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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Music, Plastic and Physical Expression 1

Music, Plastic and Physical Expression 1
First semester
Teaching and discipline-related
Music and Physical expression
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Tutoring sessions with students can be conducted either in person or online, depending on the convenience and availability of both the student and the instructor. Communication and interaction with students are encouraged not only during tutoring sessions but also before, during, and after classes. Additionally, constant contact is maintained through email and the tools available on Moodle, ensuring continuous and personalized support.


This course offers students comprehensive training in music and its didactics, aiming to enable them to apply musical language in their daily professional practice, recognizing the importance of music in early childhood education (ages 0-6). The course focuses on Music Didactics through movement and dance, elements that naturally and spontaneously manifest in children. Using these elements as a foundation, the course will work on integrating various forms of musical expression and perception. Active and collaborative participation, both individually and in groups, will allow students to develop their own learning. The creation of musical projects will be encouraged with the aim of bringing them to early childhood schools.

Pre-course requirements



  • Learn the musical language and develop a taste for music in order to be able to enjoy, and make your students enjoy, the experience of making music.
  • Get equipped with the necessary professional skills in the fields of music and its didactics, to be applied in a real classroom scenario.
  • Design a didactic program in which "making music" is the fundamental focus and the students' perceptual, interpretative, and creative abilities are enhanced. 
  • Identify the role of music in the early childhood education curriculum with respect to musical expression and identify the true significance of music in the development of students between the ages of 0 and 6.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-01 - To understand the educational and learning processes in the 0-6 year age period, in the family, social and school contexts.
  • CEM-02 - To become familiar with developments in the evolutionary psychology of childhood in the 0-3 and 3-6 year age periods.
  • CEM-10 - To understand that the day-to-day dynamics in early childhood education is changeable depending on each student, group and situation, and to learn to be flexible when teaching.
  • CEM-12 - To know how to work in a team with other professionals from inside and outside the school in the attention of each student, as well as in planning learning sequences, and organizing work in the classroom and play areas, while bearing in mind the special features of the 0-3 and 3-6 year age periods.
  • CEM-14 - To understand that systematic observation is a basic tool for reflecting on practice and reality, as well as for contributing to innovation and improvements in childhood education.
  • CEM-18 - To place preschool in the Spanish educational system, in the European and international context.
  • CEM-19 - To be aware of international experiences and examples of innovative practice in childhood education.
  • CEM-20 - To value the importance of teamwork.
  • CEM-21 - To participate in the preparation and monitoring of childhood educational projects within the framework of projects at the centre and in collaboration with the community, other professionals and social agents.
  • CEM-22 - To know the legislation regulating preschools and their organization.
  • CEM-23 - To value the personal relationship with each student and their family as a factor in educational quality.
  • CEM-36 - To be familiar with scientific methodology and promote scientific thinking and experimentation.
  • CEM-41 - To promote introductory experiences to information and communication technologies.
  • CEM-43 - To foment speaking and writing skills.
  • CEM-45 - To be familiar with the oral tradition and folklore.
  • CEM-49 - To recognize and value the appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  • CEM-53 - To know the basics of music, the plastic arts and physical expression in the curriculum of this stage, as well as the theories about acquisition and development of the corresponding knowledge.
  • CEM-54 - To know of songs to use to promote auditory, rhythmic and vocal education.
  • CEM-55 - To know how to use play as a teaching resource, as well as to design learning activities based on recreational principles.
  • CEM-56 - To develop teaching proposals promoting musical perception and expression, motor skills, drawing and creativity.
  • CEM-57 - To analyze audiovisual languages and their educational implications.
  • CEM-58 - To promote sensitivity with regard to creative expression and artistic creation.
  • CEM-59 - To acquire a practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • CEM-60 - To be aware of and employ interactive and communicative processes in the classroom, as well as to master the social skills and abilities required to promote an environment favouring learning and classroom harmony.
  • CEM-61 - To monitor the educational process, especially the teaching and learning processes, through mastery of the necessary techniques and strategies.
  • CEM-62 - To relate theory and practice to the classroom and school context.
  • CEM-65 - To regulate the processes of interaction and communication in the 0-3 and 3-6 age groups.
  • CEM-67 - These skills, together with those of the other subjects, should be reflected in the final degree project, which is the culmination of all the knowledge acquired through the training described above.
  • CET-1 - Interpersonal responsibility: to be aware of professional performance and influence on students. To have the skills and knowledge to manage group processes and communication for good collaboration with and between students.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-5 - Collaboration with colleagues in the profession: to have the knowledge and skills required to make a professional contribution to the teaching environment in the school, in professional relationships, and to achieve a good school organization.
  • CG-01 - To integrate information and communication technologies in teaching and learning activities, teaching management and professional development.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-09 - To be familiar with the elements that make up creativity, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-10 - To be familiar with the elements that make up entrepreneurial spirit, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-11 - To be familiar with the elements that make up the quality-based approach, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  1. Know the artistic, musical, and plastic contents and the current curricular application of early childhood education.
  2. Relate the curriculum of the Artistic Education area with its didactics.
  3. Promote and facilitate learning in early childhood from a globalizing and integrating perspective of the different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor, and volitional dimensions.
  4. Design and plan teaching activities and learning in the area of Artistic Education.
  5. Design and regulate learning spaces in diverse contexts that address gender equality, equity, and respect for human rights that shape the values of civic education.
  6. Understand the educational implications of information and communication technologies, particularly television, in early childhood.
  7. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote them among students.
  8. Know and apply information and communication technologies in the classroom. Selectively discern audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic education, and cultural richness.
  9. Manage emotions, feelings, values, beliefs, and limits in interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships, fostering personal and professional actions based on democracy, responsibility, and sustainability.


  1. Musical education in Early Childhood Education in the context of the current school.
  2. Basic and specific competencies around music: the new curriculum.
  3. Musical learning situations: song, voice, listening, rhythm, movement, dance, ear training, stories, play, and musical language.
  4. Planning, organization, and resources for musical didactics.
  5. Active musical pedagogies: review and expansion.
  6. Reflective, collaborative, and competency-based assessment as a specific and interdisciplinary tool.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodology of this course is based on psychopedagogical principles that promote an active, participatory, and interdisciplinary music education. Sessions are designed to be practical and experimental, encouraging active student participation. The focus is on research, creativity, and experiential learning, with a global and constructive approach.

During classes, students will engage in activities that include information searching, reading, listening, and viewing practical examples. These activities are designed to foster debate and reflection among students, as well as to develop autonomous learning and problem-solving skills.

The theory of music didactics is developed through experimentation and practice, and is reflected in the assignments that students must present and develop both individually and in small and large groups.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Activity DescriptionActivity Evaluation%Recoverable
Group work focused on problem-solving in the context of music education, referencing the curricula of early childhood. Individual submission of the dossier Submitted in an individual dossier within the established deadlines. 40 Yes
Presentation activities of proposals and results. Regularly at the end of each project. 10 No
Participation in sessions, attitude, and involvement in face-to-face tasks. Individual record of each student. 10 No
Final exam at the end of the semester. A minimum score of 5 is required to pass the course. 40 Yes


Participants who have a) attended the majority of the sessions (80% attendance), b) actively contributed to the discussions, and c) completed the presentations and group work, will receive a numerical grade assigned at the end of the semester, based on all activities carried out throughout the semester along with a written exam.

The grade will be computed overall if each test has been passed with a score higher than 5 out of 10.

Bibliography and resources

Hennessy, S. (1995). Music 7-11. Developing primary teaching skills. Londres: Routledge.

Young, S. (2009). Music 3-5. Oxon: Routledge.