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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Exhibitions Management and Curatorship

Exhibitions Management and Curatorship
Third term
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB6 - To have and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity for the student to develop and/or apply original ideas, often in the context of research.
  • CB7 - Students should be able to apply their knowledge and ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments, within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
  • CE8 - To identify the business structures inherent to the creative cultural, visual arts and cultural heritage industries at a national and global level and manage the processes and work procedures involved in their creation, programming, management and production.
  • CG4 - To know how to communicate, encourage and mediate between the various agents involved in a cultural project, programme or service.
  • CG5 - To act responsibly and produce high-quality, rigorous and efficient work that benefits society.
  • CT1 - To design, direct, produce and assess cultural projects, programmes, strategies, policies or actions that involve a number of different numerous professional profiles, agents and institutions.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person



Bibliography and resources

  • ALONSO FERNÁNDEZ, Luís; GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ, Isabel. Diseño de exposiciones: concepto, instalación y montaje. Madrid: Alianza Forma, 2019 (1999).
  • ANDERSON, D. Qué haremos con los curadores? Gestión de museos y curadoría, 9, 197-210 (1990)
  • DEAD, D. Museum Exhibition, Theory and Practice, Routledge, Taylor and Francis group, London- New York,  1994
  • DEVER RESTREPO, Paula y CARRIZOSA, Amparo. Manual básico de montaje museográfico. División de museografía del Museo Nacional de Colombia. Ministerio de Cultura, Colombia, 2020
  • DEVINE, Catherine. The future of Museums doesn’t have to be choice between the physical and the digital. Libraries and Museums-Microsoft. EVE (2020)
  • FERGUSON, Bruce W; GREENBERG, Reesa, and NAYRNE, Sandy.Thinking about Exhibitions. Routledge, London and New York, 1996
  • GARCÍA BLANCO, Ángela. La exposición, un medio de comunicación. Madrid: Akal, 1999. (Arte y estética ; 55)
  • GEORGE, ADRIA. The Curator’s Handbook: Museums, Commercial Galleries, Independent Spaces. Thames & Hudson, 2015
  • LORD, G. and LORD, B. The Manual of Museum Management. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press. London, 1997
  • MILLET, Ignasi; CORDOBA, Diego Alberto, coord. Moviment d’obres d’art: préstecs, manipulació i exhibició. Barcelona: Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya, 2019
  • O'DOHERTY, Brian. Inside the white cube: the ideology of the Gallery Space. San Francisco: Lapis, 1986.
  • OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich, A brief history of curating. Dijon : Presses du réel, cop. 2008
  • RICO, Juan Carlos. Montaje de exposiciones. Madrid: Sílex, 2007 (1996). (Museos, arquitectura, arte ; 2)
  • RICO, Juan Carlos. Los espacios expositivos. Madrid: Sílex, 1996. (Museos, arquitectura, arte ; 1)
  • RICO, Juan Carlos. ¿Cómo se cuelga un cuadro virtual?. Madrid :Ediciones Trea, 2009
  • RICO, Juan Carlos. Otra mirada al montaje del arte: la percepción espacial. Madrid: LIME, Laboratorio de investigación y experimentación museográfica, 2017
  • RIVIERE, George Henri. La Museología. Editorial Akal SA, Madrid, 1993
  • Scénographier l'art contemporain et propos sur la muséographie. Savigny-le-Temple : MNES; Editions W., 1986.
  • SIXSMITH, Mike Ed. Touring Exhibitions. Manual of Good Practice
  • USAI, Paolo Cherci. A Charter of Curatorial Values.Journal of the Natonal Film and Sound Archive (Spring 2006)
  • VERHAAR, J. Y MEETER. H.Project Model Exhibitions, Leiden ReinwardtAcademie, Leiden, The Netherlands (1989)
  • WITTEBORG, Lothar P.A. Practical Guide for Temporary Exhibitions. Second edition, Smithsonian Institutio, Washington D.C., 1991
  • VVAA. Cities, Museums and Soft Power. Xxx: American Alliance of Museums Press, 2015.
  • VVAA, The New Museum Registration Methods. 2nd ed. Washington: American Association of Museums, 2001.

Recursos y webs de interés:


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