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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Global Trends
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff




The subject introduces the students to the main theories on human behavior, deepening in the psychology of human communication. It contemplates the phenomenon of advertising from the perspective of evolutionary, individual and social, contributing methods for social analysis of the world of Advertising and Public Relations.

Pre-course requirements

No pre-course requirements are needed to enrol in this subject


  • Understand the psychological bases of the person to apply them to the world of Publicity and Public Relations.
  • To know the main psychological theories about communication.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to adapt to varying circumstances
  • 02 - The ability to understand, accept criticism and correct errors
  • 04 - The ability to work in a team and autonomously
  • 06 - The ability to develop academic rigour, responsibility, ethics and professionalism
  • 07 - The ability to apply the deontology and respect for the audiovisual sector
  • 08 - The ability of critical analysis, synthesis, concretion and abstraction
  • 10 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
  • 11 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 14 - Knowledge and mastery of rhetoric and oratory to communicate own ideas
  • 16 - The ability to manage, analysis and reflect on content
  • 18 - The capacity and development of general culture and interest in social events
  • 37 - The ability to contextualize and critically analyze the organizational structure of global communication

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course students must be able to:

To interpret from a psychological perspective the personal, social and professional reality

Know how to manage intra and interpersonal relationships.


I Introduction to Psychology

Psychology, advertising and consumer psychology
Social psychology

II The art of persuasion: language, learning and memory

memory type
persuasion, manipulation and suggestion

III The language of the senses

Sensation and perception

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Plenary lectures will alternate with classes in order to promote the different skills of matter. Those powers will focus on three main areas: analysis (interpretation, synthesis and abstraction), Debate (reflection, critical-propositional attitude and deliberation), cooperative and individual work (to encourage the development of autonomy and ethics).

To make more effective the work of master classes students will make short thematic readings. These readings will allow them to obtain resources for more conceptual rigor when classes participate in the plenary rigorously showing the assimilation of skills. This requires the active participation in the plenary classes will be essential to obtain the necessary knowledge for the subject.

Peer learning. The aim of this activity is to ensure that students gain the ability to analyse and be critical. One way of achieving this is by correcting their peers' exercises and results, etc. Each student will be evaluated twice: as both a recipient and a transmitter of critical knowledge. 0.5
Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students. 3
Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested. 0.5
Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups. 1
Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc). 1

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Continued assessment

  • Participation and Classroom and Home Practices: 60%: 10% critical commentary (reading), 25% group work, 25% classroom practice work.
  • 40% Exam.

For an activity or exam to average with the rest, the grade must be a minimum of 5.

In case of having more than one practice with a grade lower than 5, the student will undergo a single evaluation. Practices cannot be retaken. In case of a justified absence, the teacher reserves the right to exclude that specific practice from the average with the rest; under no circumstances will the task be repeated."

The assignments should follow the following guidelines: Be correctly referenced following the APA regulations.

Follow the university's spelling rules.

The faculty's regulations regarding spelling errors and plagiarism will be strictly observed.

Second call and beyond: 100% exam.

Bibliography and resources

Basic bibliography:

Guirbau, M. Dolors. (2014). Psicología de la comunicación. Barcelona: Ariel.

Kahneman, D. (2013) Pensar rápido, pensar despacio. Barcelona: Debolsillo.

Lancaster, S. (2015) Winning Minds. New York: Palgrave McMillan.

Redolar, D. (2015). Neurociencia cognitiva. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.


Complementary bibliography:

Bringué, X. (2010). Nacidos digitales. Una generación frente a las pantallas. Madrid: Rialp.

Briñol, P. (2001). Qué es Persuasión. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva

Bur, R. & Nine, L.  (2003). Psicología para principiante.  México: Era Naciente

Cyrulnik, B. (2009). El murmullo de los fantasmas. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Garcia, S. (2011).  Psicología Aplicada a la Publicidad. Madrid: Dykinson.

Girbau, D. (2014). Psicología de la comunicación. Barcelona: Ariel

Martínez, M. (2012). Psicología de la comunicación

McGonigal, K. (2012). Autocontrol. Barcelona: Urano.

Méndiz, A. (2007). Nuevas formas publicitarias. Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica Universidad de Málaga

Méndiz, A. (2013). Teoría de la Publicidad. Valencia: Pasión por los libros.

Quintanilla, I. (2006). Psicología del consumidor. Barcelona: Pearson

Schiffman, R. (2010). Comportamiento del consumidor. Barcelona: Pearson

Slater, L. (2006). Cuerdos entre locos: grandes experimentos psicológicos del siglo XX.  Barna: Alba.