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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

English for Lawyers

English for Lawyers
First semester
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

By appointment with the professor.


The aim of this programme is primarily to provide students with the skills and knowledge to practice and perform the linguistic tasks related to areas of law at an academic level and with a multicultural and international scope.

The programme contains 3 elements that include class-based lessons, tutorials and self-study.

The teacher-led lessons focus on developing students’ academic skills through critical reading, listening and note-taking in lectures.

Tutorial projects consist in delivering oral presentations and conveying ideas as well as interacting with fellow students. They focus on student development and interpersonal skills and are evaluated. Students will receive personalized feedback from the teacher in order to improve.

The final part being the self-study or ‘distance learning’ element which primarily focuses on consolidating grammar, specific lexis and increasing the autonomy of the learner with respect to learning a foreign language.

All three elements have been specifically designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge and resources that will increase their confidence in order to communicate effectively in English


Pre-course requirements

The minimum level is that of a B1 English before the start of the course.



 Teacher led lecture:

Prepare and equip students with the necessary lexical and grammatical knowledge and understanding in order to become effective communicators in English within the professional field of law.

Reinforce the receptive skills of reading and listening through practice, using a variety of stimuli and to facilitate the development of the productive skills of speaking and writing.                              


Develop students’ interpersonal skills and ability to work with others in both their native and an additional language.

Self Study:

Develop reflective writing skills through official reports, listening skills for academic lectures, and do individual and group work related to a variety of themes within the field of law. In addition, students will learn how to use the ICT and internet based resources in order to learn a language independently.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - To acquire the ability to understand main ideas and participate in conferences or professor led lectures in their academic context.
  • 05 - To be able to develop skills for group work
  • 11 - To acquire skills for autonomous learning
  • 27 - To skillfully use terminology and linguistic structures in English related to Law
  • 28 - To be able to read and understand bibliography and other legal texts in English

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. To understand legal bibliography and literature in English. 

2. To use terminology and linguistic structures related to Law in English. 

3. To understand the main ideas related to legal topics in English when listening to speakers, professors and other students.

4.  To express one's ideas in English in a coherent and logical manner in both written and spoken form within an academic scope.

5.  To engage in teamwork.

6.  To be able to work in English independently. 

7.  To be able to reflect on one's own learning.




The course will cover a series of areas which relate to the English legal system including the different law systems of the world, homicide and manslaughter, crimes, theft, international, employment and contract law among others.


Language skills applied to an academic context:

Students will learn to read and understand content relevant to the field of law. Furthermore, they will learn to recognize and use the vocabulary specific to the main areas in law. In addition, students will practice note-taking skills in preparation for listening to lectures. Students will learn to present and convey ideas as well as interact with fellow students or professional people.

Language knowledge:

Students will revise and consolidate the language structures necessary to carry out their academic and professional activities in English.



Teaching and learning activities

In person

Students will become actively engaged in the process of reading material related to the world of law and of writing about what they read as well as listen to simulated lectures on a variety of themes relevant to their professional field. Students will be exploring the ideas individually, in discussion groups and will share these ideas with their colleagues in order to stimulate reflection and discussion.

Emphasis will also be given to autonomous learning using self study and internet materials, and this will form an essential part of the course, equipping and motivating students for the life-long learning of English.

Actividades en el aula para el seguimiento de los alumnos (individual y en grupo)
01 03 27 28
Estudio y trabajo independiente del alumno

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person




% of final grade




To be


3 Group presentations (oral)



25% total

5% the first one

20% the other two



To be announced

2 essays (evaluated)


5% each




To be announced

2 Progress Tests

30% total

15% each




Final exam week

1 Final Exam







Attendance and participation 





Students who have not attended 80% of the classes do not have the right to take the final exam in the first sitting, but  can in the second sitting in the months of June or July.  Students are reminded that attendance and participation in class and continuous evaluation are fundamental to passing the course. It is not possible to pass the course by only taking the final exam in any sitting.   The maximum grade that can be achieved in the 2nd sitting is a 7.

Students with a mark between 4 and 4.9 in the first sitting only have the right to make up the material that was failed or not handed in for the second sitting.  (Writing grades cannot be made up).

Students with a mark that is less than 4 in the first sitting will have to make up 100% of the subject in the second sitting by preparing a 7 minute long presentation and a 3 page writing that will be done immediately after the presentation on a topic related to the presentation.  All three parts must be passed with a minimum grade of 5. The other 50% is a final exam.

In all situations and in both sittings, students must demonstrate a B1 level in English in order to pass the class.  Passing grades cannot be improved.  


Bibliography and resources

Walenn, Jeremy. English for law in higher education studies: course book. Reading, UK: Garnet Education, 2009.

Class-based materials provided by the teacher.

Internet and intranet resources for self-study.

An English dictionary of the student’s choice.