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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Clinical Training 1

Clinical Training 1
First semester
Clinical training
Clinical training 1
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff



In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Clinical placement aims to give students the opportunity and ability to be in contact with the health service user (patient), and also the possibility of getting to know the professional health system from the inside - its organizational structure and the real role that they will develop as physiotherapists.

They also provide students with professional contact and the possibility to implement the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during their training period. These clinical placements will gradually shape the profile of the future professional physiotherapist.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites are required.


Two types of objectives will be demonstrated: General objectives, that are common for any internship; and specific objectives, acquired and expanded depending on the characteristics of the centers.


1. Know the different areas of physiotherapeutic action within the healthcare field (promotion, prevention, rehabilitation, etc.) by means of the therapeutic procedures that can be used.

2. Know how to optimize work resources at their disposal in order to be able, in the future, to practice their profession adapting themselves to the characteristics of the working environment.

3. Know the role of the physiotherapist within the multidisciplinary team and acquire a working methodology.

4. Develop appropriate social skills in order to establish optimal relationships between professionals, patients and family.
5. Encourage the development of a respectful working environment within a legal and official framework, respecting the profession and its ethics code. (See Code of Ethics, in the Contents section- "Courseles" in Spanish).
6. Analyze the scenarios of the profession and its adaptation to the scientific and socio-occupational current context.
7. Discuss, with the physiotherapist tutor, the treatments and reviewing the theoretical and practical concepts studied.


1. Know how to use the information systems that concern health users (extracting data from the medical history and evaluate a physiotherapy functional assessment sheet) and compare this required data to the activity of the physiotherapist.
2. Know composition and distribution of the tasks in the assigned Physiotherapy service, depending on its characteristics.
3. Know the code of ethics and attitude toward the patient, family and medical staff. (See Code of Ethics, Contents)
4. Know how to detect special situations that may arise and be able to give a correct and effective response.
5. Develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned with respect to the therapeutic methods of observation, assessment and therapeutic action.
6. Employ manual and instrumental treatment techniques with skill and judgement.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 05 - The ability to manage information.
  • 11 - The ability to adapt to new situations.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 28.1 - Capacity for oral and written communication in the native language.
  • 28.2 - Demonstrate Interpersonal skills.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 37.2 - commitment to ethical conduct
  • 37.3 - appreciation and respect for diversity and multiculturalism
  • 38 - Ability to incorporate ethical and legal principles into the professional culture.
  • 46 - Ability to systematically take a complete physiotherapy clinical history that appropriately and efficiently reports all steps taken from the patient's admission to his/her discharge.
  • 47 - Ability to assess the patient's/client's functional status, taking into account his/her physical, psychological and social aspects.
  • 48 - Ability to establish a physiotherapeutic diagnosis according to international norms and using internationally validated assessment tools.
  • 52 - Ability to provide effective physiotherapeutic care by providing comprehensive assistence to patients/clients.
  • 54 - Ability to interact effectively in a multidisciplinary team.
  • 58 - Ability to develop activities related to planning, management and service control.
  • 59 - Ability to apply quality assurance mechanisms to physiotherapy practice by adhering to criteria, indicators and quality standards recognized and validated for good professional practice.
  • 60 - Capacity for stress management, which involves self control and environment stress management during tense situations.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student 
- Examines and assesses the functional status of the patient, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects.
- Determines the diagnosis in Physiotherapy in accordance with the rules and instruments of international validation.
- Prepares and completes the Clinical History of Physiotherapy.
- Incorporates, within their professional culture, the ethical and legal principles of the profession
- Knows the planning, management and control activities of Physical Therapy services.
- Designs an intervention plan specific for Physiotherapy; solves problems and has critical reasoning.
- Individually implements, directs and coordinates the Physiotherapy intervention plan using therapeutic physiotherapy tools.
- Evaluates the evolution of the results obtained with physiotherapeutic treatment in relation to the objectives set and results criteria.
- Elaborates the Physiotherapy discharge report.
- Has an effective relationship with the multidisciplinary team.
- Applies quality assurance mechanisms in the Physiotherapy practice.
- Encourages patients to be involved in their treatment.
- Provides physiotherapeutic care effectively, providing comprehensive care to patients
- Is able to cope with stress, has the capacity to selfcontrol and control the environment during stressful situations.
- Incorporates scientific research and practice based on scientific evidence.
- Develops teaching skills as a part of professional practice.



The contents depend on the type of center where the student is assigned.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The Clinical Placements (EC) of the Degree in Physiotherapy of the UIC are mandatory subjects developed inside the Module called Supervised Clinical Placements, with an academic value of 40 credits ECTS (1000h).

These 40 ECTS, are divided into 8 courses of 5 ECTS each. The first, second and third placements will be carried out during the third year and from the forth up to the eighth placements will take place in the fourth year of the degree of Physiotherpy.

As prerequisites for clinical placements, students must have passed Pathophysiology 1 of the basic training module as well as the modules: Evaluation Physiotherapy, Kinesiotherapy and General Procedures for Intervention in Physiotherapy, which ensures a minimum training for the use of acquired skills on real patients.

The Pathophysiology 1 module, develops the theoretical knowledge of orthopedic and rheumatological areas. With regard to the Assessment module, students will have acquired the knowledge about the articular and muscular examination of the musculoskeletal system; and with the Kinesiotherapy module, students will have acquired basic knowledge of articular manual therapy, active kinesitherapy and mechano-therapy appliances. Regarding the General Intervention Procedures module, students will have obtained training on the different physical agents used in the field of Physiotherapy (electrotherapy, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, etc.), as well as massage therapy procedures.

Clinical Placements Regulations:

· Attendance is mandatory during the Clinical Placement. Only one absence is allowed. If any student has more than one unjustified absence, according to the Clinical Placement responsible criteria, they will have to repeat the whole work placement.

· It is essential to be punctual and to respect the timetables set in the center of practices.

· It is necessary to be strict with personal hygiene, go with the hair tied back, fingernails short, unpainted and no jewellery or similar objects such as piercings.

· During the Clinical Placement it is mandatory to wear the uniform of the UIC, and to use white hospital shoes (as required by the center).

· Students must bring along, to all the sessions, the personal identification that accredits them as UIC students. (International University of Catalunya Card).

Regarding the staff of the center and the users:

Ø Students have to take into account the professional secret always and everywhere. All personal aspects of the patient and the operation of any facility visited are confidential.

Ø Comments on the state, evolution, etc. of the patient will be made in private with the corresponding physical therapist and never in front of the pacient.

Ø Existing regulations or procedures established in each center must be respected.

During the Clinical Placement period, the student must follow-up on a case, observe its evolution and set up a medical history at the end of treatment. Therefore, support from the physiotherapists in the center is important as well as maintaining the confidentiality of personal data as currently stated in the regulations and according to the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 Protection of Personal Data. (BOE núm.298, of 14.12.1999, pp. 43088-43099).

exterenal practical
learning based upon problema-solving
problem-solving exercises
05 11 15 28.1 28.2 30.1 37.2 37.3 38 46 47 48 52 54 59 60 61 12
directed learning projects
oral presentation / master class
01 05 28.1 37.2 47 48 52 54 58 59 0.2
student's independant work-study
learning based upon problema-solving
apprenticeship contract
01 05 28.1 37.2 47 48 52 54 58 59 2.8

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation will take into account the the grade obtained in all blocks; it will be necessary to get at least a 5 in each block. Otherwise, there will be a resit in July to pass those blocks where students obtained less than a five 5:

  •                                 Block 1: Student Workbook.It consists of a Clinical/Medical History (HC) and worksheets of various clinical cases. Both the HC part and the worksheets must be passed in order not to fail this block (50% of the final grade).  
  •                                 Block 2: Assessment and evaluation by the physiotherapist assigned to the center. This evaluation will also take into account daily attendance, as explained in the overall regulations of practices (50% of the final grade).

For information on how to complete the assignments, students may request a tutorial with an assigned tutor through the corresponding center during the course of their practice placements.  

The grading system is in accordance with the current regualtions. Currently, according to RD 1125/2003 of September 5.

0 to 4.9: Fail/F (Suspenso in Spanish)

5.0 to 6.9: Pass/C (Aprobado in Spanish).

7.0 to 8.9: B (Notable in Spanish)

9.0 to 10: A (Sobresaliente in Spanish)

The "Honourable" mention may be granted to students whose grade is equal to or higher than 9.0. Their mark may not exceed 5% of the students who are enrolled in a subject in the corresponding academic year, unless the number of students is less that 20, in which case it may be granted only to one student. .

Bibliography and resources

  1. MEDINA BERUBEN, ISAAC. Propedeútica de la clínica y diagnóstico físico. Ed. Manual Moderno, Edición 1ª, Año 1999, México.
  2. HSU STEPHEN I., LEE BURTON,W. STASIOR, DAVIDS. Medicina basada en la Evidencia (Massachusets General Hospital), Editorial: Libreria Editorial Marbau, 1ª Ed, 1999, Madrid.
  3. VIEL, ERIC. Diagnóstico Fisioterápico: Concepción, Realización y Aplicación en la Práctica Libre y Hospitalaria.Editorial Masson-Salvat,1ª edición, Año 1999. Barcelona.
  4. GEDDA MICHEL. Décision Kinésithérapique, Ed. Masson. Paris 2001.

Teaching and learning material