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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Surgical Physiopathology

Surgical Physiopathology
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Please, e-mail the course head instructor 

Head: Josep M Badia 


José Mª Serra i Renom 

Judith Bañeres

Daniel Arteaga

Josep M. Serra Mestre

Patricia Martínez Jaimez

Sara Amador

Carlos Hoyuela

Mireia Botey

Mireia Torres


The subject "Surgical Physiopathology" is the first contact of the student of the Degree with Surgery, Anaesthetics and  Surgical Specialties. It includes the learning of the theoretical knowledge, the abilities and the attitudes needed for the practice of the surgery.
The aim is understanding what surgery can bring to the detection, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the organism.

Pre-course requirements

It is essential that the student has completed the following subjects:

Structures and Function of integration systems: nervous and endocrine
Structures and Function Cardiovascular, respiratory and renal system
Structures and Function Digestive System and Metabolism
Structures and Function of the blood and immune system.


Aim: To train the student in the knowledge of the main syndromes and surgical diseases to correctly establish their prevention, diagnosis and therapeutic orientation.

Specific aims:

1. Learn to perform basic care of injuries and burns, and different techniques of skin and subcutaneous suturing.
2. Differentiate the normal and pathological functioning of the organism, especially of diseases with surgical indication.
3. Learn to identify the most prevalent syndromes and diseases in which surgical specialties play a fundamental role.
4. Detect vital risk situations and know their initial treatment.
5. Have the ability to develop an initial diagnostic judgment and establish a reasoned diagnostic strategy.
6. Know how to use rationally different endoscopic and image complementary tests in the study of surgical diseases.
7. Acquire the fundamental theoretical knowledge in surgery as well as basic surgical procedures.
8. Learn the basic principles of anesthesia and resuscitation

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 07 - Understand and recognise normal structure and function of the human body at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ and systemetic levels, at different stages of life and in both sexes.
  • 09 - Understand and recognize the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of disease on the structure and function of the human body.
  • 15 - Ability to formulate an initial diagnosis and establish a rationalised diagnostic strategy.
  • 16 - Recognize and deal with situations that put life in immediate danger and those that require immediate attention.
  • 17 - Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying principles based on the best information possible and safe clinical practice..
  • 19 - Propose preventive measures appropriate to each clinical situation.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Learning outcomes
1 To know the terminology and medical language, especially the surgical terms.
2 To know the basics of a correct physical examination of the signs of surgical diseases.
3 To know how to group the elements of the anamnesis and physical examination in a syndrome that corresponds to the expression of the disease.
4 To know the different techniques in the diagnosis of surgical diseases.
5 To know the indications, contraindications and possible complications of the most frequent surgical interventions, the usual intraoperative and postoperative management of surgery, the indications and the management of the most used probes, tubes and drains.


Presentación de la asignatura. Breve historia de la Cirugía. Los orígenes de la cirugía moderna. Tipos y tratamientos de las heridas.  
El proceso biológico de la curación de las heridas, Injertos y colgajos
Punciones arteriales y venosas
Manejo de la vía aérea
Respuesta neuroendocrina a la agresión quirúrgica. 
Reposición de líquidos y electrolitos en el paciente  quirúrgico. 
Presentación y discusión del video “¿Qué es la anestesia?
Sondaje gástrico, urinario rectal. Tipos de drenajes
Dolor Abdominal 
Vendajes e inmovilizaciones. Introducción a la cura crónica
Traumatismos térmicos. Ulceras de presión. Prevención y Tratamiento
Comportamiento en Quirófano. Asepsia y antisepsia quirúrgica. Higiene quirúrgica de manos. 
Infección en cirugía. Nutrición en cirugía
Cirugía laparoscópica
Complicaciones quirúrgicas 
Cirugía Endocrina
Monitorización Hemodinámica y respiratoria
Shock séptico
Hernias de la pared abdominal. 
Bases de los trasplantes de órganos sólidos
Valoración preoperatoria e identificación de riesgos. 
Manejo del dolor agudo y crónico. 
Anestesia y cuidados postoperatorios.
Cirugía oncológica
Reanimación postoperatoria

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The master class is the scenario in which a teacher transmits knowledge in a classroom to the entire group of students. The format, however, allows the introduction of activities in small groups within the classroom and the deployment of strategies that encourage the active participation of students.

The method of the case consists in the process of solving clinical cases or those related with the profession. These are a group of activities resolved with the active participation of the teacher after the deliberation of the students.

Problem-based learning has similarities to the method of case but it differs that students are responsible for finding the solution to the problem. The teacher acts as a tutor who facilitates the learning process based on their abilities metacognitives. It is also done in groups.

The skills laboratory is a session in which the student can basically develop communication and physical examination skills based on mannequins, robots, suture devices, and also simulated patients and real patients. They are done with small groups.

The master classes will be held face-to-face.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

We ask the student punctuality, attention and active participation in class. Attendance is not mandatory, except for skills lab practices which are mandatory. Only a justified fault will be admitted, in which case the possibility of carrying out the corresponding evaluation test will remain in the case of the teacher's board.

The matter is approved at 5.00. To be able to pass this, the practical suturing exam must be passed with a grade of 5 or higher. And it represents 15 % of the final grade.

The assessment of the theoretical part will be carried out with two multiple choice tests: a midterm exam* that represents 25 % of the final mark and a final exam* that represents 60 %. The midterm exam is all about the subject to date. Omission of a midterm test means loss of the percentage of the test. The final exam is about all matter of course.

In the 2nd call, the assessment will consist of a written test. For those students who had not passed the practical part, the practical exam will be repeated.

* Type of exams: multiple-choice test of theoretical issues, radiologic images, microscopic or macroscopic resolution of clinical cases and questions have four possible answers. There may be some short question of free text.

- Second call. The evaluation of the 2nd call may consist of a review of short questions in an examination or test of theoretical issues, radiologic images, microscopic or macroscopic and resolution of clinical cases. The questions have four possible answers. The exam is second call on all matter of the course. The value of the exam will be 100%. The maximum mark in the second call will be 7.50.

After contact with the course delegation, a public and joint review of the exam can be carried out.