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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Research Project I

Research Project I
Second semester
Resources for research and development
Final research project
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Tuesdays from 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.


Research in any field of knowledge in Humanities and Cultural Studies requires specific and guided ways to be properly developed, if the goal is to make the study a rigorous and quality research work. In this course we will see how research is of vital importance not only in the field of the university, but also in that of public administration and private business. We will propose a research project from the first step to the last so that this will greatly facilitate future research, essentially that for the Final Degree Thesis.

Pre-course requirements

Experience with previous degree level work on a specific topic.


To acquire basic knowledge of research methodology.

To acquire knowledge of the techniques for carrying out research work.

To learn to research and organise information.

To know the nature and structure of a research project.

To learn to plan the stages of the research project.

To receive some practical tips on what to do and what to avoid.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CP05 - Students will be able to analyse socio-cultural, historical and artistic structures, from a respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, using language that avoids androcentricity and stereotypes.
  • HB02 - Students will be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • HB03 - Students will be able to develop a coherent understanding and expression of ideas and arguments, both orally and in writing.
  • HB12 - Students will be able to adequately and effectively apply methods and techniques specific to different humanities disciplines when problem solving and when elaborating critical and well-founded arguments.
  • HB13 - Students will be able to draw connections between data derived from observations and relevant theories, following data interpretation.
  • HB17 - Students will be able to use data collection tools with a high degree of independence, such as library catalogues, archival inventories, documentary sources, electronic references and other resources.
  • HB18 - Students will be able to present the results of their research in a narrative way, following the critical standards of each discipline.
  • HB19 - Students will be able to analyse original texts or documents in their mother tongue and in other languages, with appropriate summaries and categorisation techniques.
  • HB20 - Students will be able to use sources of information in an international context.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Writes memoirs

2. He is working on a research project.

3. Select and synthesize specific documentation.

4. Relate concepts of different materials and work them in a transversal way.

5. Learn how to diagnose problems and solve them in an academic context.

6. Manages ICT.

7. Apply theoretical and abstract concepts of the materials to real situations.



1.1 Scientific knowledge.

1.2 The Concept of Method.

1.3 Epistemological models and main theories.

1.4 Main stages of scientific work.


2.1 Stages of the development of research work.

2.2 The choice of topic.

2.3 Preliminary bibliographic consultation (the pyramid of knowledge and the types of sources).

2.4 Problem statement (Hypothesis).

2.5 Work plan.

2.6 Provisional outline.

2.7 Organisation of work materials.

2.8 Analysis techniques, diagrams, summaries...

2.9 Work plan and outline of the research work (objectives, methodology, index, schedule-delivery schedule...)

2.10 Treatment of the bibliography.

2.11 The structure of the project. How the project is written and presented. The process. The order. Continuous correction and revision.

2.12 The evaluation criteria.

2.13 Oral presentation.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

 Classes are divided into:

Face-to-face sessions:

• Presentation of content.

• Discussion and group reflection.

• Individual and group activities.


Distance learning sessions:

• Readings.

• Activities.

• Fieldwork (Library, Archives, Ethnographic observation...).

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation consists of three elements:

- Class attendance and active participation in scheduled activities (10%)

- Oral presentation (20%)

- Final paper (70%)

Bibliography and resources

BELL, J. (2002): Cómo hacer tu primer trabajo de investigación, Barcelona: Gedisa.

BOGDAN, R. y TAYLOR, S.J. (1994): Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. La búsqueda de significados. Barcelona: Paidós.

CARDOSO, CIRO F.S. (1982): Introducción al trabajo de la investigación histórica: conocimiento, método e historia, Barcelona: Crítica.

CLANCHY, J. i BALLARD, B. (2000): Cómo se hace un trabajo académico: guía para estudiantes universitarios, Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.

COROMINA, E., CASACUBERTA, X. i QUINTANA, D. (2000): El treball de recerca: procès d’elaboració, memoria escrita, exposició oral i recursos, Vic: Eumo.

DELGADO, J.M. y GUTIÉRREZ, J. (eds.) (1994): Métodos y técnicas cualitativas de investigación en ciencias sociales. Madrid: Síntesis.          

ECO, U. (1994): Cómo se hace una tesis. Técnicas y  procedimientos de investigación, estudio y escritura, Barcelona, Gedisa.

FLICK, U. (2004): Introducción a la investigación cualitativa, Madrid: Morata.

GINI, C. (1947): “Análisis cualitativo y síntesis cuantitativa en las ciencias sociales”, en Revista Internacional de Sociología, 18, pp. 309-334.

MUÑOZ, G. i LÓPEZ, A. (2003): Técnicas de investigación en ciencias humanas, Madrid: Dykinson.

ORNA, E. i S., G. (2001): Cómo usar la información en trabajos de investigación, Barcelona: Gedisa.

ORTIZ, F. G. i GARCÍA, M. del Pilar (2008): Metodología de la investigación: el proceso y sus técnicas, México DF: Limusa.

QUESADA, J. (1987): Redacción y presentación del trabajo intelectual: tesinas, tesis doctorales, proyectos, memorias, monografías, Madrid: Paraninfo.

QUIVY, R. i CAMPENHOUDT, L. (1997): Manual de recerca en Ciències Socials, Barcelona: Herder.

-ROBLES SASTRE, E. (2002); Metodología e investigación. Contenidos y formas. UGJC.

SIERRA BRAVO, R. (1994): Tesis doctorales y trabajos de investigación científica, Madrid: Paraninfo.

THUILLIER, Guy I TULARD, Jean (1989): Cómo preparar un trabajo de historia: métodos y técnicas, Barcelona: Oikos-tau.

WALKER, Melissa (2000): Cómo escribir trabajos de investigación, Barcelona: Gedisa.