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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Science, Technology and Society

Science, Technology and Society
Second semester
Structures and systems of development
Sociedad y Cultura
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: English

Teaching staff

Before or after class.

The students can also request an appointment with the professors by email.


Science and technology are key elements of contemporary societies. They have tangible consequences in our lives. They provide tools which modify our ways of living and interacting with one another, and they foster the emergence of new paradigms which allow a better understanding of the world and the human being. Therefore, it is not possible to conceive a fully humanistic perspective ignoring science and technology.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites for this course.


1. To acquire a critical perspective on science and the way scientific knowledge is developed.

2. To acquire an overview of the theories in philosophy of science which have had greater relevance in the 20th and 21st centuries.

3. To acquire a critical perspective on the technological system and its social implications.

4. To acquire an overview of the most relevant theories in philosophy of technology in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN01 - Students will be able to analyse and interpret imaginary and iconic, symbolic and representational language in the context of humanistic disciplines.
  • HB04 - Students will be able to develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical thinking.
  • HB05 - Students will be able to problem solve based on reasoned judgements.
  • HB07 - Students will be able to demonstrate a commitment to ethics, society, and protecting the environment when carrying out research projects and activities related to the field of study.
  • HB09 - Students will be able to present creative and viable proposals in the field of humanities, demonstrating initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit by applying the knowledge acquired in their academic training.
  • HB11 - Students will be able to critically analyse cultural and artistic representations, based on an understanding of their historical context, in order to develop an intercultural perspective and a deeper understanding of the contemporary world.
  • HB14 - Students will be able to critically evaluate cultural and humanistic production.
  • HB18 - Students will be able to present the results of their research in a narrative way, following the critical standards of each discipline.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Upon course completion, students will be able to:

1. Understand the epistemological keys of scientific knowledge and the cultural keys of the technological system.

2. Make a critical evaluation of texts, articles, and other cultural products (such as novels, films, etc.) which discuss the techno-scientific system and its social implications.

3. Make a presentation of the techno-scientific system from a humanistic perspective.


1. Introduction to philosophy of technology.

2. Main Themes and Featured Authors:

2.1. Featured authors: Ortega y Gasset, Heidegger, McLuhan, Ellul, Kranzberg, Jonas, Kurzweil, Sloterdijk, Pigem, Wilber.
2.2. Technological ‘sub-ages’.
2.3. Transhumanism and Post-humanism.
2.4. Current trends in technological development.
2.5. The world of technology World VS the world of life.

3. The socio-techno-scientific system.

4. So what is the problem with technology?

5. The role of the humanist in the technological society.

6. The scientific worldview.

7. Critical attitude in science.

8. Scientific revolutions.

9. Science and society.

10. The assumptions of science.

Teaching and learning activities

In person


CB02 CB03 E01 G03

E01 E07 E18

E01 E20 E30 E31

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

To pass the course the student is required to pass both parts of the course (Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology) separately. The overall grade will be calculated as the average of the grades of both parts.

If the student fails one part, he will only have to retake the exam for that part.

If the student fails the repeat exam of any part, he fails the whole course.

According to faculty regulations, at least 0.10 points will be deducted for each misspeling in exams and papers.

Bibliography and resources

Philosophy of science:

Agazzi, E., La ciencia y el alma de Occidente, Tecnos, Madrid 2011.

Artigas, M., El desafío de la racionalidad, EUNSA, Pamplona 1994.

Artigas, M., Filosofía de la ciencia, EUNSA, Pamplona 1999.

Diéguez, A., Filosofía de la ciencia. Ciencia, racionalidad y realidad, umaeditorial, Málaga 2021.

Echeverría, J., Introducción a la metodología de la ciencia, Cátedra, Madrid 1999.

Feyerabend, P., Provocaciones filosóficas, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid 2003.

Kuhn, T., La estructura de las revoluciones científicas, FCE, México 1975.

Lakatos, I., La metodología de los programas de investigación científica, Alianza, Madrid 1989.

Latour, B., ¿Dónde estoy? Una guía para habitar el planeta, Taurus, Madrid 2021.

Marcos, A., Ciencia y acción. Una filosofía práctica de la ciencia, FCE, México 2013.

Miller, D. (comp.), Popper: escritos selectos, FCE, México 2013.

Moulines, C.U., Popper y Kuhn. Dos gigantes de la filosofía de la ciencia del siglo XX, EMSE EDAPP, Buenos Aires 2015.

Popper, K., Conocimiento objetivo, Tecnos, Madrid 2005.

Philosophy of technology:

Ellul, J., Le bluff technologique. Hachette, París 1988.

Esquirol, J.M., Los filósofos contemporáneos y la técnica. De Ortega a Sloterdijk, Gedisa, Barcelona 2012.

Heidegger, M., “Sobre la técnica”, Conferencias y artículos, Serbal, Barcelona 1994.

Huxley, A., Un Mundo feliz. Plaza & Janes, Barcelona 1986.

Jonas, H., El principio de responsabilidad, Herder, Barcelona 1995.

Kurzweil, R., La singularidad está cerca. Cuando los humanos trascendamos la biología. Lola Books, Berlin 2012.

McLuhan, M., The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1962.

Ortega, J., Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos sobre ciencia y filosofía. Alianza, Madrid 1982.

Teaching and learning material