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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Physiotherapy Applied to Processes of Growth and Ageing

Physiotherapy Applied to Processes of Growth and Ageing
Second semester
Physiotherapy in clinical specialties
Physiotherapy in other clinical specialities
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Mrs. Inés Ramírez García



Physiotherapy and pregnancy

The role of the physiotherapist in the field of gynecology and obstetrics is increasingly known and recognized, thanks to the great benefits it provides when applied in this period of a women's life.

The physiotherapist, along with the team caring for pregnant women, can work so that both pregnancy and childbirth and recovery are carried out in the most harmonious and conscious way possible, helping women to prepare their body and mind during this important time in their life process.

Preparation for maternity and post-natal physiotherapy, permit women to prepare themselves physically to better cope with pregnancy and childbirth and to prevent possible complications in the postpartum period.

The course will provide the student with the basic knowledge of Obstetric physiotherapy (preventive and therapeutic). During the sessions, physiological processes that accompany pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, as well as the basic procedures of physiotherapy in this field will be studied.

Physiotherapy in Geriatrics

The progressive aging of the population, directly related to the increase in life expectancy, makes the elderly population the population that requires the attention of the physiotherapist and other health professionals the most.

This course aims to provide students with knowledge of the characteristics of aging and the specific needs of this population. It will also provide the students with resources and tools so that the future physiotherapist will be able to promote active aging and prevent or give attention to the dependence of the elderly.

Pre-course requirements

Physiotherapy and pregnancy.

Not specified.


Physiotherapy and pregnancy

Those who pass this course will be acquire the knowledge and develop the skills listed below:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system.
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the physiological and structural changes that may occur as a result of the application of physiotherapy in the urological, gynecological and obstetrics field.
3. Assess the patient's functional status by applying appropriate obstetric physiotherapy evaluation procedures.
5. Designing a obstetric Physiotherapy intervention plan (pre and postpartum)
6. Provide Physiotherapy care effectively, taking into account the biological, psychological and social aspects of the person (bio-psycho-social model).
7. Learning to evaluate the evolution of the results obtained with the application of physiotherapy treatment.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 05 - The ability to manage information.
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 11 - The ability to adapt to new situations.
  • 12 - To be creative
  • 17 - The ability to work responsibly and autonomously, so as to handle job-related activities without the need for strict supervision.
  • 21 - Knowledge of the physiological and structural changes that can occur after physiotherapeutic interventions.
  • 22 - Knowledge of factors that affect human growth and development throughout the lifespan.
  • 28.3 - Show respect, appreciation and sensitivity towards the work of others.
  • 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 37.1 - Use discretion, use available information appropriately and respect patient dignity and confidentiality
  • 37.5 - knowledge of the profession's deontological ethics codes
  • 38.1 - Respect for the rights of the patient and their family.
  • 43 - Knowledge of physiotherapeutic procedures based on techniques and methods specific to physiotherapy interventions applied to the various disorders of all systems and medical and surgical specialisations, as well as health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 48.2 - Ability to assess the patient's/client's needs in order to give priority to the ones that could compromise the rehabilitation process.
  • 49 - Ability to design a physiotherapy treatment plan.
  • 49.1 - Ability to develop a specific physiotherapy treatment plan through clinical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • 50 - Ability to execute, direct and coordinate a physiotherapy treatment plan while attending to the client's individual needs and using therapeutic tools specific to the physiotherapy profession.
  • 50.1 - Ability to establish and implement physical therapy in treatments provided by all other medical and surgical specialties whenever it is deemed necessary.
  • 50.2 - Ability to design and apply therapeutic exercises specifically designed for cardiorespiratory, orthopedic, traumatologic, pediatric, rheumatologic, geriatric, neurologic, pulmonary, and sport-related diseases and injuries, as well as those for spine defects, urinary and fecal incontinence and pre/post-partum exercises.
  • 50.8 - Ability to encourage the client and family to participate in the rehabilitation process.
  • 51.1 - Ability to design and set up activities related to disease prevention and health promotion.
  • 51.2 - Ability to assess the patient's /client's progress.
  • 51.3 - Ability to re-assess and modify treatment goals if necessary, and to adjust the intervention or treatment plan according to the new goals.
  • 52 - Ability to provide effective physiotherapeutic care by providing comprehensive assistence to patients/clients.
  • 52.1 - Ability to interpret medical prescriptions.
  • 52.2 - Capacity to prepare a comfortable environment in which physiotherapy will be provided.
  • 52.3 - Ability to keep the patient informed about the treatment by explaining the tests and techniques that are involved, the preparation they require, to ensure the patient's collaboration at all times.
  • 53 - Capacity to participate within the areas of health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 53.1 - Ability to design and set up activities related to health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 53.2 - Capacity to participate within the areas of health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 54 - Ability to interact effectively in a multidisciplinary team.
  • 57 - Ability to keep up-to-date on knowledge, skills and attitudes related to professional competencies through continuous education.
  • 57.1 - Ability to critically appraise methods, protocols and treatments applied in physiotherapy, and ensure they are always based current scientific evidence.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Physiotherapy and pregnancy.

Regarding the objectives and skills, students who have completed the classes:

- Know how to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system in each of the stages of obstetrical process.

- Know the general principles of physiotherapy applied to the preparation for the birth and postpartum.

- Understand the bio-psycho-social factors that influence the health / disease state.

Know how to evaluate the functional state of the obstetric patient and design a physiotherapeutic intervention plan according to criteria of adequacy, validity and efficiency.

- Know and describe the basis of the assessment of the urogenital system

- Is able to participate in the development of physiotherapy care protocols based on scientific evidence, promoting professional activities that stimulate research in physiotherapy.


Physiotherapy and pregnancy.

1. Physiotherapy in the obstetrical field

1.1. Physical therapy in obstetric care

1.2. Anatomy of the female reproductive system

1.3. Physiology of the female reproductive system

  2. Pregnancy

2.1. Fertilization and prenatal Process Development

2.2. Anatomophysiological modifications and Gestational Pathology.

2.3. Emotional changes and fears

2.4. Preparation for motherhood. Physiotherapy and other methods

2.5.Obejectives of the preparation for motherhood

2.6. Pre-natal physiotherapy

· Flexibility exercises

. breathing exercises

. Dilation postures

. relaxation

. Urinary incontinence in pregnancy. Pelvic floor preparation for childbirth.

. Cardiovascular exercise during pregnancy.

3. Childbirth

3.1. Mechanism and process

3.2. Types of delivery and perineal trauma.

4. postpartum

4.2. Stages and physiological changes

4.3. Postpartum complications

4.3. Physiotherapy postpartum. Uro-gynecological assistance

. female pelvic floor dysfunctions

. techniques and procedures

Physiotherapy in Geriatrics


Geriatrics and Gerontology: Basic concepts

Definition of Gerontology

Definition and purposes of Geriatrics

Characteristics of human aging

Physiological aging and pathological aging

Healthy, geriatric and frail elders.

Geriatric syndromes

Comprehensive and integrated care

Strategic health and social perspectives

Community care

Chronic patient care with complex needs

Social and health care resources for the elderly

Care network and social resources for the elderly.

The interdisciplinary team.

Role of physical therapist in different nursing care services.

Comprehensive geriatric assessment

Comprehensive geriatric assessment: definition and basic concepts.

Geriatric assessment scales.

Geriatric assessment scales most used the physiotherapist through functional assessment.

UNIT II: Geriatric Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy

Geriatric Rehabilitation: Overview

Comprehensive attention.

The person and the family as a unit to treat.

Promotion of autonomy and personal dignity.

Active therapeutic conception.

Importance of the environment.

Geriatric syndromes and treatment in physiotherapy

Prevention and treatment of geriatric syndromes

Management of geriatric syndromes that may influence physiotherapeutic treatment

Pathology in the older and physiotherapy

The most common diseases in people over 65

Progressive, degenerative and disabling diseases

Functional recovery principles

Psychogeriatric principles

Presentation of atypical diseases

Rehabilitation techniques indicated in geriatrics:

-Neurological processes

-Cardio-respiratory processes

-Osteoarticular processes

UNIT III: Ethics in therapeutic decision-making in the elderly

Bioethical principles and legal basis for older people

 End-of-life care in older adults

UNIT IV: Active aging

Active aging and satisfactory aging

Active aging and successful aging: definitions

Role of physical therapist in promoting active aging

Therapeutic exercise and the elderly

Characteristics of therapeutic exercise in older people

Programs to promote physical activity in the elderly

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Fisioteràpia i embaràs.

Course 4.

Physical therapy in other clinical specialties




2,5,9,11,12,21,22, 28.3,30.1,37.1,38.1,43,48.2,49,49.1,50,50.1,50.2,50.8, 50.10,51,51.1,51.2,51.3,52,52.1,52.2, 52.3,53,54




1,10,17,29.1,37.5, 43,57.





Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Attendance Regulations

 1- Attendance is required for 70% of practical classes. If for any reason (sports, cultural, work, etc.) the student needs to leave these classes, he must take into account only 30% of the hours of absence allowed. It is the student's responsibility to know how to use these percentages to pass the subject.

 2- The student who suspends the theoretical-practical subject but has approved one of his seminars, may keep the mark of this seminar approved in the next call in which he takes the subject. He keeps the mark of that seminar.

 3- If in the 1st call the student has an NP, he/she can count on the 2nd call to pass the subject.

Physiotherapy and pregnancy

This subject will be evaluated through the completion of written tests and group or individual project presentations. The completion of the written tests will be worth 70% of the final grade. The completion and submission/presentation of projects will be worth 20% of the final grade.

Guided independent study activities by professor will represent 10% of the final grade.

 Physiotherapy in Geriatrics

This subject will be evaluated through the completion of written tests and group or individual project presentations. The completion of the written tests will be worth 70% of the final grade; it is necessary to obtain at least a 5 out of 10 so that the mark do average with the rest of the subject. The completion and submission/presentation of projects will be worth 20% of the final grade. Guided independent study activities by professor will represent 10% of the final grade.

Students must pass both modules (Physiotherapy and Pregnancy and Physiotherapy in Geriatrics) with a 5 in order to pass the subject.

Bibliography and resources

- Calais–Germain B. Anatomía para el movimiento. Barcelona: La Liebre de Marzo; 1994

- Calais-Germain B. El periné femenino y el parto. Barcelona: La Liebre de Marzo; 1998.

- Calais-Germain B. Abdominales sin riesgo. Barcelona: La Liebre de Marzo; 2010.

- Calais-Gernain B. Parir en movimiento. La movilidad de la pelvis en el parto. Barcelona: La liebre de marzo; 2009


- Walker C. Fisioterapia en obstetricia y uroginecologia. Barcelona: ELSEVIER; 2006.

- Grosse D. Reeducación del periné: fisioterapia en las incontinencias urinarias.  Barcelona: Masson; 2001.

- Sthephenson, R. G. Fisioteràpia en obstetrícia y ginecologia. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill- Interamericana;  2003

- Kauffmann S, Blanco l, Ramírez I.  Reeducación de las disfunciones del suelo pelviano. Madrid: Springer Healthcare; 2012

- Walker C. Fisioterapia en obstetricia y ginecologia 2a Ed. Barcelona: Elsevier Masson; 2013

- Ramírez I, Kauffmann S, Blanco L. Rehabilitación del suelo pélvico femenino. Pactica clínica basada en la evidencia. Madrid: Ed Panamericana; 2013

Bibliografia complementària:

  • Espuña M, Rebollo P, Puig M. Validación de la versión española del ICIQ-IU SF. Un cuestionario para evaluar la incontinencia urinaria. Med Clin (Barc) 2004; 122:288-292 .
  • Espuna Pons M, Castro Diaz D, Carbonell C, Dilla T. Comparison between the "ICIQ-UI Short Form" Questionnaire and the "King's Health Questionnaire" as assessment tools of urinary incontinence among women. Actas Urol Esp 2007 May;31(5):502-510.
  •   Caufriez M, Pinsach P, Fernandez JC. Abdominales y periné. Mitos y realidades. Mallorca: MC Editions; 2010
  • Papa Petros, P. Suelo Pélvico en la mujer. Función, disfunción y tratamiento según la teoría integral. España: Mayo ediciones;2006
  • Pilat A. Fascial Integrity. En: Chaitow Leon. Pelvic Chronic Pain & Disfunction. London; Elsevier; 2011. p. 14-16.
  • Laycock J. Patient assessment. En: Laycock J, Haslam J, editors. Therapeutic management of incontinence and pelvic pain. London: Springer Verlag; 2002. P.45-54 
  •   Abrams P, Cardozo L, Fall M, Griffiths D, Rosier P, Ulmsten U, et al. The standardisation of terminology in lower urinary tract function: report from the standardisation sub-committee of the International Continence Society. Urology 2003 Jan;61(1):37-49.
Fisioteràpia en Geriatria Bermejo Garcia, L. Envejecimeinto activo y actividades socioeducativas con personas mayores: guía de buenas prácticas. Madrid. Ed. Médica Panamericana; 2010

Delgado Ojeda MA. Rehabilitación y fisioterapia en geriatría. Jaén: Formación Alcalá; 2000.

Durante Molina P, Pedro Tarrés P. Terapia ocupacional en geriatría: principios y práctica. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Masson;  2001.

Durante Molina P, Pedro Tarrés P. Terapia Ocupacional en Geriatría. Principios y Práctica. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier España; 2010.

Forciea MA, Lavizzo-Mourey R. Secretos de la geriatría. 2ª ed. México: McGraw-Hill;  2002.

Millán Calenti JC. Gerontología y geriatría: valoración e intervención. 1ª ed. Buenos Aires: Panamericana; 2010.

Pinazo Hernandis S, Sánchez Martínez M. Gerontología: actualización, innovación y propuestas. 1ª ed. Madrid: Pearson; 2005.

Rebelatto JB, Silva Morelli JG. Fisioterapia geriátrica: práctica asistencial del anciano. 1ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill;  2005.

Ribera Casado JM, Cruz Jentoft. Geriatría. 1ª ed. Madrid: Idepsa; 1991.

Sackett DL. Medicina basada en la evidencia: cómo ejercer y enseñar la MBE. 1ª ed. Madrid: Churchill Livingstone; 1997.

Salgado Alba A, Guillén Llera F. Manual de geriatría. 3ª ed. Barcelona: Masson;  2003.

Timiras  Paolas S. Bases fisiológicas del envejecimiento y geriatría. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Masson; 1997.

Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. Tratado de Geriatría para residentes. Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología; 2006. Disponible a

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 20/02/2023 A15 08:00h
  • E1 20/02/2023 A14 08:00h
  • E2 20/06/2023 A04 08:00h