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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Insolvency Law

Insolvency Law
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 02 - To acquire the ability to understand, analyse and synthesise
  • 03 - To be able to express one's ideas and arguments in an orderly and coherent way both in oral and written form (written and oral techniques)
  • 06 - To acquire the ability to make decisions
  • 13 - To develop critical analysis skills
  • 23 - To identify the state, doctrinal and legal framework of a complex legal issue
  • 24 - To acquire the skills to resolve problems and make decisions using relevant information and by applying correct methods while placing the issue within a legal system context
  • 29 - To be able to gather and interpret economic documentation
  • 31 - To develop concepts and the basic tools for the study of economics with the objective of understanding economic phenomenon

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Student independent study Individual projects Activities outside of the classroom Presenting concepts and their practical application in the classroom