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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Principles of Bioethics

Principles of Bioethics
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Students are requested to email to arrange a meeting.




The Principles of Bioethics classes are a simple but comprehensive approach to the basic concepts of the field of bioethics, a multidisciplinary approach to the most challenging moral and policy issues that scientists and practitioners face.

Pre-course requirements

By the nature of the subject, it is aimed at health science students entering the field of research and practice.

The student must have a minimum knowledge of written English, since the contents of the course will be primarily in English.


Provide adequate training for students to be able to reflect on the ethical aspects of their practices as well as to present the ethical standards that they will encounter throughout their career.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student:

  1. Knows the proceedings of the Ethics Committees.
  2. Understands the fundamental concepts of the field of bioethics.
  3. Reflects on the ethical implications and the effects of the clinical and research practices.
  4. Knows the main ethical perspectives and the implications for contemporary research and practice.
  5. Has a historical and critical perspective on the philosophy of science.


The moral phenomenon

Ethical rationality and moral judgments

Good and dignity

Freedom and autonomy

Human action 

Underlying principles of human acts

Indicators of morality

Moral law

Human conscience    

Modalities of conscience

Principles to follow one's conscience

The virtues and values           

Nature and acquisition of virtue.

The fundamental virtues

Ethics dilemas

The lesser evil

Double effect

Cooperation to evil

Principles of Bioethics

Principialist bioethics

Personalist bioethics

Origin and development of Bioethics

Definition of Bioethics

Brief historical panorama

Founding models in Bioethics

Methodological principles of ethical decisions          

Ethical components of human acts

Analysis of the moral decision of the health professional

Stages in the decision making process


Teaching and learning activities


  • Virtual lessons
  • Independent and supervised work
  • Case studies
  • Collective discussion and learning

Evaluation systems and criteria


  • Participation in online forums about CASES (40%) 
  • Continuous evaluation through TEST on documents (60%)

Bibliography and resources

A. Manuals


1. Vaughn, L., “Bioethics. Principles, Issues, and Cases”, 2nd edition (2012), Oxford University Press.

2. Murphy, T.F., “Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics”, 1st edition (2004), The MIT Press.

3. Veatch, R.M., Haddad, A.M., English, D.C., “Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics”, 1st edition (2009), Oxford University Press.

4. Beauchamp, T.L., Childress, J.F., “Principles of Biomedical Ethics”, 7th edition (2012), Oxford University Press.


5. Tomás, G.M., Postigo, E., “Bioética personalista: ciencia y controversias”, Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, S.A., 2007.

6. Sgreccia, E., “Manual de Bioética I (Fundamentos y ética biomédica)”, B.A.C. 2009.

7. Sgreccia, E., “Manual de Bioética II (Aspectos medico sociales)”, B.A.C. 2014.

8. Jonas, H., “Técnica, Medicina y Ética”, 1997, Paidos.

B. Online documents

1. Hippocratic Oath:

2. Nuremberg Code: (Text) (Video)

3. Helsinki Declaration:

4. The Belmont Report:

5. Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo, 4.IV.1997): (Text) (Article)

6. Spanish Basic Law 41/2002 on the autonomy of the patient and the rights and obligations with regard to clinical information and documentation:

7. Regulations on Clinical Trials (European Commission):

C. Codes of Ethics for dentists

1. European Union: Code of Ethics for Dentists: 
2. American Dental Association: 
3. Basic Ethics in Dentistry. The Academy of Dental Learning & OSHA Training:

D. Web Sites 

1. Bioedge:
2. Bioethics Site:
3. Documentación Bioética UNAV: