Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
History of Ideas
Teaching staff
Personal attention in the classroom and by email: amiro@uic.es
The aim of this course is to present some fundamental concepts of philosophical anthropology, with the aim of inviting students to reflect for themselves on the great question that is man, through the great authors of the history of thought.
Pre-course requirements
There are not pre-cours requirements.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- 01 - The ability to plan technical resources
- 03 - The ability to plan personal resources (personnel, materials, seasonal...)
- 04 - The ability of self assessment and professional self management
- 05 - The ability to learn autonomously
- 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
- 07 - The ability to work in a group
- 08 - The ability to organise time and workspace
- 09 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
- 10 - The ability to develop an ethical attitude
- 11 - The ability to make judgments and well-argued critical assessments
- 12 - The ability to produce spoken and written texts
- 13 - Reading skills
- 14 - Ability to analyse
- 15 - The ability to synthesise
- 16 - The ability to detect newsworthy events
- 17 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
- 18 - The ability to work under pressure
- 19 - The ability to memorise
- 20 - The ability of concretion
- 21 - The ability of abstraction
- 28 - The ability to critically analyse the European, Spanish, and global film industry
- 29 - The ability to contextualise and critically analyse the products of the audiovisual industry
- 30 - The ability to contextualise and critically analyse current events
- 35 - The ability to understand and implement the system that governs the operation of a feature film
- 36 - The ability to understand and apply the audiovisual system structure
- 38 - Ability to understand and apply the legal dimension of an audiovisual product
- 39 - The ability to understand and apply the different agents of the audiovisual sector
- 40 - The ability to understand and apply the different departments of a film production
- 41 - The ability to understand and apply lighting and sound techniques of a film production
- 43 - The ability to understand and apply different television genres and formats
- 50 - The ability to understand and apply the different narrative elements of a project
- 56 - The ability to design and critique different forms of film and video
- 59 - Knowledge and mastery of classic culture
- 64 - Knowledge and mastery of bibliographic repertories
- 65 - Knowledge and mastery of the different resources of historical investigation
- 66 - Knowledge and mastery of the resources to encourage contextualized interest in history
Learning outcomes of the subject
1. Acquire knowledge on the essential characteristics of the person.
2. Know and understand what the great existential questions of the individual are.
3. Acquire knowledge on how one should behave and why.
4. Learne to make decisions for situations where there are ethical implications.
5. Be more sensitive to the fostering of respect, trust and friendliness among people.
6. Learne to evaluate the ethical consequences of our actions.
7. Acquire skills for oral and written communication.
8. Develope the ability to analyse and synthesise the information obtained in class and from the complementary material provided by the professor.
9. Improve reading comprehension skills.
10. Develop neatness habits in written documents and presentations.
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Master class
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
Continuous assessment
- First partial exam: 40% of the grade (March 22nd)
- Second partial exam: 40% of the grade (exam date scheduled by the Secretariat)
- Exercises and class participation: 20% of the grade. A series of qualifying exercises will be proposed as part of continuous assessment (written exercises or oral presentations).
- Additionally, it is possible to improve the grade by completing an optional philosophical paper. Submission of this paper is a mandatory requirement for those aiming for honors.
Single assessment
- Final exam (will be held on the same date as the second partial exam): 80% of the grade.
- Exercises and class participation: 20% of the grade. A series of qualifying exercises will be proposed as part of continuous assessment (written exercises or oral presentations).
For students participating in the third call and subsequent ones, the conditions are the same as for those in the first and second calls.
In the case of class overlaps (with other subjects), students can personally approach both course instructors to resolve their situation.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in any of the evaluative activities.
Spelling errors in any submissions will be addressed according to the faculty's regulations.
Bibliography and resources
Arregui, Vicente y Choza, Jacinto. Filosofía del hombre. Una antropología de la intimidad. Rialp, Madrid, 1993.
Conesa, Francisco y Nubiola, Jaime. Filosofía del lenguaje. Herder, Barcelona, 1999.
Polo, Leonardo. Quién es el hombre. Un espíritu en el tiempo. Rialp, Madrid, 1991.
Bofill, Jaume, «El corazón, lo más íntimo de la persona», en: Cristiandad, nº 150, Barcelona, 1950, pp.286-287.
Cassirer, Ernst, Antropología filosófica (Trad. Eugenio Ímaz), Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 2000.
Duch, Lluís; Chillón, Albert, Un ser de mediaciones. Antropología de la comunicación vol.1, Herder, Barcelona, 2012.
Forment, Eudaldo, Fenomenología descriptiva del lenguaje, Promociones Publicaciones Universitarias, Barcelona, 1984.
Torras i Bages, Josep, «El verb artístic», pp.111-64, en: Íd., Estètiques, Obres Completes, vol. 15, Balmes, Barcelona, 1936.