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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Synthesis Practicum II

Synthesis Practicum II
Second semester
Module Kowledge Summary
Final Practicum
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Students can contact their academic tutor through email, and the person responsible for the management of the practicum,, whenever they need to.

You can also contact the practicum coordinator, by appointment (if not urgent), via email.


The subject of Synthesis Practicum is e aimed at 4th year students. It is designed to help students complete their practical curriculum and to reach the standards needed to qualify for the Degree in Nursing. It can be developed in hospital or social health settings, as in the community field. It consists of two different periods in which the students will not only have the opportunity to complete their practical traditional curriculum but also as an educational innovation, will have access to new roles being played by the nurse in our context today. The student will be train to be aware of the reality that nursing is living as a profession leader in case management, patient safety, teaching, diabetic patients, care management, ect. It takes place between the first and second half of the 4th year and lasts 12 weeks. A number of rotations will be done along the period so that students can diversify their learning experience in different contexts.

Pre-course requirements

  • Not required
The Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has agreed that it is compulsory for all students taking a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, when participating in online classes, to turn on their camera and remain visible to lecturers and professors at all times.


  1. Going into depth in the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students in specific areas of professional practice
  2. Contacting the student with the new roles of leadership that are developing nursing professionals nowadays
  3. Developing skills up to the required level, according to the criteria defined in the 4th year

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 11. E - Establish effective communication with patients, families, social groups and partners and promote health education.
  • 12. B - Know and observe the ethical code of conduct of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 15. B - Work with the team of professionals as a basic unit in which uni or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary professionals and other staff of health care are organized.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 20. B - Multidisciplinary teamwork
  • 22. G - Use and management of information and research
  • 23. B - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • 24. G - Ability to work autonomously.
  • 26. G - Ability to generate knowledge from practice.
  • 27. G - Ability to adapt to new situations.
  • 28. E - Leadership in nursing care and in nursing teams to improve quality care for people, participation in health policy and professional development.
  • 4. B - Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to their gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context.
  • 7. B - Understand people without prejudice, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, ensuring their right to privacy through confidentiality and professional secrecy.
  • 9. E - Promote healthy lifestyles, self-care, as well as the maintenance of therapeutic and preventive behaviors.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Makes supervised decisions, inside the interdisciplinary team
  • Assesses the consequences of her or his decisions
  • Makes supervised use of relevant communication skills in her or his daily practice
  • Poses potential nursing research problems
  • Provides alternative solutions to problems
  • Proposes (supervised) alternative solutions, to ethical conflicts detected.
  • Assembles concrete lifelong learning proposals (LLL)
  • Decides how to implement care plans, under supervision
  • Reflect on the action and identifies improvable situations
  • Sets personal and professional development goals
  • Develops concrete strategies to achieve her or his goals
  • Assertively face the clinical practice changes.
  • Provides appropriate care to patients, community and risk groups, under supervision, through a critical use of the Nursing Care Process
  • Implements, after a critical analysis, the results of science research into professional practice.
  • Proposes care plans, incorporating elements of the cultural context of the user and in the context of the code of practice of Nursing.
  • Develops, under supervision, care plans aimed at health promotion and disease prevention, adapted to the target population.
  • Suggests new strategies to develop community empowerment


  • Work placement in different contexts (hospitals, social care , community or Health and Cooperation), treating patients in critical condition, chronic patients, healthy people and risk groups.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

  • Clinical tutoring: it focuses on the accompaniment of the student, by the nurse assigned to the internship center, and on the follow-up of the learning process that the student is involved in.
  • Academic tutoring: it is a learning and evaluation activity developed by a professor of the University, individually and / or in small groups, in the context where the students carry out the practices. It is based on Reflective Learning and is carried out every week, with an average dedication per student of 30-45 minutes per session. According to the recommendations of the Department of Health in force at all times, these tutorials could become online. This information will be specified at the beginning of each period by the ownership and /or coordination of practices.
  • Report of practices: At the end of the practicum, the student must deliver a work that will conform to the objectives and contents of the period and that will be included in the dossier of practices of the asignatura (moodle).

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

  • Clinical mentoring: 25%
  • Academic tutoring (20%)
  • Practicum Report 50%
  • Self-assessment (5%)

The documents and evaluation criteria, which specify the expected learning outcomes for the student and the regulations that regulate it, are available in the practicum dossier and / or within the moodle of the subject.

The deadlines of delivery of the evaluative documents, as well as the way to deliver them is also available in the moodle of the asignatura.

To overcome the subject it is necessary to approve the evaluation of the clinical tutor, academic tutor and memory of the practicum, in case of suspending any section this will be recovered in second call.

Honors not be awarded in 2nd call.

Students who fail a practicum in 1st call because they have not passed the portfolio, if they are in 4th course, they will not be able to process the title until the closure of records in 2nd call.

Honor Matrix Assignment Procedure (MH)

  1. The criterion for assigning Honorary Enrolments (MH) is based on the Excellent (9.0).
  2. The assignment is solely for the teacher and does not have to give it, even if the student has obtained a mark above 9.0.
  3. In case the teacher decides to award MH, he will not take into account the numerical mark and the highest, but will evaluate other factors. The HM might not match the highest numeric score.

Procedure for Non-presented Assignment (NP)

  1. To register an NP in the student's file, it must not have been submitted to any of the evaluation tests throughout the assignment.
  2. If a student has submitted to one of the evaluation tests, the corresponding percentages in the teaching guide will be applied, with a 0 in those not presented.

Procedure for plagiarism or academic fraud

Any assignment or activity (including exams) in which plagiarism, falsification or academic fraud is detected, will result in a failure of the activity and an academic sanction that will entail from the loss of enrolment rights in this subject, to the opening of a file process.

Bibliography and resources

  • Elkin MK, Potter AG, Perry PA. (1996). Nursing interventions and skills. St. Louis: Mosby
  • Kozier B, Erb G, Blais K, Wilkinson J. (1998). Fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process, and practice. (5ª ed.). Redwood City, CA: Addison-Wesley
  • Kozier B, Erb G, Blais K. (2005). Conceptos y temas en la práctica de enfermería. (7ª ed.). Nueva York: Interamericana, McGraw-Hill
  • Iyer P. W., Taptich B. J., Bernocchi-Losey D. (1997). Proceso y diagnóstico de enfermería (3ª ed) México: Interamericana, McGraw-Hill
  • Marrier-Toney A. (1994). Nursing theorists and their work. (3ª de.). St. Louis: Mosby
  • Orem, D.(1983) Normas prácticas en enfermería. Madrid, Pirámide
  • Cavanagh, S.(1993) Modelo de Orem: aplicación práctica. Barcelona, Masson-Salvat
  • Roy, C. and Andrews, H. (1999). The Roy Adaptation model. Stamford, Appleton & Lange.
  • Henderson, V. (1971). Principios básicos de los cuidados de enfermería. Ginebra, S.Karger
  • Henderson, V. (1998). La naturaleza de la Enfermería. Madrid, McGraw-Hill
  • Fernández, C. y Novel, G. (1993). El proceso de atención de enfermería: Marco conceptual de Virginia Henderson. Barcelona: Masson-Salvat
  • Luis Rodrigo, Mª Teresa (2007). Los diagnósticos enfermeros. Revisión crítica y guía práctica. Barcelona, Masson.
  • Marriner, a. (2007 )Teorías y modelos de enfermería
  • Hernández Conesa, J. (1995). Historia de la Enfermería: Análisis histórico de los cuidados de enfermería. Madrid, interamericana - McGraw-Hill.
  • Dossier de Laboratorio de Simulación

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