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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Journalese (Journalistic Language) I

Journalese (Journalistic Language) I
Second semester
Language proficiency
Lenguaje periodĂ­stico
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Please, contact by email with each lecturer. 


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Journalistic language I is a subject of 6 ECTS credits taught during the 2n semester of the first year of the degree of Journalism and contributes and forms the basis of the academic curriculum of the area of Audiovisual Journalism. Thus, along with other subjects studied during the first year, this subject contributes to preparing students to access the second year course "Television Communication."

The subject aims to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and fundamental skills of journalistic language, and specifically audiovisual journalism. In this sense, "Journalistic Language 1" introduces both the theoretical and practical specificities of the elements that constitute the codes of the audiovisual language as well as the techniques and routines of production of informative editorials. It is therefore the theoretical study and the basic experimentation of the specificities of audiovisual information and the usual work of the information services of a television channel.
The subject also aims to enable students to reflect on the professional and social environment in which they will work and to project an analytical look at journalistic content. "Journalistic Language 1" also considers, in addition to the formal program, to introduce transversal subjects and skills necessary for the integral training of the future journalist.

Pre-course requirements

Having attended the previous broadcast television modules (Introduction to Audiovisual Language)


  • To publicize the importance of language use as an information tool.
  • To think about language, its origins, meaning (semiotics and semiology), barbarisms and uncertainties, as well as the great potential of a correct, clear and precise style.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 02 CG - The ability to learn and act an autonomously and responsibly
  • 15 CE - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 17 CE - The ability to produce spoken and written texts for journalistic projects

Learning outcomes of the subject

The learning outcomes are the theoretical and practical knowledge to make TV news. Also the good journalistic language use in Catalan and Spanish.


1.1. Origin and evolution of genres on television.
1.2. Live or delayed information.
1.3. The news versus the chronicle and the report. Elements that make up each genre. The stand up.
1.4. The main ways to package news (news edited, off-conductor, chained statements).
1.5. The interview Character selection. Documentation The interest of the protagonist and his surroundings.
1.6. New genres and journalistic formats. The tendency to hybridization.

2.1. The text to be heard. Writing on television: telling a story with images. The relationship between the text and the image.
2.2. The microstructure: expressive clarity and simplicity, conciseness, precision and lexicon. The phrase, its length and its syntactic structure.
2.3. The macro structure of the text: the paragraph and the cohesion. Ways to organize the information. The structure of news for television.
2.4. How to explain complex information and give figures in the audiovisual media.
2.5. Appointments or statements: totals on television.

3.1. The presentation of information on television.
3.2. Prelocution. Speech characteristics. The rhythm, intensity and tone of reading.
3.3. The difference between reading and explaining a story.
3.4. Silence and sound resources.
3.5. Attitude before the microphone. Practical guidance for behavior in the studio or set.

4.1. The Ws of audiovisual journalism
4.2. The piece of information and its parts (off, text, totals, environments)
4.3. The reporter before the camera: stand-up and direct.
4.4. Lettering. The chyrons of an informative one.

5.1. Organization chart and functions of the various professionals. The multipurpose profile of the information professional.
5.2. The operation of informational services. The writing board, the ladder, the editing team.
5.3. The ladder: piece, tails, direct, entradillas


6.1. Mobile technology in television production and distribution.

6.2. Challenges of mobile journalism.

6.3 Citizen journalism and transmedia
Envia suggeriments

Teaching and learning activities

In person

"Journalistic Language 1" is a course that combines activities in class and external activities. The subject combines theory and practice. Here are the practices that must be carried out:



Practice 1: Writing an informative piece for television from agency images.

Practice 2: Writing an informative piece for television from the news item.

Practice 3: Write, record and assemble an informational piece based on a teletype or press release.

Practice 4: Record and assemble an interview with a peculiar character. His voice and images will be the only thread in history.

Practice 5: Creation of a cultural and / or news television piece, with speech of off, graphics and speech.

Practice 6: Analysis of an informative one.

Practice 7: News + Street survey.

Practice 8: Prepare a ladder for a 15-minute news story.

Practice 9: Preparation of news for information news with stan-up.

Practice 10: The News (group workshop).

In addition, the students will have to pass the tests of current events and two reports that will be explained in class.


PRACTICES: Mobile journalism. Recording and editing news with a mobile phone.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

In the first call the evaluation is 100% continuous, and is based on the elaboration of practices that will be carried out during the sessions. There will be individuals and other teams. Delivery of these practices in time is mandatory and essential to be evaluated. The non-delivery of a practice is equivalent to 0 in the corresponding part.

Attendance, participation and the non-attendance exercises proposed in the virtual classroom will also be taken into account in the continuous evaluation.

The subject can be divided into two blocks corresponding to the different teachers who teach it:

  • General Competences: 80% of the final mark (this part corresponds to: 20% Report about bibliography , 20% Report on TV program, 20% Tests, 40% workshops)
  • Mobile journalism: 20% of the final grade


Regular questionnaires about television will be regularly scheduled. The students will have to answer questions about the informative events that happen during the semester and also on subjects related to the news and their protagonists. These questionnaires will also include issues related to the television world: audiences, programs, presenters, etc.


In the second call, students will have to take a 4-hour exam with a practical part corresponding to the practices realized during the course (50% of the final grade) and a theoretical exam (50% of the final grade).

In third call and afterwards the students will have to repeat the subject.

Bibliography and resources

Mandatory bibliography:

  • Bandrés, E.; García Avilés, J.A.; Pérez, G. i Pérez, J. (2000): El periodismo en la televisión digital. Barcelona: Paidós.

  • Casero, A. y Marzal, J. (coord.) (2011): Periodismo en televisión. Nuevos horizontes, nuevas tendencias. Edició impresa i edició e-book.

  • Hudson, G., & Rowlands, S. (2007): The broadcast journalism handbook. Harlow, England; New York: Pearson Longman.

  • Oliva, Llúcia i Sitjà, Xavier (2007): Las noticias en radio y televisión: periodismo audiovisual en el siglo XXI. Barcelona: Omega (5a. ed.).

  • Ortiz, M. A. y Pérez-Ornia, J. R. (2006): Claves para elaborar la información en radio y televisión. Madrid: Instituto Oficial de Radio y Televisión.

  • Vilalta Casas, J. (2006): El espíritu del reportaje. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. 

  • Vilalta Casas, J. (2007): El reportero en acción. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona.

  • Diversos autores (2016): El reto de la innovación de los informativos en la era digital. Madrid: Instituto RTVE.

Secondary bibliography:

  • Block, M. (2000): Writing broadcast news. Shorter, sharper, stronger. Chicago: Bonus Books.

  • Boyd, A. (2000): Broadcast Journalism. Techniques of Radio and TV News. Oxford: Focal.

  • Cebrián Herreros, M. (1998): Información audiovisual. Concepto, técnica, expresión y aplicaciones. Madrid: Síntesis.

  • García Jiménez, J.. (2000): Información audiovisual, volumen I. Madrid: Paraninfo. García Avilés, J. A. (2006). El periodismo audiovisual ante la convergencia digital. Elche: Universidad Miguel Hernández.

  • León, B. (coord.) (2010) Informativos para la televisión del espectáculo. Edició impresa i edició e-book.

  • Marín, C.(2006): Periodismo audiovisual: información, entretenimiento y tecnologías multimedia. Barcelona: Gedisa.

  • Martínez Abadía, J.; Vila, P. y otros (2004): Manual básico de tecnología y técnicas de creación, emisión y difusión de contenidos. Barcelona: Paidós.

  • Martínez-Costa, M. P. (coord.) (2002): Información Radiofónica. Barcelona: Ariel Comunicación.

  • Peralta,M. (2006): Teleinformatius. La transmissió informativa de l'actualitat. Barcelona: Editorial Trípodos.

  • Pérez, G. (2010): Informar en la e-televisión: Curso básico de periodismo audiovisual. Pamplona: EUNSA, Ediciones de la Universidad de Navarra.

  • Perona, J.J. y Huertas, A. (1999): Redacción y locución en medios audiovisuales. Barcelona: Bosch.

  • Rodríguez Pastoriza, F. (2003): La mirada en el cristal. La información en televisión. Madrid: Fragua.

  • Sanabria, F. (1994): Información audiovisual. Teoría y técnica de la información radiofónica y televisiva. Barcelona: Bosch.

  • Soengas, X. (2003): Informativos radiofónicos. Madrid: Cátedra.

Didactic resources

  • Llibre estil Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals 

  • ésAdir 

  • The BBC News Styleguide 

  • Directrices editoriales. Valores y criterios de la BBC 

  • El College of Production és una web de la BBC amb recursos d'àudio / vídeo