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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Specific Methods of Intervention in Neurological Physiotherapy

Specific Methods of Intervention in Neurological Physiotherapy
First semester
Specific methods of intervention in Physiotherapy
Specific methods of intervention in Neurological Physiotherapy
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Make an appointment by e-mail:


Theoretical block:

Rosa Maria Cabanas Valdes, PhD:


Practical block

PhD Almudena Medina Rincón

Mrs. Carme Cervera:



In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

The course is divided into two blocks, a theoretical one and a practical one.

Theoretical block: Neurological Physiotherapy

Neurology is a field of action of physiotherapy that is becoming increasingly important. The growing number of people suffering from car accidents, injuries that occur in the workplace (in construction), sports injuries and other medical types (vascular, tumor, degenerative diseases) that produce great physical and mental disabilities create the need for physical therapists to help, guide and encourage the patient to recovery of functional capabilities that have been altered by the injury.


Practical Block: Neurological Evaluation Seminar

Patient neurological assessment is the first step of the journey to design and develop the physicalt treatment treatment of patient. It is a process of interpretation intended to show the residual self-organizing abilities and possibilities of evolution. It serves to understand what functions have been affected by the injury, how they have been altered and how they can be recovered. Thanks to this patient's assessment, we can establish a prognosis, from which we can propose objectives and develop the patient's treatment.

Pre-course requirements

It is necessary to pass this subject Fisiopatologia a les Afeccions Neurològiques


  •                                 Acquire a basic and, at the same time, extensive knowledge of the most important neurological disorders which will allow for a treatment plan within the possibilities of the patient and the structure.
  •                                 Getting technical and practical knowledge of the world of Neurology, as well as to distinguish the different neurological diseases, clinical manifestations and possible evaluations.
  •                                 Acquire an adequate and rigorous methodological way to analyse disability, to research and to face the therapeutic goals that arise when the student is a professional in the health sector.
  •                                 Understanding why and what is the function of the neurological patient assessment.
  •                                 Carry out the evaluation methodically, watching the neurological patient in all his/her aspects: engine, sensitive and cognitively.
  •                                 Know and correctly evaluate the different functions that can be altered.
  •                                 Know and apply protocols when necessary.
  •                                 Establish a prognosis and treatment objectives from the completed evaluation and develop a treatment from those objectives.
  •                                 Monitor the patients and carry out reassessments to modify the treatment if necessary.
  •                                 Understand the importance of rehabilitation history as a tool to better understand the disease and to improve treatment planning.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 17 - The ability to work responsibly and autonomously, so as to handle job-related activities without the need for strict supervision.
  • 28.1 - Capacity for oral and written communication in the native language.
  • 28.3 - Show respect, appreciation and sensitivity towards the work of others.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 43 - Knowledge of physiotherapeutic procedures based on techniques and methods specific to physiotherapy interventions applied to the various disorders of all systems and medical and surgical specialisations, as well as health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 48.2 - Ability to assess the patient's/client's needs in order to give priority to the ones that could compromise the rehabilitation process.
  • 49 - Ability to design a physiotherapy treatment plan.
  • 50.1 - Ability to establish and implement physical therapy in treatments provided by all other medical and surgical specialties whenever it is deemed necessary.
  • 53.1 - Ability to design and set up activities related to health promotion and disease prevention.

Learning outcomes of the subject


  • Understand physiotherapy procedures based on specific methods and techniques applicable in the pathology related to the specialty of medicine and surgery in Neurology.
  • Understand the structural, physiological, functional and behavioral changes that occur as a result of the intervention of physiotherapy.
  • Design a specific physiotherapy intervention plan, using problem-solving skills and clinical reasoning, according to criteria of adequacy, validity and efficiency.
  • Evaluate the evolution of treatment outcome and reorientates the rehabilitation work "planning".
  • Students will know how to examine and properly assess a neurological patient at a motor, cognitive and sensitive level.


Theoretical block: Neurological Physiotherapy

0. Presentation of the subject

1. Upper and lower motoneuron syndrome

2. Neuroplasticity

3. Brain hemispheres

4. Motor control

5. Motor learning

6. Neurological Physical Therapy Treatments in general

6a. Neurological Physical Therapy Treatments for spinal cord, Parkinson desease and multiple sclerossis.

7. Traumatic Brain injury

Practical Block: Neurological Evaluation Seminar

1. Evaluation in Neurology. General concepts.

1.1 How to develop a clinical history in neurological physiotherapy

1.2 CIF Concept

2. Assessment of sensitivity

3. Muscle tone assessment

4. Coordination and balance evaluation

5. Assessment of gait

6. Assessment mental functions 


Teaching and learning activities

In blended

oral presentation / master class
case method
01 02 28.1 28.3 30.1 43 1.2
theoretical and practical workshops
cooperative learning
oral presentation / master class
problem-solving exercises
48 48.2 50 50.1 53 0.8
self-learning activities
apprenticeship contract
17 49 1

Bibliography and resources

Control y aprendizaje motor. Fundamentos,desarrollo y reeducación del movimiento humano. Cano de la Cuerda. Editorial Panamericana.

Exploració clínica pràctica. Moguer, Bancell L, Barcelona A. . Científic-Mèdica 1998.

Neuroanatomía clínica. Aldo Pieroni, Dall’osservazione all’esercizio: la pianificazione del trattamento riabilitativo, Gnocchi.

Fisioteràpia en neurologia, Sistema respiratori i aparell cardiovascular. Serra M.R., Díaz J., De SandeLl.  Editorial Masson.

Netter F.H. Sistema Nerviós. Trastorns neurològics i neuromusculars. Editorial Salvat.

Neurologia. Zarranz J.J. . 4ª edició. Editorial Elsevier 2003.

Neurological Physiotherapy Pocketbook. 2nd edition. Sheila Lennon, Gita Ramdharry, Geert Verheyden

Neurorrehabilitación. Métodos específicos de valoración y tratamiento. Cano de la Cuerda, Collado Vázquez. Editorial Panamericana.

CASH. Neurolgía para fisioterapeutas. 4 edición. Downie. Editorial Panamericana.

Motor Control. Translating research into clinical practice, fifth edition. Anne Shumway-Cook and Marjorie Woollacott

Pratique de la rééducation neurologique Anne de Morand  Elsevier-Masson 2010

Neuromuscular Rehabilitation in Manual and Physical Therapies. Principles to Practice. Eyal Lederman. Churchill Livingston. Elsevier 2010

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 16/11/2020 I2 12:00h
  • E1 16/11/2020 I1 12:00h
  • E1 16/11/2020 I3 12:00h
  • E2 02/07/2021 12:00h