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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Biostatistics 2

Biostatistics 2
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Adrián González Marrón (


This subject is guided to train the students with the necessary biostatisic tools to critically assess the methodology of the research articles in Health Sciences, as well as to provide students with biostatistic techniques so they can develop and carry out research projects in Health Sciences.

In the area of Health Sciences, human populations are heterogeneous with respect to certain characteristics that may predispose a given disease or other outcomes in health. In this sense, the study of this variability with regression models has become a useful tool to study the relationship between disease and the characteristics of the population. The purpose of this subject is to present the regression models commonly used in research in Health Sciences.

Pre-course requirements



  1. To present the most useful regression models depending on the purpose of the study and the variable of interest
  2. Design the classical regression models using statistical software
  3. To interpret the results of the regression models provided by the software
  4. To encourage the critical interpretation of scientific literature in which regression models are applied

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN02RA - Describir las metodologías y diseños de investigación más destacados en el ámbito de la salud.
  • HB01RA - Apply the scientific method, research design, advanced biostatistics and quantitative and qualitative data analysis tools to solve a question or test a hypothesis in the clinical setting.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student will be able to:

  • The student will be able to propose and justify a statistical analysis based on to the proposed study.

  • The student will be able to use a statistical program to run a Data analysis.




Block 1. Review Biostatistics 1

Block 2. Introduction to linear regression model

Block 3. Logistic regression model

Block 4. Introduction to survival analysis

  • Kaplan-Meier and log-rank
  • Cox regression model
  • Advanced concepts in survival analysis

Teaching and learning activities


Master classes: online adaptation (CT) (CP)

Individual tutorials

Group tutorials

Autonomous learning: online adaptation (ML)

Case Method: Online Adaptation (EC)

Cooperative learning: online adaptation (RP)

Project-based methodology: online adaptation (PBL)

Evaluation systems and criteria


Evaluation systems


Continuous assessment: online adaptation (GP)

Minimum weighting


Maximum weighting



Written work: online adaptation (PT)

Minimum weighting


Maximum weighting



Oral presentation: online adaptation (GP)

Minimum weighting


Maximum weighting



Written tests: online adaptation (OM) (PA)

Minimum weighting


Maximum weighting


  • Participation in forum discussions (5%)
  • Quiz (5%)
  • Exercise of short questions (15%)
  • Work with statistical software (60%)
  • Oral presentation (15%)

For each of the three blocks of the course there will be three evaluation elements: test, short questions exercise and exercise with statistical program. In addition, during the course, a debate will be opened in the forum, in which the students' participation will be evaluated. Finally, at the end of the course, there will be an oral session in which students will have to present and justify the analysis of data and the presentation of results of a scientific article, in the context of research.

It is mandatory to complete the three evaluative elements of each of the blocks, as well as the oral presentation, in order to pass the course.

In case of not passing the course in the first call, the grade of the approved elements will be maintained for the second call, having to recover those not approved, except for the participation in forum debates.


Bibliography and resources

Martínez-González MA, Sánchez-Villegas A, Faulín Fajardo FJ. Bioestadística amigable (4ª ED). Díaz de Santos. Madrid; 2020.

Piédrola Gil, et al. Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. 12ª Edición. Barcelona: Masson S.A.; 2015.

Pardo A, Ruiz MA. Análisis de datos en ciencias sociales y de la salud (vols. I y II) (1ª Ed). Editorial Síntesis. 2012.