired the competences referred to throughout the course while making the most of the skills taught during traditional lectures, seminars and laboratory practices.

  • 3.01 - Identify the most important characteristics of the different groups of medicines: pharmacological activity, mechanism of action, indications, dosage, contraindications and adverse effects.
  • 3.02 - Using information sources of Pharmacology
  • 3.03 - Know the most relevant precautions in prescribing and administering medications in the dental patient in relation to their own pathology and concomitant medication.
  • 3.04 - Have thorough knowledge in general medical pathology.
  • 3.05 - Have thorough knowledge in General Surgical Pathology
  • 3.06 - Have thorough knowledge in nutrition
  • 3.07 - Obtain and develop a medical history that includes all relevant information
  • 3.08 - Perform a general physical examination and registration of vital signs
  • 3.09 - Control of anamnesis and basic general physical examination
  • 3.10 - Ask and interpret the results of the general complementary explorations ( laboratory-image- functional)
  • 3.11 - Conduct a differential diagnosis, a provisional diagnosis and a definitive diagnosis.
  • 3.12 - Diagnosing and treating medical emergencies and basic CPR in a dental clinic.
  • 3.18 - Learn the techniques of anxiety control
  • 3.19 - Know the pharmacological treatment of pain
  • 3.20 - Knowledge of oral manifestations of systemic pathologies
  • 3.21 - Know how to explore at physical oro-maxillo-facial level and interpret laboratory complementary examinations and image
  • 3.22 - Knowledge of smoking and its treatment
  • 3.23 - Use basic equipment for taking vital signs. Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope
  • 3.24 - Interpret the main analytical determinations: normal and pathological values
  • 3.25 - Use with precision instruments of suture
  • 3.27 - Know how to act when a cardio-respiratory arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation




  1. Semiotics of the digestive: dysphagia, heartburn, vomiting, jaundice, ascites, diarrhea. Physical examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Investigations in the study of the digestive tract.

3. Gastrointestinal (I): Pathology and inflammatory esophageal motor

4. Gastrointestinal (II): Pathology of acute and chronic stomach

5. Gastrointestinal (III): Inflammatory bowel pathology. Malabsorption syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome. Oral manifestations.

6. Gastrointestinal (IV): liver disease: hepatitis acute, chronic.

7. Gastrointestinal (V): liver diseases: liver cirrhosis. Oral manifestations. Coagulation-related disorders.

8. Surgical pathology of the digestive system (I): esophageal pathology

9. Surgical pathology of the digestive system (II): stomach pathology.

10. Surgical pathology of the digestive system (III): small intestine and colon.

11. Surgical pathology of the digestive system (IV): liver pathology.

12. Surgical pathology of the digestive system (V): Pathology of the gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas

13. Abdominal wall surgery.

14. Gynecologic Pathology (I): Disorders of the menstrual cycle. ETS. Pelvic inflammatory disease.

15. Gynecologic Pathology (II): Diagnosis and treatment of gynecological tumors.

16. Obstetric Pathology (I): Normal pregnancy. Perinatal infections.

17. Obstetric Pathology (II) Drugs and Pregnancy. Prenatal Diagnosis and treatment of congenital malformations.

18. Rheumatology (I). Septic arthritis, inflammatory, reactive, metabolic and degenerative diseases.

19. Rheumatology (II) collagen, systemic vasculitis

20. Bone tumors.-Definition, classification and treatment. Oncological processes and their management in the clinic. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy: fundamentals, effects at the oral level and dental treatment protocol in patients who have received RT/QT

21. Fractures. -Etiology and mechanism. Fracture classification. Clinical and treatment of fractures Orthopedic surgery (I). Prostheses.

22. Articular physiopathology: septic arthritis, degenerative arthropathy. Articular trauma (TMJ)

23. Pediatrics (I): Childhood Diseases. Oral manifestations. When dental procedures can be carried out? (rash, fever,…)

24. Pediatrics (II): Pediatric Surgery (I) digestive

25. Pediatrics (III): Pediatric Surgery (II) hydrocele, testicular torsion, phimosis…


II. Medicosurgical EMERGENCIES

26. Anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions. Hives and angioedema. Diagnosis and treatment.

27. Allergic reactions to drugs

28. Hypertension. Hypertensive crises. Diagnosis and treatment.

29. Syncope. Vasovagal syncope.

30. Shock. Type of shock, diagnosis and treatment.

31. thyrotoxic crisis. Acute adrenal insufficiency

32. Uncontrolled diabetes. Hypoglycemia. Diagnosis and treatment.

33. cerebral vascular accident. Types, etiology, diagnosis and treatment.

34. Seizures. Type. Diagnosis, treatment. Status epilepticus.

35. Acute abdomen (I): etiology, diagnosis and treatment

36. Acute abdomen (II): etiology, diagnosis and treatment

37. Upper GI bleeding: etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment

38. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding: etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment

39. Acute asthma. Decompensated COPD. Acute respiratory failure. Diagnosis and treatment.

40. Intoxication drug: clinical, diagnostic and treatment

41. Ophthalmic emergencies.

42. Emergency ENT and upper respiratory tract (bronco-aspiration)

43. Polytrauma (I).ABCDE

44. Polytrauma (II). Emergency neurosurgery. TCE

45. Polytrauma (II). Maxillofacial.



1. – Six-month assignment

There will be a semester work that will be carried out by groups of five people. The subject of the works will be linked to the agenda of the theoretical classes of the semester, being of free choice between one of the topics that the teaching staff will inform the student (link to moodle). The maximum extension of the works will not exceed 10 DIN A4 pages. It will be done with Microsoft Word text treatments and plagiarism will be evaluated by Turnitin.

2. - Laboratory practices

In this semester, the 10 h of accredited practices in the course will be devoted to:

 1st practice:

- Elementary principles of suture. Using suture instruments. Suture Practices

2nd Practice:

-Evaluation of main analytical tests, normal values, most significant alterations to the dentist.

-Review of clinical cases



Teaching and learning activities

In person

General Medical-Surgical Pathology 2 is a half-yearly course with a total of 6 ECTS, 45 hours of lectures and 10h of practices. The lectures that make up the program for each semester will be delivered throughout the course. Duration of the master classes will be of 2 hours, leaving the last 20 minutes for questions and doubts on the lesson taught, as in a seminar.

Frequency of classes is two days per week.

Attendance and participation, both face-to-face and online, will be taken into account in the final score of the subject (10%).

Practical sessions constitute the second part of the course. Within these sessions, there will be two types of activities:

-Laboratory practices, or seminars
-Semester work 

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Student evaluation will be as follows:

Theoretical final exam ..................... 70%
Practices ....................................... 10%
Assignment ....................................10%

Continuous Evaluation......................10%

Questions in the theoretical final exam will be multiple choice (5) with a single correct answer with the value of 1 point. A wrong answer will subtract 0.25 points.

The subject will be evaluated and graded according to an absolute score of 10 points, obtained according to the following scale:

a) Fail: 0- 4,9 (SS)

b) Approved: 5-6.9 (PA)

c) Remarkable: 7-8,9 (NT)

d) Outstanding: 9-10 (SB).

e) High Honour: implies having obtained an "Outstanding" plus a special mention, and its number may not exceed 5% of the enrolled students.


1. Class attendance is not compulsory. But attendance and attitude / participation in classes will be taken into account. Questions asked through the kahoot / moodle / collaborate platform will be used as a continuous assessment and will count positively up to a maximum of 1 point (10%).

2. The theoretical-practical knowledge acquired will be evaluated through a final semester exam. This consists of 60 test questions with 5 possible answers. Those answered correctly will add 1 point, while incorrect answers will subtract -0'25 points. The exam will compute 70% (7 points) of the final grade, but it is mandatory to pass it to pass the course. Similarly, to be able to take the final exam, the student must have turned in all the assignments and have attended ALL the practices, except if the absence is justified. 

3. The written work will count 1 point (10%), and the quality, the reviewed bibliography (cited according to Vancouver standards) and the absence of plagiarism will be evaluated through the Turnitin program. 

4. Attendance at practices and seminars is mandatory. Each of the tasks carried out after the clinical practices carried out in the classroom will be evaluated by the teachers, computing a maximum of 1 point (10%).



Bibliography and resources

FARRERAS ROZMAN Tratado de Medicina Interna. Ed Harcourt Brace.

HARRISON’S. Principles of Internal Medicine. Mc Graw Hill .

VARIOS AUTORES Textbook of Surgery. Ed University of Oxford.

LOUIS F. ROSE - DONALD KAYE: Medicina Interna en Odontología. Salvat Editores.