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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

TV Communication

TV Communication
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Appointment via email and after the class.



TV Communication is an essential tool for understanding the different sectors of the communications industry. The television language, like other languages, has a syntax and grammar. Understanding the use of this language as a transmitter of expressions, content and business strategies is critical to the future of the "journalist".

The news programs are the backbone of mainstream television. It is these programs that show citizens the everyday realities around us. Journalists and communicators have the social mission of providing immediacy and read into the news. Only with proper preparation you can provide citizens with quality information.

This course is intended to apply this language to the television sector and, more specifically, to the informative television, and to the different ways in which the small screen is reality.

Pre-course requirements

To follow the course you do not need any prior knowledge specialized. Before the practices a review of the operation of the camera and editing of boiler equipment will be provided. These skills are necessary to achieve the objectives of the course.


This is to provide students with the basic principles and knowledge of the television world and familiarize them with the routines of production of news. The television reports creating, knowledge of the structure and varieties of this format, will allow the students to acquire capacities, both on content and on staging.

It is, in short, to find the direct link between the world of television and journalism, analyzing their performance, methodologies and formal expressions. The subject is reinforced by the application of theoretical knowledge.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 04 CG - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 15 CE - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 20 CE - The ability to plan and carry out journalistic projects
  • 29 CE - The ability to understand and apply different journalistic genres and formats
  • 31 CE - The ability to understand and apply various types of radio and television scripts
  • 32 CE - Knowledge and mastery of the image and its communicative abilities
  • 38 CE - Knowledge and mastery of concepts, data, statistics and economic graphs
  • 45 CE - The ability and capacity to give a creative form to a journalistic message

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will:

1. They will speak and write correctly.

2. Will have a greater command of language, creative capacity and will be able to manipulate it effectively according to the objectives they set for themselves.

3. Knowledge and mastery of the different journalistic genres (interview, report, magazine, essay, opinion article) under the different formats (press, radio, television).

4. Knowledge of the rhetorical possibilities of language, in order to produce the desired effects on the receiver.



The television of non-daily news programs.

The informative report.


1.- Introduction. Reports, interviews and debate programs.

Informative reports. Methodology for interviews

2.1.- Preparation: search for information, preparation of external and on-set interviews.

2.2 Practical realization of interviews. Frequent mistakes.

3.- Production of news reports

3.1 Thematic approach: subtopics, schedule, technical means. 3.2 Reporting.

3.2 Reportage. Stand-ups. Staging

3.3 Selection of protagonists and statements

4.- Preparation for editing. The text

5.- Editing of reports

6.- Recording of a news program on the set

6.1 Postproduction of the program

6.2 Evaluation of the practice carried out


First Block:

This part includes theoretical and practical sessions to deepen in different news formats beyond the daily news programs. Developing tasks of audiovisual production of reports, searching for topics and contents. Analysis of different formats and preparation to set of informative practices.

Exercises of the first block:

1) "*papus" or "vox populi", the street survey and outdoor location.

2) The press conference. Search and assistance in an informative press conference and subsequent compacting.

3) Television reportage, analysis of formats. "Callejeros", "En el punto de mira", "Trincheras". Elaboration of a six-minute report on a specific topic in a group. Compulsory practice to pass the course.

4) The interview. Interview to a public figure, on set and outdoors.

5) The television debate, program analysis and staging.

6) Live with sequence

7) Live with interview. Program formats that use it

8) Reporter with leading role in a news program. Analysis of formats and methodology.

9) Presenting on set. The role and task of a presenter in a non-daily news format.

10) Own informative topic. Elaboration of a television script. Search and elaboration of an own topic for the program.


Second Block:

From the material recorded and elaborated during the first part of the course, the students will make a program of informative character that will have to include some of the practices already made and to create new contents.

The program will be recorded on set and the class will have to define the content, make the rundown and the script and the live production.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students. 1.8
Focused Praxis. Handing in occasional exercises to learn theory through practice. 1.8
Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested. 0.6
E-learning. Virtual learning based on ICT. 0.2
Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc). 0.6
Lab. Working groups that combine theory and practice. The aim of these is not to undertake already known techniques, but instead to make progress that is both theoretical and technical. These Lab sessions will culminate in the creation of a professional or semi-professional product. 1.0

Bibliography and resources

BARROSO GARCÍA, J. Técnicas de realización y documentales para tv. RTVE, 1998

BARROSO GARCÍA, J. Realización de los géneros televisivos. Síntesis, 1996

CEBRIAN, M. Información Televisiva. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid, 1998

DE LA TORRE, Blanca y LLAURADÓ, Esther. Una imatge val més. La feina de l’ENG. Ed, Pórtic. Eines de periodista. Barcelona, 1999

FERNÁNADEZ, F.; MARTÍNEZ, J. Manual básico de lenguaje y narrativa audiovisual. Paidós Comunicación. HART, J.

FERNÁNDEZ DÍEZ, Federico y MARTÍNEZ ABADÍA, José. Manual básico de lenguaje y narrativa audiovisual. Ed. Piados. Papeles de Comunicación nº 22. Barcelona, 1999 (planos, eixos,...)

FERNÁNDEZ DÍEZ, Federico y MARTÍNEZ ABADÍA, José. La dirección de producción en cine y televisión. Ed. Piados. Papeles de Comunicación nº 3. Barcelona, 1999 (producció)

MARTÍNEZ ABADÍA, José. Introducción a la tecnología audiovisual. Ed. Paidos Comunicación (2ª edición). Barcelona,

MILLA, Ramón. La realitat “en directe”. Realització d’Informatius diaris a Televisió. Ed. Pórtic. Eines de periodista. Barcelona, 2000 ( realització)

PRÓSPER RIBES, José i LÓPEZ CATALÁN, Celestino. Elaboración de noticias y reportajes audiovisuales. Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU. Valencia, 2001

VILLAFAÑE, Justo y MÍNGUEZ, Norberto. Principios de Teoría General de la Imagen. Ediciones Pirámide. Madrid, 2000 (teoria de la imatge)

VV.AA. Realización y producción en tv. Instituto Oficial de radio y televisión, 2001

ZETTL, Herbert. El manual de producción para vídeo y televisión. Escuela de cine y vídeo. 1998 (molt visual) 

PÁRAMO De, J.A. Diccionario de cine y tv: terminología técnica del mundo audiovisual. ESPASA CALPE, 2002

ZÚÑIGA REDENAS, J. Realización en tv. Escuela de cine y video de Andoain, 2006


Bates, R. (2002) Cable TV systems and modem systems and technology. Mcgraw-Hill. Nova York.

Baylin, F i Gale, B. (1986) Satellite and Cable TV: scrambling and descrambling. Baylin and Gale. Boulder. Benoit, H (1998) La televisión digital. Paranimfo. Madrid.

Blumler, JG. (1993) Televisión e interés público. Bosch Comunicación. Barcelona.

Bourdieu, P. (1997) Sobre la televisió. Edicions 62. Barcelona.

Brown, A. i Picard, R. (2005) Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe. Lawrence Erlbaum. Londres. Bustamante, E. (1999) La televisión económica. Gedisa. Barcelona.

Martínez Abadía, JM. i Vila Fumàs, P. (2004) “Manual básico de tecnología audiovisual y técnicas de creación, emisión y difusión de contenidos”. Paidós. Barcelona.

McDowell, W. (2006) Broadcast television. A complete guide to the industry. Peter Land. Nova York. Missika, J-L. (2006) La fin de la télévision. Seuil. París.

Moragas, M. i Prado, E. (2006) La televisió pública en l’era digital. Ed. Pòrtic. Barcelona. Negroponte, N. (1995) El mundo digital. Ediciones B. Barcelona.

Peñafiel, C. i López, N. (2000) La tecnología de la televisión: del disco de Nipkow a la revolución numérica. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao.

Pérez de Silva, J. (2000) La televisión ha muerto. La nueva producción audiovisual en la era Internet: la tercera revolución indústrial. Gedisa. Barcelona.

Vilches, L. (2001) La migración digital. Gedisa. Barcelona

Zabaleta, I. (2003) Tecnologia de la información audiovisual. Bosch. Barcelona.