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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Laboratory Techniques and Methodologies

Laboratory Techniques and Methodologies
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Send an email to make an appointment:

Edgar Cristóbal Lecina: (coordinator)

Jennifer Olmos:

José Muñoz: jmuñ


Visits will not be accepted without appointment


The course of Basic Laboratory Techniques and Methodologies focuses on a first contact of the student with the most relevant techniques used in a laboratory. Following the guidelines governed by Good Laboratory Practices and having notions about safety and caution within a laboratory, the student must know how to function normally and be able to take this as a routine within any laboratory. This subject will set the foundations for future laboratory practices of other subjects within the degree of Bioengineering.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites are established, although it is recommended to have physical and chemical knowledge of the subject.


  • Knowledge about what are the most common operations in the laboratory and be able to apply them accordingly knowing their possibilities
  • Acquisition by the student of good work habits in a laboratory so that they can correctly develop the practical subjects of subsequent courses.
  • Knowledge of the different equipment and materials used in a laboratory and their corresponding applications.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB1 - Students must demonstrate that they have and understand knowledge in an area of study based on general secondary education. This knowledge should be of a level that, although based on advanced textbooks, also includes some of the cutting-edge elements from their field of study.
  • CB2 - Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have the competences that are demonstrated through the creation and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their field of study.
  • CB3 - Students must have the ability to bring together and interpret significant data (normally within their area of study) and to issue judgements that include a reflection on important issues that are social, scientific or ethical in nature.
  • CB4 - Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • CE6 - To incorporate the foundations of science and materials technology, while taking into account the relationship between microstructure, synthesis or process and the properties of materials.
  • CG3 - To be able to learn new methods and theories and be versatile so as to adapt to new situations.
  • CG5 - To undertake calculations, valuations, appraisals, expert reports, studies, reports, work plans and other similar tasks.
  • CT4 - To be able to work as a member of an interdisciplinary team, whether as a member or by management tasks, with the aim of contributing to undertaking projects based on pragmatism and a feeling of responsibility, taking on commitment while bearing the resources available in mind.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Know the existing facilities in a laboratory
  • Differentiate and recognize the different types of materials and equipment that exist in the laboratory
  • Use basic equipment of a chemical laboratory to measure magnitudes volume, mass, density, etc.
  • Acquire the basic knowledge for a correct expression and interpretation of the experimental results
  • Be able to perform calculations and formulations for experiments to be performed during laboratory sessions
  • Being able to graphically and interpret the results using software programs, as well as being able to interpret and reason these results
  • Know and implement the mode and dynamics of teamwork
  • Be able to function in a scientific laboratory



Chapter 1. Good laboratory practices.

Chapter 2. Risks at the manipulation of substances.

Chapter 3. Management of waste

Chapter 4. Techniques of cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation

Chapter 5. Standard operating procedures (SOP) and laboratory notebook



Chapter 6. Material and laboratory equipment

Chapter 7. Weighing

Chapter 8. Measures of liquid volumes

Chapter 9. Identification of substances by physical analysis-chemical analysis

Chapter 10. Mixing

Chapter 11. Mechanical separations of substances

Chapter 12. Diffusional separations of substances

Chapter 13. Crystallisation and recrystallisation

Chapter 14. RT-PCR and PCR

Chapter 15. Serial dilutions

Chapter 16. Spectrophotometry and standard curves

Chapter 17. Microscope and magnifying glass

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The subject will be divided by topics that could include one or several sessions in relation to the different biomaterials of study. Each session will consist of a previous theoretical explanation, an experimental part, analysis of the results and a group discussion.


During the sessions, students will work on a laboratory notebook where they will write down calculations, data and notes needed during the laboratory session. At the end of each session, the notebook will be supervised and stamped by the teacher.


Eventually, the teacher could use the Moodle platform that could include various resources, such as forms, exercises, multimedia material ... that the student must perform to complete the subject.


Classes will be taught in Spanish. The didactic material will be presented mainly in Spanish, although in some occasions, graphics, tables or schemes could be in English due to the sources from which they could be obtained.


The list of ECTS credits and the workload in learning hours depending on the different methodologies that will be used. Each ECTS theoretical credit has 10 hours in which the teacher has a presence in the classroom. The rest of the hours up to 25 correspond to the load of directed and autonomous learning of the student. This last teaching load can be done through autonomous activities, group work that will be presented and defended in class or individual study necessary to achieve the learning objectives of the different subjects.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

First call exam:

  1. Attendance/Punctuality (10%)
  2. Laboratory notebook (25%)
  3. Problems (25%)
  4. Final exam (40%)


A minimal mark of 5.0 should be obtained in the final exam in order to be taken for the calculation of the course average. The no realization of assignments will imply the failure of the subject.  Assignments that are not given on time will not be evaluated and will not be accepted by email, only they will be accepted through Moodle platform. If they are submitted late, the maximum grade will be reduced to 50% of the initial grade.

The subject will be passed with a minimum mark of 5.0 in the total score grade.

The same evaluation criteria will be applied in the second sitting of the exam, without the possibility of obtaining a distinction with honors. 

Attendance to laboratory practices is mandatory and it will be verified at the beginning of the session. This will have to be more than 90% to pass the course. A maximum of two missing classes are allowed, both excused and unexcused. Arriving 10 minutes late will be penalized, as well as leaving before the end of the practical lesson. Absences will have to be duly justified to the secretariat ( All students are required to do tasks even if they have not come to class.

In the case that a student has missed more than 2 sessions, they will have to take a practical exam in addition to the theoretical exam.


Important considerations

  1. Plagiarism, copying or any other action that may be considered cheating will be zero in that evaluation section. Besides, in exams it will mean the immediate failure of the whole subject.
  2. In the second-sitting exams, the maximum grade students will be able to obtain is "Excellent" (grade with honors distinction will not be possible).
  3. Changes of the calendar, exam dates or the evaluation system will not be accepted.

Exchange students (Erasmus and others) or repeaters will be subjected to the same conditions as the rest of the students.

Bibliography and resources

Not defined

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 02/06/2025 P2A02 10:00h