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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Strategic Management

Strategic Management
First semester
Dirección estratégica
Main language of instruction: Spanish

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Strategic direction pretends introduce students into the basic principles for strategic management of an organization. How are the decisions affecting the future of the organizations being taken? How can they be implemented with success? How are these decisions affecting to the rest of the organization? ¿How the communication should be working in order to align all the organization towards the strategic objectives taken from the top management?

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites are established


  1. On completing the program students should be able to develop a strategic plan for a company. To know it define its philosophical framework (vision, mission, values), identify environmental variables that affect the organization, and depending on the resources and strategic capabilities of the firm to select a strategic alternatives. 
  2. The student will have a basic knowledge of current key dimensions of strategic management of organizations, approaching the development of plans and programs for implementation. 
  3. The proposed program will enable students to understand and address the direction and management of communication in line with the organizational strategy.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

1. Ability to plan technical resources
2. Ability to plan human resources
3. Ability to plan (personal, material, temporal ...) own resources
11. Ability to make judgments and well argued critical assessments.
17. Ability to face difficulties and solve problems
23. Ability to develop a budget
26. Ability to coordinate and / or coordinated a team
88. Ability to relate to people and the environment without losing autonomy
89. Ability to create synergies in work teams
91. Preparing to take risks
92. Capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical judgment
95. Ability to economic and budgetary management in its field of activity.

  • 04 - The ability of self assessment and professional self management
  • 05 - The ability to learn autonomously
  • 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
  • 09 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 12 - The ability to produce spoken and written texts
  • 13 - Reading skills
  • 14 - Ability to analyse
  • 15 - The ability to synthesise
  • 20 - The ability of concretion
  • 97 - To be able to read and understand literature in the field of communication in the English language
  • 98 - To skillfully manage terminology in English related to Communication
  • 99 - To be able to understand the principal ideas in a conference in the English language

Learning outcomes of the subject

  1. Understand the basic concepts related to strategic management (planning , strategy, mission , vision, values ... )
  2. Distinguish between strategic management, tactical management and operational management 
  3. Learn to develop and lead an organizational strategic plan.
  4. Apply the basics of using the Balanced Scorecard and their different perspectives (financial , customer, internal processes and learning and growth ) .
  5. Integrate the concept of business value chain , from the analysis of its various dimensions.
  6. Understanding the process of strategic relationship management of the company with its stakeholders , the key area of social responsibility management and communication thereof.
  7. Incorporate the management of social responsibility in business strategy , managing the social, environmental and economic impacts of organizations.
  8. Knowing the basics and strategies for promoting organizational change management 
  9. Understand strategically communicating coherently integrated with the business strategy 
  10. Incorporate ethics and the ethics of communication transversely to the strategic direction of the discipline.
  11. Approach the strategic role of the director / a communication ( DirCom ) in the organization.
  12. Meet and focus strategically different instruments for corporate communication: identity and corporate image , public relations , internal communications, sponsorship and patronage , etc. 


The program develops the different phases that constitute the process of directing an organization strategically, through addressing the following dimensions:

  • The strategic direction of organizations and strategic planning process 
  • Key dimensions of the strategic management of organizations 
  • The strategic direction of communication

  1. Company - Business; Project - Organization
  2. Balance sheet finances, P&L finances
  3. Strategic thinking, tactical Thinking
  4. Vision, mission, ​​corporate values, strategic objectives
  5. Strategy Definition
  6. Goals, objectives, business plan, KPI´S

  1. What is a Strategic Plan?
  2. Reasons to realize a strategic plan and which are the elements that participate in it
  3. Phases to develop a strategic plan

  1. Analysis of the general environment
  2. Analysis of the competitive environment. Porter's 5 forces
  3. Analysis of the Competitive position

  1. Theory of the resources and capacities
  2. Analysis of the value chain
  3. Competencies and competitives advantages. Potential profits generation

  1. SWOT analysis
  2. Strategic diagnostic
  3. Development of strategic positioning Concept

  1. The model of corporative strategies
  2. Generic corporate strategies (Cost Leadership, differentiation, specialization)
  3. Strategic decision key factors
  4. Desired future strategic positioning

  1. Phases to concrete the Business Plan
  2. Organizational design
  3. Action Plans
  4. KPI´S. The Balance Scorecard
  5. The Role of Strategy in the professional and social Development of the organizations and the people

  1. CANVAS Business Plan model Introduction
  2. Revenues Source
  3. Costs Source

  1. Model of a BSC implementation
  2. BSC concepts and benefits
  3. BSC basic elements
  4. Strategic maps
  5. Strategic Projects

  1. Communication plan inside the strategy

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups.
Meeting Point. Meetings will be organised with notable people from the professional and scientific fields or the international field, and students. These sessions will take the form of conferences, work sessions, discussions, or interviews, etc.
Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation will be continuous. the students shall deliver several written content exercices, both individually as group:

  • Teamwork: Development of a Strategic Plan from one conrete organization.
  • Individual work: Concretes businesses case studies where it's needed to apply the concepts that they will be worked during the lessons.

Also, a final exam will be placed at the end of the course. 

Inside the evaluation criteria, assistant to lessons and active participation will be evaluated (presentation of the different phases of the Strategic Plan and debate about the businesses case studies)

For being able to approve the course, it is required to approve both the final exam as the teamwork, including the assistance to lessons.

Final mark = 50% final exam + 30% teamwork +10% individual work (exercices) + 10% (class participation)

Second Call: In case any of the graded activities were failed in the first call, they must be resubmitted during the second call period.

  • If the failed part is the individual work (exercises), the professor will assign a single individual task equivalent to 10% of the individual work.
  • If the failed part is the exam, it must be retaken.
If the student fails again, they will need to retake the course.

Bibliography and resources

Required reading:

Lectures obligatòries:

DANIEL MARTINEZ PEDROS, ARTEMIO MILLA GUTIERREZ: La elaboración del plan estratégico y su implantación a través del cuadro de mando integral. Ediciones Díaz de Santos. 2005

LUIS ANGEL GUERRAS, JOSE EMILIO NAVAS. Dirección estratégica de la empresa. Teoría y aplicaciones. Ediciones Thomson, 4ª edición 2014

Other readings:

JOHNSON, G y SCHOLES, K.: Dirección Estratégica. 7ª edición. Pearson Educación, Madrid 2006.

KOTLER, P., KARTAJAYA, H. y SETIAWAN I., Marketing 3.0. LID Editorial. Madrid, 2011.

KAPLAN, R.S. y NORTON D.P. El Cuadro de Mando Integral. 3ª edición. Gestión 2000. Barcelona, 2009


GRANT, R.M.: Dirección estratégica. 5ª edición. Civitas Ediciones. Madrid, 2005.

CERVERA FANTONI, A.L. Comunicación total. ESIC. Madrid 2004.

PORTER, M.E. Estrategia competitiva: tecnicas para el analisis de la empresa y sus competidores. Pirámide. Madrid, 2009.

PORTER, M.E. Ventaja competitiva: creacion y sostenimiento de un desarrollo superior. Pirámide. Madrid, 2010.

OSTERWALDER, ALEX, Business Model Generation. Deusto, 2011